Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1765: Magic night

Qin Nan brow slightly wrinkled.

Just saying a few words?

This is the silence, what is the calculation?

"Don't this guy come here for me?"

There was a thought in the mind of Qin Nan.

"Qinnan Daoyou, I just asked you a few questions. There is absolutely nothing else, and you will not hang you. And you also saw that when you are in danger, I will rush to the first one."

When he saw that he had not responded, he said quickly.

Qinnan mouth slightly pumped.

This is a lonely, face is also very thick.

"Well, I promise you, how do we leave?"

Qin Nan slightly thought about it and nodded.

He does not believe in this silence, just want to ask a few questions so simple, and there must be something else that is tricky.

However, he has a masterless map and the soul of the **** of war, and he can also contact with the bronze mirror at any time, without fear.

"Hey, Qinnan Daoyou, you can rest assured, cooperate with me, and never lose."

In the eyes of the gloom, there was a glimpse of a slap in the air, and he immediately said: "In fact, you have all been cheated. The ice corpse in front of you is all just a fantasy."

Qin Nan was shocked and said: "The illusion? If it is a illusion, why isn’t my sorrow even a little bit tired?"

Although he has encountered a lot of things in the nine days of the fairyland, the **** of war can not be thorough, but will never see a little something.

"Your martial arts is indeed very powerful, but the illusion in front of you is a bit special. It is born in the heart. From the moment you walk into this temple, even your eyes are deceived."

Yuan Lian explained.

"Then why can you find out?"

Qin Nan’s heart has been convinced of three points and asked with great interest.

"Oh, this is also a poor luck, a Buddhist practice I practiced, Sakyamuni's heart, to be clear, clear, and heart-warming, although it is not useful, but the effect of the fantasy, the effect is surprisingly good."

The look of a lonely look is somewhat self-sufficient.

"It turned out to be."

Qin Nan believes in eight points.

There are many things in the world, and there are so many things that are originally related to each other.

"Then let's take it, take us into the depths."

Qin Nan said, suddenly, what I thought of, asked: "Since you can find out that this is a fantasy, then those people of Bodhi ancient temples can not find out?"

I’m so lonely, I have a bit of disdain in my eyes: “The old man also cultivated the Sakyamuni heart, but his realm is not high, and it takes a while to find clues.”

Qin Nan nodded secretly.

This is a peerless genius, and it is not simple. It is not as good as a hegemonic hegemon in a sect.

But this is also good, you can give them more time.

No more words were said about the silence. Two fat hands stretched out and instantly produced thousands of French seals. Four Buddha characters were drawn in the void, and they were respectively entered into the Qinnan four.

"Fat vulture! You want to do -"

The three demon kings glared at them.

Only when they had not finished speaking, they felt together with Qin Nan that all the sights in front of them suddenly twisted and the pieces collapsed and disappeared.

"what happened?"

"How many of them have disappeared?"

Zhu Xixian Wang, Jiang Juexian Wang, the ancient love fairy king, and so on, and the monks, soon noticed that the five people in the Qinnan culprits were disappeared, and their faces could not help but change.

"This is nothing..."

The gray clothes stunned people's minds, closed their eyes, and they felt it for a while, and they noticed something. They couldn't help but look ugly: "Damn, this place is a fantasy! The silence broke through the illusion and took them away." ”

When the words came out, everyone in the room was shocked.

After waiting for the gray clothes to swear, and then explain the reasons, everyone will understand.

"What do you mean by Bodhi ancient temples? Do you want to shelter Qinnan?"

Jiang Jue Xian Wang's face is somewhat ugly.

The monks of other forces, their faces are not very good-looking, although there is no deep hatred between them and Qinnan, but Qin Nan and others are taking a step forward and are likely to take the lead.

Sometimes, as long as you have a chance, the benefits you will get in the future.

"You have misunderstood the donors. Our Bodhi ancient temples regard Qinnan as an enemy, and so is the silence. It is just a modest way of doing things that is not poor and can be disciplined."

Gray clothes screamed and smiled.

"Predecessors, these words do not have to be said, please also quickly break the illusion."

Xu Lai and Xiao Yiyu and others, quickly said.

"it is good."

The gray-haired monks did not deny and began to produce a single Buddha seal.

At the same time, the mysterious glass palace, the real first layer.

The pure immortality that pervades every inch of the void is still extremely vast and amazing, but the ice and snow corpse is completely absent.

Instead, it is a vast expanse of ancient, vicissitudes, and desolate ancient ruins.

When the five people in Qinnan looked at it at the same time, they saw a lot of broken and broken palaces. The palaces of different sizes stood still. Although there was no such thing as the weather, it still gave people a sense of greatness.

"I rely!"

Suddenly, the gossip demon and the silence were swearing at the same time.

In the eyes of Qin Nan, there was also a hint of shock.

When they looked at the nearest palace, they found that within the decaying lobby, hundreds of monks dressed in blood-stained armor were erected.

On the innermost wall of the lobby is a black axe.

The big axe is dull, but in the depths, there is a flow of thought and thought.

Obviously, this is a handle!

Moreover, in other nearby palaces, there are either weapons or ancient paintings, bronze lamps, etc., as well as some medicinal herbs and scriptures scattered on the ground.

These are all roads!

Those medicinal herbs and scriptures are probably very extraordinary.

More crucially, among the ancient ruins in front of them, like this broken palace, there are no less than a thousand!

If there is a road in every palace, there are thousands of pieces!

This, what is the ancient ruins, clearly is a huge treasure!

"Look... that... there seems to be a giant door."

The blood eye suddenly noticed.

Qin Nan and other people's minds and micro-shocks, quickly staring at it, not surprisingly, in the distance behind the many palaces, between the vague, there is a round wooden door with a height of 30 feet and a width of eight feet.

The wooden door was not closed, and it was slightly opened. The inside was dark and I didn't know where to go. Especially on the wooden frame, a strange pattern was engraved, exuding the inexplicable majesty.

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