Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1768: Cross-border

The latest chapter of the peerless war soul!

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight chapters cross the road

At this moment, the wooden door is deep and in the valley.

"No... it won't trigger the murder and ban in this place?"

The repairing face is a little pale.

It's not that he is timid, but that he only has the realm of the fairyland in the district. If you just pick something, you can kill him.

"The little bastard, the mouth is clean, where will be so bad!"

The gossip demon face is black, and a slap in the back of the head of the repairing god.

However, his heart is actually very bland, and he has already prepared the means in the dark. The situation is a bit unsatisfactory, and he is ready to escape.

Soon, the change is over.

I saw that on the smooth mountain wall, countless roads run into a ladder, forming an ancient ladder, straight into the sky, I do not know where to go.

Moreover, the entire ladder squats on the body, crystal clear, actually is a lot of light, people can not help but give birth to a mysterious and mysterious feeling.

"Across the road, how can this happen?"

The gossip demon and the lonely face all showed a sigh of relief.

“Across the road?”

The Qinnan trio looked at the two.

"You don't know. There are so many places in the nine-day fairyland that you can't pass. Even if you only have one step, you can't go through it. Once you pass, you have to die, especially mysterious."

"Therefore, in the ancient times, a perfect nine-day supreme, refining this cross-strait fairy ladder, specifically used to cross these places. Just to refine the cross-story ladder, it takes a very large price."

“Even if they are all incompetent, the ancient Bais are rarely built.”

"After all, it doesn't make much sense most of the time."

Yuan Lian explained.

“That is to say, there is a place that cannot be crossed, so a cross-channel fairy ladder is built, so that people can cross the past and enter another place?”

Qinnan asked.

"indeed so……"

Gossip demon nodded and suddenly noticed something, and a face instantly became very excited: "I rely! We are very likely to enter, not the depth of this relic, the top of the cross-story ladder, is the deepest Where."

This ancient ruins has hundreds of devices on the periphery!

In this canyon, there are also two Xianfu-class heavenly treasures!

What is the deepest point?

Moreover, at the beginning of entering the ancient palace of Liuli, there was a shocking konjac. It is very likely that this deepest point has the treasure of the magic road, and the magic road inherits!

"Oh, this is incredible."

The silence is also a slap in the face, and the eyes are full of Buddha light.

He has now been completely attracted to this deepest point, even when he came to this place, the original purpose was left behind by him.

Even Qin Nan is also a move in the heart.

Nowadays, these two heavenly treasures have already arrived, and he has no worries in his mind for the time being. He can completely let go of his hands and feet.

However, the five people have not yet started to act, and there is nothing in the air, nowhere in every corner of the valley.

Everything in the invisible is twisted for one.

Qin Nan, Yuan Lian, and the Eight Diagrams Devils suddenly realized what they were, and their eyes fell on the strange pattern on the ground where the traces were dim and the breath was dead.

A glimpse of brilliance, flashing from it without any indication.

Obviously, they are 'waking up'.

Although there is still no complete "wake up", the Qinnan trio are all shrinking and feel an inexplicable terrorist danger.


At the moment, among the ancient remains.

"Ten Wu blood ban! How can this place make such a terrible prohibition?"

Jiang Juexian Wang took a deep breath and thought that he would immediately enter the wooden door and disappear instantly.

"This place is very weird. Why is it that it is not clear?"

The ancient fairy king shook his head.

"Dare to ask the ancients, this is the blood ban, what is it?"

Among the many monks, Xiao Yiyu couldn't help but ask.

Is this prohibition so terrible?

"The ten sorcerer's blood ban, to be precise, is eleven bans, ten bans, one blood ban, which is the pattern portrayed on this wooden frame."

The ancient emperor smiled and said: "Once they are motivated, the higher the person is, the greater the impact will be. If it is in its heyday, it will kill nine days of supreme."

She paused and added a sentence: "The ten sorcerer's blood ban here, after so long years of erosion, should have lost this power, but it is also terrible."

When this is said, all the monks will change color.

In the peak period, kill nine days of supreme!

This ten witch blood ban is too horrible, right?

"Ancient feelings, as you think, what do we do next?"

Zhu Yuxian asked Shen Sheng.

"We can first take down the various sects in the hall, and wait until the time has entered the door, even if it triggers the blood ban, it can resist."

The ancient emperor Wang slightly thought about it and said: "As for Qinnan, they are not afraid. There are ten sorrows in the blood, they can't look down on any storms, and they can't take any surprises and inheritance."

When the words came out, the great kings thought a little, and they nodded.

This situation can only be done this way.

"That, the ancient love fairy king, Qin Nan, if they triggered the ten witch blood ban?"

Xu Lai couldn't help but ask, he didn't know why, after the things of Wanxianxianlou, he always felt that Qinnan was a strange person.

It seems that everything is normal. After meeting him, it becomes abnormal.

This time, the ancient emperor king has not yet opened, Jiang Juexian Wang will be disdainful, saying: "Qinnan is not a fairy peak, he triggers one or two of the ten witch blood bans. But let alone we are tired."

Xu Lai heard a sigh of relief.

"You friends, let's take a shot."

Zhu Xixian Wang waved his hand and didn't want to waste time in a Qinnan area. It was a matter of fact.

"it is good!"

The kings of the great kings immediately dissipated and rushed into the palaces.

Between the time, countless explosions sounded in succession in all directions.

Although these congenital soldiers can still form a stagnation and ban, but the gap with the hegemonic hegemony is too big. Between almost one or two interest, the ash that was destroyed is annihilated.

One piece of the device, also covered by the overlord, has been in the bag.

"Xu elder, which palace do we go to attack?"

A monk of Wanxianxianlou asked, pressing down the voice.

"Let me consider……"

Xu came to run the sputum and swept away.

At this moment, a slight noise was introduced into his ear, and his gaze glanced subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, under this shackle, Huanren instantly shrank.

Inside the frame of a strange pattern, there is a picture cracked!

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