Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1774: Weird place

The first seven hundred and seventy-four chapters are strange places

"This is indeed the four evils, but they are the last four in the rankings. The situation should be that people are living and being transformed into statues and placed here."

Said in vain.

"Is it made into a statue?"

Qin Nan, the Eight Diagrams of the Devil and others have exposed the stunned eyes.

It is a huge handwriting to make a statue of the four evils into a statue.

Of course, they are not too surprised. The statues of these four evils are quite different from the ancient temples of the Eight Diagrams and the blood of the drops.

"I am not letting you see these four unlucky ones. I am letting you have a quick look. The two statues are not ancestors' portraits!"

The death came to light, and the tone was somewhat unpleasant.

"What? The two are the portraits of the ancestors?"

The silence and the spirits of the Eight Diagrams Devils were all stunned, and the body shape flashed at the same time. They immediately came to the two strange humanoid statues and carefully observed them.

"What is the ancestors' portrait?"

Qin Nan looks a little curious.

"You don't even know this?"

In the eyes of the dying, there was a trace of disdain, and immediately said: "In the rumor, at the beginning of the birth of the nine days of Xianyu, there were only one hundred and eight lives. They were there and there were demons. In later generations, they were called ancestors."

"These ancestors, somehow, have become statues, scattered between the heavens and the earth. Each of their statues has unparalleled power and is also involved in ancient secrets."

It said that here, after a meal, the voice was low: "And, it has been said that anyone who can gather the ancestors' portraits will have the power to open up the world."

Hearing this, Rao is Qin Nan, and his heart can not help but set off a wave.

Open up the world?

This ancestors' portrait is so terrible?

"Of course, in the end, can you open up the world? No one knows this, and I think this is a fake, but in any case, if you can really complete the portraits, it is definitely a chance!"

Having said that, the eyes of the dead have become hot.

In its view, no matter the blood of the devil, and the ancient temples of the Eight Diagrams and the statues of the four evils, they are far less than the portraits of the ancestors.

"This pattern, this special atmosphere, is indeed a portrait of the ancestors! There is once in our Bodhi ancient temple, but I did not know why I lost it. I didn't expect to see it now."

After a moment of observation, I couldn’t help but say with emotion.

"Yes, yes, this ancestors have had the privilege of seeing the trough before!"

The gossip demon nodded, just halfway, the corner of his eyes, what he saw, the whole person was shocked.

"How come you are surprised? Want to scare the uncle?"

Lonely gave him a look.

"Gossip, what did you find?"

Qin Nan and others immediately asked.

"Look, this stone tablet should be the legendary tombstone in the legend! The painting behind the tombstone is the painting of the disappearance of life and death! Also, the broken weapon is the **** supreme life. Daoji"

The impact of the Eight Diagrams Devils on this time is not even ambiguous, and it’s almost incoherent.

"Anonymous tombstone? An unnamed tombstone standing on top of ten bones?"

"The painting of birth and death? Isn't that the illusion of our sect, the second treasure of the town that was lost more than a thousand years ago?"

In the dead, the silence and the goodness of the gods, the mind is a shock.

Qin Nan and the blood eye, although they have no understanding of these things, but listening to what they said, they can understand how precious these things are.

"How can there be so many treasures here? Normally, it is very rare to meet one thing! What is this place?"

The gossip demon whispered to himself, but when it came to the end, he suddenly realized what it was, and the sound stopped abruptly, and the man was slightly shrunk.

Not only him, but also Qin Nan, dying, dead, and so on.

A drop of magic blood, gossip temple, ancestors' portraits, nameless tombstones, paintings of birth and death, four evil statues, and some nine-day supreme natal devices.

What is this place?

Why, will there be so many treasures?

The most important thing is that every piece of treasure here has nothing to do with each other. They are all together, and they are probably artificial.

Then, in the end, what is the sacredness, can you achieve this?

For a time, the entire temple was silent.

Qinnan and others, after thinking about this, they all took a breath.

Even the original gossip, the dead, and the dead, all seem to have been poured a cold water.

As the saying goes, there must be a demon in the abnormal situation!

In this place, the use of abnormalities is not enough to describe it.

According to their knowledge and experience, everything here must be related to the existence of terrible terror. If it is traded, it will be murdered!

The treasures of this piece are indeed very attractive. Once they are obtained, the benefits are endless. It is not an exaggeration to describe it with a change of life.

But the premise is that you have to live in this world!

"Cut, are you not very excited just now? How are you all smashed now?"

At this time, a voice full of scornful voice and a slightly tender voice sounded.


Qin Nan and others are all sweaty, the body is tight, and Xianli is running.

After their cultivation, after entering the ancient temple of the Eight Diagrams, for such a long time, they did not find the existence of the other party?

"Hey, have you made a mistake, you are all five big three big old men, actually still so timid?"

The tender voice is even more contemptuous.

Qin Nan and others reacted at this time and looked at the sound. At first glance, the look was all stunned.

I saw only one, about twelve or three years old, with two ponytails, skin like snow, delicate facial features, wearing a white base, covered with golden stripes, giving a sense of powder and jade The girl, standing in the stone pool, looked at them with a pair of eyes.

In addition, on the girl's eyebrows, there is a symbol of a blue moon that is invisible, and the symbol is filled with an unimaginable essence.

This fairy meaning is almost exactly the same as the immortality in this fairy tales, but the immortality within this symbol is more powerful and mysterious than the immortality of other places.

"The same immortality, the symbol in the eyebrows, you are not the Taoist of this fairy land?"

The Gossip Devil whispered a few words, suddenly thought of something, and broke the sentence.

"Hey, you are a devil, but it’s a bit of eyesight. Yes, this queen is the Tao of this extraordinary place, Ling Xiao!"

The little girl raised her chin and her face was full of pride.

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