Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1830: Land without fairy

After a low sigh, Qin Nan immediately looked at it. He saw only a few hundred holes in the south, and there were more than 30 black holes that were twisted. Each black hole was covered with scented scent. Light, quietly suspended.

"It is the Fairy Light Tunnel. If you step into it, you will be transferred to another place!"

The look of dying is slightly hilarious: "It seems that we are very lucky. Generally, the places that arrive through the Fairy Light Tunnel are extraordinary, and there is a great chance to inherit the ancient heritage!"

Qin Nan’s face was hesitant.

Entering this fairy tunnel, it looks really good, but if it is transmitted far away, how can he go to the corpse near Tianmen?

"Qin Nan, don't hesitate, and then you will die in this desert, and you must keep your life! And, this is what the Fairy Tunnel is pointing to, and it is very likely to be in this depth!"

In the death, he screamed, and Qin Nan’s body was shocked. He felt the amazing killings from the rear, and he bit his teeth. He showed a cross-sky strike and instantly entered a tunnel of fairy light.

Qin Nan only felt that the body was stiff, and everything around him was changing rapidly.

After a full breath, he stopped and his body shape fell into another world.

Qinnan looked up in the subconscious, and saw that at the end of the East, the incomparable Tianmen of the stalwart still stood still and bloomed infinitely.

Qin Nan immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The place they came to is still in this depth, and the distance from Tianmen seems to be close.

"I rely on this place... Is it the land of the legendary land?"

The dying is full of surprise sounds.

Qinnan looked at the Quartet and saw only the surrounding land. It showed a strange black, the trees and flowers were very dense, and the colors were different.

The most important thing is that no matter what is here or in the void in this place, there is no trace of immortality, and there is no trace of aura.

You know, even in the most barren places in the lower bounds, there is more or less aura.

"Haha, Qinnan, you probably don't know, but if there is no land of immortality, there must be a treasure of existence! And, the level will never be weaker than the Buddha temple we met before!"

I couldn’t help but laugh.

"Not weaker than that Buddha temple? Hey, today's luck is really good!"

Qin Nan’s eyes lit up and immediately flew forward.

There is also a very big advantage in this land of immortality. Because there is no aura and immortality, there is no prohibition or killing in this place.

If you encounter a heavy treasure, as long as there are no other monks competing, then you will inevitably get it.


After flying for a few thousand interest, at the end of the front, a violent explosion broke out and rushed into the sky. Even if it was far away, Qin Nan and Ming dynasty could feel a very noble atmosphere.

“Hey? How did the treasures there be born on their own? But it’s just right, saving us a lot of trouble.”

In the eyes of the dead, it is rare to show a hint of excitement.

At the same time, its heart can not help but be a little surprised.

Qin Nan, the descendant of the fifth centurion of the celestial beings, is really terrible. It has been in the middle of a dozen small fairy tales, has gone to many forbidden places, and has not encountered A land without a fairy.

"Maybe, after breaking the shackles, it’s not bad to follow this kid. Now there’s no evil, if I go any further..."

In the heart of the darkness.

Now that Baobao has been born, the speed of Qinnan has naturally increased a lot. After the past seven hundred interest rates, he stopped.

Now in front of him is a very huge canyon, like an ancient dragon lying on the ground, the canyon is even more purple, even the power of the **** of war, can not see the bottom.

Qin Nan Xian Li runs in the dark, and his body flies into the canyon.

"That is--"

Qin Nan and the death of a dying look forward, at first glance, Huanren are all shrinking together.

I saw only the middle of the canyon, standing with a width of more than 30 feet, up to more than five hundred feet, densely covered with numerous golden lines, the whole body is purple giant column.

The purple light of the entire canyon is scattered by this giant pillar, and in the column, the incomparable and amazing ancient will, seems to break through all the things in this world, and to make a huge hole in the sky.

"This purple pillar is unusual. Even if it is older than the old temple of Gossip, I am afraid it will be stronger!"

The sorrow sighed.

“It’s really a good thing, let’s try to see if it can be brought to the fore –”

Qin Nan’s hand was printed with a knot, and he was ready to play Xianli.

However, at this moment, a scream of screaming like a thunder, blasting in the canyon of Nuo Da: "Who?"

As the voice fell, a purple man in front of him, out of a figure surrounded by a blue-blue flame, and a woman dressed in a black long skirt, full of grace, full of mature charm.

And, in their bodies, they all exude the pressure of the hegemony!

Qin Nan’s heart glimpsed and looked up. At first glance, his face changed immediately: “Zhu Yuxian Wang, Ancient Love King!”

If he encounters other Gai Shi hegemons here, the other party may not be able to deal with him because of his identity. However, he and the two Geshi overlords are like a fire.

"How come you met them?"

The face of dying has also become ugly.

Zhu Yanxian Wang and the ancient fairy king look also stunned.

They didn't think of it anyway. They had surprised and angered them a while ago, and the culprit that they wanted to kill and then quickly appeared in front of them.

However, at this time, there was another voice full of anger, and it rang: "I wish you, old love, who is it? Why didn't you both move?"

With the sound falling, there are 18 figures, there are men and women, each out of the purple mans in front, each of them has exuding the amazing Gai Pai pressure.

Not only that, the eighteen figures, Qin Nan has a lot of familiar, there are the kings of the ancient islands, Wanzhongxian Lou, the hegemonic hegemony, there are also the extremely gates, the unfamiliar family of the hegemony, a total of fifteen!

In other words, there are only three Patriarchs here, and there is nothing to do with him.

"Qin Nan? You came here?"

After the Qinhe overlord saw Qinnan, he was also full of horror.

"I rely!"

Even if he died, he couldn’t help but swear, and his face was green.

Say good air transport?

How did you meet an enemy here?

And still met a dozen Gestapo hegemons in one breath!

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