Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1838: The fourteenth no-system


The nine kings of the Supreme, the Supreme Supreme, and so on, the face became shocked and angry.

What shocked them was that the power of the people behind this scene has reached such a terrible level.

They are angry that a nine-day supreme depravity will not only make their big forces, but also have a very big impact.

Moreover, they have dispatched so many giants this time, and they have come together. The result is still not blocking the people behind the scenes.

This is equivalent to being slap in the face of several loud slaps!

They are not just a big loss, this big event will inevitably be passed down to the world!

"Dare to ask which one is powerful, and at the expense of the entire nine-day monk monk, how should we treat our nine forces?"

A powerful old voice, rolling between the heavens and the earth.

Among the eyes of the people, there were five more old men. One had a white hair hanging from the heel, one was like a fire, and one was like an old tree. The shape was different. It made people look at it and it was hard to forget.

Not only that, after they appeared, the sages of the Supreme Lords, such as the King of the Supreme, the Supreme Supreme, and so on, are no longer so stalwart, and are no longer the only ones between heaven and earth. They seem to be blocked by an indescribable mountain. The light.

"See the elders!"

Lan Wang Supreme, Supreme Supreme, and so on, nine days of Supreme, quickly salute.

"These old people -"

Some of the monks who barely returned to the bottom of the story, and then the waves of trouble.

Only now did they realize that in the midst of this great storm, the nine major forces were dispatched not only by the nine-day supreme, but by the more horrific ancient giants.

"Let these old guys stay in the dark and want to shoot at the most critical time. Is this a big loss?"

There was a gloating glory in the Supreme Beauty.


In the depths of the six-way restricted area in the front, suddenly a ray of celestial light was picked up, and like a peerless wave, it surged, and the terrible power that emerged from it, even if it annihilated the Yellow River, was greatly affected, and the river was boiling. .

"Would you like it?"

The sword is supreme and beautiful.

The five old men did not move like mountains, their eyes were like a torch, but their faces became solemn.

Soon, this celestial light stopped.

In the eyes of the people, there are twenty black robes, each holding an eccentric ancient weapon in their hands, with different instruments attached.

The three black robes, who are headed, exude a shudder of all things. Although they do not release the pressure and release the momentum completely, they can also be perceived. This is the three nine-day supreme!

“Putianism? Is this all that you are doing behind the scenes?”

The five old men looked like water and couldn't see the joys and sorrows.

The King of the Supreme, the Supreme Supreme, and so on, the nine-day sages, the eyes are more or less icy, but the situation is no longer presided over by them, so they speak.

“People of the ancient world?”

“Is there such a great ability in the ancient world?”

"If the ancient priests have already set up ambushes, it is not impossible! But is it necessary to provoke a great war?"

The myriad of monks among the two ancient cities are hard to describe.

From the beginning of this big storm, all the changes, whether it is the level of force involved or other levels, are far from being understandable.

They are a group of spectators, the only thing they can do, I am afraid it will only be shocked.

"Several little friends, don't misunderstand. The people who teach the ancients are just looking for me to do something for me. Give these nine supreme daggers, but I do."

At this moment, a faint voice rang.

Among the celestial gods, one figure walked out first, dressed in a black robe, with no expression on his face, so that Qin Nan’s scorpion was violently shrunk.

This figure is actually Qiu Hong!

Then, another figure came out.

This is a young man with dark hair and white face. There are three pale red lines on his forehead. The corners of his mouth have a light smile. If it is not a very old atmosphere on his body, it will make people I mistakenly thought that this is the son of a big family.

"This breath -"

Qin Nan’s soul trembled and a figure emerged in his mind.

One of the top ten immortals of the ancient times, the animal skin scroll!

His memory of the past life born in the sea was captured by this animal skin.

Just somehow, this animal skin scroll turned into a young man.

"Dare to ask the predecessors to honor their names?"

The five old men did not have any contempt for the appearance of the animal skin scroll, nor did they show the slightest anger and sorrow, but instead of being humble and bowed.

"Just by you, I am not yet qualified to know my name, unless it is for those of you who are sleeping, those who are sleeping, wake up and have some qualifications."

The animal skin scroll faintly laughed, and then in the eyes of the public, he recruited a fairy table, a futon, and he sat on the futon. Qiu Hong immediately went up and took out a set of antique tea sets and skillfully brewed tea.

Not only intentionally or unintentionally, this tea is incredibly rich, and instantly penetrates into the nose of every monk present.

At this moment, the feelings of all the monks in the scene, I have no idea how to describe it. The nine kings of the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Supreme, and so on, are gently sucking the air.

In front of the nine dead bodies of blood that have not yet been cold, put a table and drink tea, and talk with a smile. The mysterious youth in front of them is completely ignoring their nine major forces!

However, they do not have much anger now.

Because of their respective forces, the ancient giants who are sleeping, but really are over the existence of the nine-day supreme.

In front of this mysterious youth, dare to say that the ancient giants can barely talk to him, then the strength and identity of this young man is not -

The five old men were very sullen, and after a few breaths, the fire-fighting old man asked: "Predecessors, our nine forces, should be innocent with you? Why do seniors want to beheaded here? ?"

"The strength of the predecessors is indeed very strong. The peak period must be stepped into the existence of that situation, but according to my view, the strength of the predecessors has not yet recovered, and it has not entered the realm."

"I have angered our nine major forces. If they really fight, the seniors will not get any benefit."

The animal skin scroll did not answer, but smiled lightly, until after drinking a cup of ancient tea, he shrugged his shoulders: "It is true, I have no enemies with your nine major forces. But no way, they are not lucky, you guys Also bad luck."

"I just returned to the world, the general point, telling some old guys that I haven't died yet, but also telling all the monks in the nine days of Xianyu."

"The fourteenth unsuccessful system will soon be established, and sincerely invite people with lofty ideals to join."

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