Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1842: No door

The word "waste" has not been heard in Qinnan for a long time.

However, there was nothing in his heart, because he had already regarded the animal skin as his enemy.

The animal skin scroll also hates him very much, but the former seems to want to prove something in front of him, and he has never shot him.

Of course, there may be white-blue flowers.

The sword is supreme but not dry, and the face is not pleasing: "You said that he is a waste, then why don't you have the white and blue flowers? Are you not even waste?"

The animal skin scroll is not angry, but a little self-deprecating: "You are right, in some respects, I am indeed even worse than waste. After all, this waste has been born for a lifetime..."

Having said that, he suddenly felt shocked and said nothing.

Qin Nan brows slightly wrinkled, said: "What is the white and blue flower?"

Although he would like to ask himself who he was in the past life, he must not be able to tell him about the attitude of the animal skin scroll.

Moreover, with his current cultivation, he couldn't hurt the animal skin and it was only a matter of understanding as much as possible.

The animal skin scroll glanced at him and said faintly: "It is no problem to tell you that this flower is accompanied by the law that does not invade the Eucharist. It has a very strange ability."

"It is also this ability that allows this body to sit firmly on the throne of the ancient first body."

"Just, Big Brother has not left you with no master map. Otherwise, with the power of the masterless map, you can gradually make it reach an unprecedented state of completeness."

When he talked about the unintentional map, his eyes passed a trace of heat.

This is also the reason why he stayed in Qinnan. Although there is no body in Qinnan, the big brother must have laid down the means, so Qinnan can be obtained in the future.

No master map, that is the master's life!

"What ability?"

Qinnan heart moved.

"Do you think I will tell you now?"

The animal skin scroll looked at him with disdain and said: "Don't talk nonsense."

With his big hand and wave, two huge invisible forces fell on Qin Nan and the Sword of the Supreme. The three figures were flying at the speed of this battlefield at an alarming speed.

Qinnan no longer asks more, but looks at the surrounding scenery.

After a while, he finally realized why the depths of this Tianmen attracted so many nine days of supreme and did not hesitate to come in.

The other singular shape, the magic weapon that is shining the amazing fairy light, each of which exudes the atmosphere of destroying the earth and destroying the earth, is absolutely above the existence of the Taoist.

Others of the heavens and earth treasures, as well as inheritance, do not mention, Qin Nan does not understand, but from the temperament of the breath, can be barely judged, definitely beyond that piece of magic.

This place is completely a shocking place.

Of course, it is also a big murder.

The murder and ban, which is hidden in the dark, and the behemoth that is sleeping, all have unparalleled power.

If it weren't for the animal skin paintings, they would not be so easy to go deep into the depths, even with the swordsmanship.


After a few thousand interest, the animal skin scroll stopped.

Qin Nan and the Sword Supreme immediately saw that now they came to a very dark forest, and at the end of it, stood a bronze door with a thousand feet and a lot of rust.

In the middle of the gate, there are also two old characters, no phase!

In addition, in this not far from the copper door, there is a famous black robe, who fell to the ground, motionless, like a sculpture.

Even if Qin Nan and others came, their eyes did not move.

These are the monks of the ancient religions. Two of them are the nine-day supreme giants, and the rest are the existence of the hegemonic level.

"You are now going under this ancient door, sitting cross-legged, and don't care about anything else."

The animal skin scrolls faintly said: "Also remind you that I have already paid you, so it is best not to make other ideas, otherwise I don't mind giving up your woman."

Qin Nan’s eyes were cold, but he did not say anything. He walked under the ancient door and sat down on his knees.

"Bronze mirror, what do you do now?"

Qin Nan asked.

"I don't know the origin of this doorless door, but I have seen a sentence at the beginning, and I have no return to life, reappearing the bright moon of the year."

Flying over the female emperor did not bring the slightest feelings of sound: "This sentence is well understood, the animal skin scroll into this area, it should be to reproduce something in that year."

"You do what he says."

Qin Nan nodded, although he did not understand the intention of flying over the female emperor, but he is already fully trusting the latter.

Time passed by, and soon it was half-column.

Among the outside world, there are still one storm after another, but these are not related to the Liuhe restricted area.

Instead, the current Liuhe restricted area has entered an unprecedented level of tranquility.

After thousands of interest, thousands of interest, deep in the Tianmen, in the dark forest, the cold and dead copper door, under the invisible influence of the white and blue flowers, finally reacted.

An ancient line of light began to shine, a pair of incomparably ancient patterns, gradually outlined, and opened a very strange moment of the air.

The one who was the nine-day supreme and the hegemonic lord of the ancient sect of the heavens, was full of joy, and recited a curse in his mouth, and continued to bow down.

"What kind of white and blue flower do you really use? I can wake it up in advance. At that time, my knife was in response to the Supreme Court, is it because of it?"

The sword was so beautiful that she saw her, and when she saw Qin Nan nodded, she flashed a trace of color in her beauty. She said: "The next time I will take you to a place."

It seems to have thought of the wonders of that place, and her mouth twitched the curvature of the good look, beautiful.

"Well? The ancient taboos are still very fast."

The animal skin scroll, which has been closed for a long time, has a sneer on his face, and the coldness of the killing is unobtrusive.

"You and the ancient taboos also have hatred?"

There is some accident in the knife.

"This is too old taboo, is it the origin?"

Qin Nan could not help but ask.

"You have a lot of problems... Look at the fact that the door of nowhere has been awakened by you, then tell you. Although our top ten sects do not belong to the same camp, they are both deadly enemies."

When the animal skin scroll is said here, there is a trace of disdain in the eyes. "As for its origins, there is nothing remarkable. It is just the next dog that will bite people."


Qin Nan and the Supreme Supreme glance at each other, all see a trace of doubt from the other party's eyes, especially the latter, she used to be the first to exist, for most of the secrets, already know.

However, the name Cang, she heard it for the first time.

"The existence of Cang, not what you can find now, don't ask."

The animal skin scrolls one finger and hits a jade slip. It is cold and said: "This is a map to go out. Let's go, move fast, don't let the ancient taboos find out."

"In addition, you have already come to the depths of this Tianmen, you can only follow the map, otherwise you will enter some places, and no one can keep you."

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