Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1962: Evil temple

Qinnan is now located on a mountain with a height of tens of thousands of feet, surrounded by ancient trees, birds and flowers, and aura.

Qin Nan closed his eyes and felt quietly. It was only after a thousand interest that he slowly opened his mouth and his mouth floated with a faint smile.

Although he was very strange and had never seen it all around this time, his chest had an inexplicable warmth.

This piece of heaven and earth records everything he has done.


Suddenly, the violent winds of the mountains and the big sky have become colorful, and various visions have evolved.

"Qin Nan, I didn't expect you to return to the mainland."

A majestic voice came from nothing.

"It's you?"

Qin Nan is very surprised: "Do you have the wisdom now?"

This majestic voice is the original rule of the heavens and the earth in the vast continent. In the confrontation with the Emperor, the gods, and the Nantianmen, it stood on the side of Qinnan.

However, it was still very weak at the time.

"When Nantianmen, Emperor's List and God's List were defeated, I mastered the origin of the mainland, and naturally I have the wisdom."

The majestic voice smiled and said: "But compared with you, it is still too far away. You have been to the nine days of Xianyu for more than a year, and it has become the giant of the hegemonic hegemony!"

Its voice is full of surprises, even if it is expected in the same year, Qinnan will shine in the nine days of Xianyu, shocked the eight parties, and did not expect that Qinnan would do so.

"If you don't have these extra words, you don't have to say it. Come here, what are you looking for?"

Qin Nan smiled and waved.

"Qin Nan, your cultivation is too horrible. Although the mainland is now a bit stronger than it used to be, it can't bear your cultivation. You have to suppress it in the realm of humanity."

The majestic voice smiled bitterly.

Just the moment when Qin Nan descended, it suddenly raised a feeling that the mainland is about to collapse.

"You can rest assured."

Qin Nan nodded.

"There is another thing. After you left, the mainland has created a new big power called the Temple of Evil. The owner of this evil temple wants to refine the entire sky, which is very tricky."

"Also, in today's second lower bounds, the vast mainland can only be regarded as medium, and several other high-level continents have always been eyeing the vast mainland..."

The majestic voice continued.

Qin Nan didn't have a good air: "How did you make this original rule? I am so hard to come back now, you want me to solve these things with you?"

The majestic voice coughed and said: "In the monks of the vast mainland, you are the **** of the sky. These things should have been yours."

Qin Nan rolled his eyes and said: "Well, I know this thing. I am going to remove the evil temple. I will find an opportunity to call the original rules. Let's talk."

"Okay, I will do it right away!"

The voice is not majestic and it is a joy.

Qin Nan shook his head, but he could understand the mood of the original rules of the world. There will always be giants coming down on nine days, and there will be more powerful mainland staring. This taste is also very uncomfortable.

Similarly, the original rules of the world also want to make yourself stronger.

Qin Nan understands this very well and does not mind taking shots.

After all, when the flying over returned to the sky, it had already laid the means, and would not let the original rules of heaven and earth become the former Emperor, the gods, and the South Gate.

In the sky, the vision dissipated.

Qin Nan suddenly thought that the Cangwu mainland has now passed at least a few decades, and there must have been many changes. He should look for the original rules of heaven and earth to get a good understanding.

"Sister, that's there!"

"The vision has just appeared, there must be a treasure to be born there!"

Just then, a few voices sounded, a short blue hair, a young man in a robe, a black-haired shoulder, a young man in a treasure suit, and a delicate, hot girl. I flew together.

Qin Nan looked up and saw that the two young people were repaired by Wu Shengyu, and the girl reached the realm of half-step Wuzu.

It is so old that there are such repairs. These three people are obviously on the mainland of the sky.

"Well? Who are you?"

The blue short hair youth took the lead to see Qin Nan, stopped his body and asked in a voice.

"In the Qinnan."

Qin Nan smiled lightly.

"Qin Nan?"

The faces of the three men were flush.

"Your name, who gave it to you, even a name with the **** of the sky!"

The black-haired shoulder-shoulder youth did not have a good air: "You better change it earlier. The three of us are good-tempered. If you run into a bad temper, you may be jealous of you!"

Qin Nan touched his nose and said: "You misunderstood, I am the "God of the sky" Qinnan.

The three faces looked again, and then they slammed at the same time.

"Ha ha ha! You want to be a Qinnan predecessor want to be crazy? If you are the **** of the sky, then I am still Wuyuan Pavilion, the source of the Tianshan Lord, the warrior patriarch!"

The black-haired shoulder-shoulders couldn’t help but laugh, blue short-haired youth and hot girls, and they were full of laughter.

In the great cities of the mainland of Cangwu, among the great forces, in addition to the temple of evil spirits, there are statues of Qinnan, the appearance of Qinnan, they also remember very clearly.

But in front of this person, in addition to the contour of the face, where is the Qinnan predecessor?

Besides, the Qinnan predecessors have already been on the land for nine days. How can they appear on the mainland?

"Oh my mom, my stomach hurts."

The black-haired shoulder-shoulders licked their stomachs and finally calmed down. "Although you are a little crazy, it is very interesting. My name is Chang Le. He is Chang Qing. This is our sister, Xiao Ling. child."

"Speaking out is not afraid to scare you, the three of us are disciples of the nine-character ancient sea, my sister Xiao Linger, but the top ten genius on the list!"

Xiao Linger rolled his eyes: "You don't care about him, he likes Joseph."

Having said that, she lifted her exquisite chin, which is incomprehensible. It is obviously very proud to be the top 30 in this ranking.

Qin Nan was curious and said: "What is the so-called list of this place?"

Chang Qing’s face was full of horror: “Qin Xiong, you don’t even know this? The top-notch forces such as the Jiuzi Ancient Sea, the demon ban, the warrior, the heavenly family, and the lost medicine garden have joined forces in the sanctuary of the Second Continent. The list and the list."

"The existence of these two lists is a genius with no one in the world, the future emperor, the **** of war."

Qin Nan is a bit surprised: "Why do the major forces want to build these two lists?"

Chang Qing and Chang Le are both a ghost expression.

Xiao Linger was also amazed, but he quickly reacted and said: "Daoyou, have you been practicing in the mountains for decades? I don't know what happened in the outside world?"

"In the fifth year of Qin Miao's first year, we have a group of mysterious powerhouses in the mainland, and established a temple of evil spirits. Even if the major forces join forces, they can only fight with it."

"In order to counter the evil temple, the major forces have created the list of land and the list of heavens, attracting young monks from all walks of life, giving great resources to let these young monks grow up, and to fight against the evil temples in the future."

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