Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 1983: Stunning double thief

Soon after, Qin Nan returned to Jiutian Xianyu.

His figure was actually in a barren land.

“Congratulations to gambling and respecting adults, successfully removing the temple of the evil temple and rewarding the three-door martial arts.”

In his mind, a reverent voice soon sounded, and a glimpse of the fairy light did not know where it came from, and fell into his hand, forming a jade slip.

"There is still a reward for Taoism? It seems that there are many benefits to go to this twenty-fourth holy district!"

Qinnan eyes brightened.

Each doorway technique is more precious in the nine days of Xianyu.

Of course, Qin Nan does not know that those who are good at gambling, because he is a gambler, so there are many benefits, like some others, only a few sensations.

After collecting the jade, Qin Nan glanced at the storage bag, and many of the tokens were lit up, and Qin Nan swept away.

There is nothing more than the wind and the sage of the scorpion, just ask him what state he is now, and he got the chance.

There are also ninety-nine articles from the Eight Diagrams Devils, of which ninety-eight are re-invigorating Qinnan, and one is asking where Qinnan is.

What makes Qin Nan even more surprised is that the admiration of the Dragon and Phoenix Lake, which has been sent to him several times, is concerned about his current situation and asks where his position is.

Qin Nan did not care, and went back to God. As for his position, he did not tell Mu Danian. He only said that everything is well, don't read this sentence.

"For the calculation of the day, I have left the nine days of Xianyu. It should have been two months. It seems that I have to find a place to get to know the things that happened in the first Xiaoxian domain..."

Qinnan secretly screamed.

Two months of things will inevitably happen a lot.

Moreover, most of the news of the first Xiaoxian domain will not appear on the Wanxiang Xianling, and can only be inquired.

After transforming the body shape and converging the atmosphere, Qin Nan flew to the distance.

Soon, he came to an ancient city and found a restaurant that only had more than five centuries of monks to enter. After paying a lot of precious stones, he sat down in a corner.

There are many monks in the restaurant, talking to each other, and they have not used God.

"Is it heard? A few days ago, there were three main giants in the virtual zero world, and they wanted to kill the flying female emperor. The result was that the flying female emperor solved the crisis and was safe and sound!"

"So big things, how have you not heard of it! Flying over the female emperor is terrible, just asked the master, there is already invincible posture!"

"I'm afraid it won't take long, she is the first master of nine days!"

Qin Nan was suddenly shocked.

Flying over the female emperor, even asked the master?

"This is too abnormal. How long has the bronze mirror been the nine-day supreme, and now I have successfully asked the master..."

Qin Nan felt a sigh of relief, and then quickly passed a **** to congratulate.

There was no reaction on the red cord on the wrist. Obviously the latter did not want to take care of him.

Qin Nan touched his nose and continued to drink.

In addition to flying over the female emperor, the most talked about here is still about the righteousness of the left and the right to the right, and the things of the zero heaven are rarely mentioned.

After all, the virtual zero heaven is a higher level, and even if there are many major events, the relationship with them is not great.

"The river counter of the extreme gate is really terrible. It is said that he has reached the realm of the hegemony of the hegemony for a while, and he suffered two two-day supreme killings. He calmly responded and did not weaken the wind!"

"Are you not nonsense? Jiang counter is the reincarnation of the main giant! A while ago, Jiugong Jinxianzong has been preaching the top ten peerless geniuses, and Jiang is one of them."

"You said that Jiang Rui is better than the Tomb of the Tomb, who is stronger than the Son of the Skull?"

The white fire in the eyes of Qinnan ignited.

Jiang counter, you really came!

"Where did you go some time ago? Hey, you didn't see the geniuses of the great ancients, such as the Xianling, the Yi, the ancient and the ancients. They all gathered in the third day of the Holy Land, and they made a big shot!"

"The Lu Qing sound is really beautiful!"

"Recently you found out? Some peerless geniuses, the giants in the main territory, seem to have come more, especially in the top ten holy districts, there are often big wars, and many other monks are amazing."

"Brother, I advise you, you still don't go to the Holy Land in the 19th day. There is a peerless genius called 臧古和阴一, which is extremely killing, killing people, and has fallen a lot! ”

"Right, the fifth descendant of the fairy, Qin Nan? Recently, there is no news of him?"

"Don't mention him, it's annoying to pick up! I originally wanted to go to the Holy Land in the 24th day. The result is that there are martyrdom, Taiji taboos, and other big forces. Fortunately, my eyesight is good, otherwise I will be killed."

From morning till night, Qin Nan listened to a chat between Tian Xian and Gai Shi hegemons. From the beginning of a mouthful of drinking, until the end is a bottle and a bottle of dry.

The wine sold in this restaurant seems to be exceptionally good. He seems to have a flame burning in his heart.

Accompanied by his father, he has been comfortable for many days, but he has not been comfortable for a long time. He is still suitable for this group of talents, geniuses, blood and fire burning together.

"I heard it almost, it is time to go to the seventh day of the Holy District and get back the blood of the previous life!"

Qin Nan said to himself, his body shape disappeared in place.

At the same time, on the holy sea.

On the edge of the first small fairyland, one of the major forces on one of the ancient ships under the Lingxu, the one who was arrogant and arrogant in the day, was now kneeling in the corner, his face grievances.

"Hey, a group of small-haired children, others don't learn, but they have to learn to be pirates! Your storage bag, the princess will accept it, which is a lesson for you."

A stunning woman raised her fist and her face was full of pride.

The disciples of Lingzhen cried silently in their hearts.

Who is this pirate?

You can't be beautiful and you don't care!

"Don't continue to be stupid, first set a swearing oath, and make a vow to make a decision."

A white short-haired woman smiled faintly: "After you finish, you can choose to leave, or you can choose to help us sail."

The disciples of Lingxu had a mouthful.

Some choices?

If you don't sail, how can you survive if you are in the waters of the Holy Spirit?

"Okay, two adults."

However, no matter what they think, they are still surrendered.

No way, I thought these two women are very good to deal with, who knows that the other side is so horrible!

"Who are you calling? This princess has already said that I want to call my princess!"

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