Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2030: Awakening in the past (middle)

I saw only a total of twenty-seven figures, suspended in the air. he

The supreme pressure that they radiated from them is not the beginning of the nine-day Supreme, or the Dacheng level, and it is the peak level!

"The ultimate goal is nine days, the supreme is coming!"

The nine days of the reincarnation are coming! ”

"Tai Yan has no living, the supreme teaching is coming!"

Fang, a monk, looked at the figure, even if it was expected, but the heart could not help but violently fluctuate.

If you are not in the virtual world, you want to see such a lineup at once, then it is impossible!

Moreover, this is probably just the beginning! "

Become a nine-day supreme? ”

These twenty-seven peaks of the Supreme, at a glance, saw the state of Qinnan, Jiangrui, and the wind without traces, and his face immediately became gloomy. "

Still a step late? Qin

South feels all this, his eyes open. he

Not surprising, because I have already prepared. "

dead! ”

There is no nonsense in the sacred teachings of Tai Yan, and there is no nonsense, arrogant murderousness, surging, and the tremors of the sky, the vastness of the sea, accumulating, so that all the monks present are afraid .

It’s so horrible that the peak is supreme. Every move makes people feel like destroying everything. "

Dare! "suddenly

However, a loud drink, blasted. only

I saw that the Supreme Supreme and the Wild Supreme Supreme, as well as the other three peak-level supremes, descended from afar. The former sleeves swayed, the sky glimpsed, and all the general forces were smashed.

"Long 霄?" Tai Yan did not live the supreme teaching of the Supreme, and the scorpion was slightly shrunk, and then coldly shouted: "You also know what kind of things Qin Nan has done! If you dare to protect him, I am too devoid of life, It is bound to fight with you!"

Not bad! We will also fight with you! ""

Chang Yan, are you too old to be enemies with the top ten? ”

The words of this sentence made a lot of people in the world, and they felt a thrilling moment. Such as

If it really broke out the full-scale war between the Supreme Master and the Supreme Court, then it is very likely that this will be a battle that swept the entire nine days of Xianyu!

The right hand in the long stern sleeves is tight, the blue veins on the forehead, slightly bounced, and the face is the most ugly one in centuries.

To be honest, there is nothing too rich in feelings between him and Qin Nan.

However, Qin Nan is the true disciple of their ruins!

When he took over the day of his teaching, he told his father that no matter what happened, he would never stand idly by the disciples in Zongmen. "

Let's teach, forget it, Qinnan can understand you. "The wild thunder is snoring and whispering."

The longest Supreme has his right hand loosened, and he has a deep sigh, and he has no choice.

"Long Supreme Supreme."

However, Qin Nan made a sound, and took out two tokens, and shattered the earthquake into a smash. "From today, my Qin Nan is no longer a true disciple of your uncle, but not you." Registered disciple."

霄Supreme and other people’s hearts trembled.

Qin Nan immediately raised his head and looked at this famous giant. He smiled and said: "What is going on, even though I am coming."

One of the supreme sects of the Tao, sneered: "It’s still a bit of a burden, then you will die!"

The voice just fell, but also in the future, a very bright light, like a supreme sword, across time and space, kneel down to him. This

The supreme face has changed dramatically, and he has quickly applied the worldly technique to deal with it.

Numerous explosions sounded, and this supreme figure, with a full retreat of hundreds of steps, barely forced the sword to be completely resolved. "

You are coming very fast one by one. ”

A handsome young man came from a distant sky with a smile on his lips.

Behind him, there are fifty different figures of different sizes, and the breath of each figure reaches the highest level. its

There are also five in the same way, like the youth, there is no exude of a slight breath. but

Yes, the presence of the twenty-seven nine-day Supreme, as well as the Supreme Supreme and others, after seeing them, the hearts and minds are shaking. cut

The sect of Cangzong, come in person! also

There are five main giants to follow! "

Animal skin scroll! Qin

South of the eye, instantly passed a cold mans.

"Qin Nan, is my person." Beast

The smile on the face of the leather painting was converging, saying: "If you don't want to die, don't plan to fight with me, then hurry to roll it for me."

The scene of the person appeared, and the twenty-seven peaks of the supreme, the breath was even stagnation, and they were all scorned by this statement. "

Lord, you are too crazy! You 斩 Cong Zong, really want to be a Qin Nan, and we fight with all our strength? ”

Tai Yan has no living and teaches his face to be gloomy.

Indeed, they do not want to fight with the Cang Cong Zong, but they are all incompetent, but they are not arbitrary. If Qin Nan is not here today, where are their faces?

Really anger them, then go all the way! "

kill! "suddenly

Between them, endless murderous, raging the whole world.

I saw only in the distant places, countless large and small white bones, like the endless sea, like a worldly beast, pointing to the three supreme mountains, nine of which are the peaks of the peaks, the great achievements, the early existence, Not a few.

The minimum repair is the beginning of the hegemony! "

this is……"

The geniuses, the geniuses, and the hegemony of the world, see the scene, the scalp is blasted.

There are too many bones. They have no doubts. With their cultivation, they are in front of this horrible body. I am afraid that they will be annihilated and shattered in an instant.

"Do not taboo the bones in the long river? Is the ancient taboo even urging it?"

Every nine days of the Supreme, the heart can not help but be shocked, even the animal skin scroll, the corner of the mouth can not stop smoking, it seems that the wind does not appear, so that the ancient taboos have been completely crazy, actually made such a big original capital! "

Sixth man, you are not a normal mania! I couldn’t kill you last time. This time I see you can’t escape! "One

The voice of the sinister sorrowful resounded hundreds of thousands of miles, only to see a fleshy and **** figure without a skin, coming from the distant world.

"True body? The ancient taboos actually sent out the real body?"

Every nine days of the Supreme, the eyes are exposed to the shocking color. beast

The eyes of the leather paintings have also become dignified.

As for the other monks who were present, the shock in my heart could not be described in words.

The fierce name of the ancient taboos, I don’t know how many years have passed, countless peerless geniuses, nine days of supreme, and even the main giants have been buried in its hands.

Countless big forces, they are very disgusted with it, but no one can uproot it! and

Moreover, it has been mysterious and never appeared before the world. Such as

Today, because Qinnan and the wind have no trace, it actually came down in person! "

Is the real body of the ancient taboo? ”

Qin Nan’s eyes were slightly stunned, and when he looked at it, his knowledge of the sea suddenly shocked.

Numerous purple-gold fragments were thoroughly blended together into a mountain-shaped purple crystal, and the appearance began to shatter and fall off.

Every time I fell off, there was an ancient atmosphere that Qinnan was so familiar with.

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