Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2032: Dacheng time

"I didn't expect that it would be interesting to talk to my own life one day."

A faint voice, if you don't have a thunder, it blows up in the entire sky.

"who are you?"

Qin Nan looked at the figure and asked a word that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time.

"I am really sorry, I have done everything in that big fight. Not only can I not leave you anything, but it will make you carry a very huge danger and responsibility."

The illusion figure did not seem to hear Qin Nan’s words, but said from his own self: “However, I have achieved the eternal realm of immortality. Although my body has fallen apart, it is immortal and belongs to it. The eternal power of eternality will be reborn in the place where it is asked."

"When you get there, be sure to take it off."

Qinnan look a glimpse, the power of eternal eternal?

The illusion figure seems to be insufficient, his voice begins to become intermittent and smaller and smaller: "I don't know if you are now... human beings... or supreme...master... you have to remember... sure... ang... ...success...the world..."

After the last word was dropped, the illusion figure collapsed directly and turned into nothingness.

Then, Qin Nan only felt that he had become another person. This vast starry sky began to change constantly, turning into countless intermittent and very incomplete pictures.

He stood on a mountain and a mountain, and his spirit was very impressive.

The childish face was not childish, and the war god, who was covered in blood, stood behind him, his face struggled and hesitated. Finally he bit his teeth and kneel down to him, seeming to make an insignificant decision.

On the other side, a gentle middle-aged scholar, smiling.

The picture changed, he and the heroic war gods, as well as the middle-aged scholars, in a sea, the sea is boneless, the sea water was dyed into a blood red, two young people fell in the air, crying, face grief.

He stepped forward, his face chilled, and his hand extended.

Later, he held a white fat boy in his hand, full of kindness, middle-aged scholars and God of War and the two youths, as well as many people, the expression sent out the joy from the heart.

The picture changed again, his eyes were cold, carrying a sword, I don't know where to go.

The war broke out.

The avenue sinks, the heavens and the earth do not exist, and the world turns into a **** hell.

His body shape fell from the end of the endless, the **** gentleman, the face suddenly awkward, the wounded **** of war, two young people, and many figures, all anger and anger, It seems like madness.

At the same time, the first day of the entrance to the Holy District.

"Qin Nan is actually awakening memories of past life?"

"Does Qin Nan have another origin?"

The main giants in the field and the nine-day supremes were keenly aware of something wrong, and they could not help but breathe in the air.

To reach their level, naturally not stupid, and guessed a lot of things in an instant.

A person in the lower Qin Dynasty who can be a descendant of the war, and the ancestor of the celestial celestial being who is the sixth man of the celestial beings, is so concerned about Qinnan...

If it is said that all of this is due to the predecessors of Qinnan, it is really horrible!

"Who is the sixth person, who is Qin Nan's previous life?"

The ancient taboo seems to be touched by a huge pain, and the face suddenly becomes hysterical: "Tell me, otherwise, at any cost today, I will kill you here!"

The animal skin scroll did not care for him, but the brows wrinkled tightly.

He clearly took away the memory of Qin Nan's past life. Now how does Qinnan wake up the memories of past life?

If Qin Nan’s past life was not the waste, then why is the waste that he captured?

"I almost forgot, the memory I have captured is only a defect. With the style of God of War, it is very likely that I will reserve a copy and stay in Qinnan. When I am promoted to the nine-day supreme, I will wake up."

The animal skin scrolls in the heart of the dark road, inexplicably relieved.

Immediately, the animal skin scroll looked up and looked at the ancient taboos. He couldn’t help but laugh and said, “Why are you so afraid? You can rest assured that Qin Nan’s past life is the son of my master.”

The ancient taboos have been awkward. Is it the dude who is so talented and indulged in wine?

"He is still alive in the world!"

The face of the ancient taboos immediately became gloomy and the forehead was jumping.

If it is said that before this, the ancient taboos are more likely to kill the wind without traces, then at this moment, Qin Nan was directly ranked first in the heart.

Although it does not put the blind child in the eyes at all, but after all, it is the child of that person, the cancer of the entire nine days of Xianyu!

"The son of that person?"

The other main giants in the field, as well as some of the peaks who knew the secrets of the sorrows, the sturdy squadron immediately slammed into the sky.

They never imagined that the origin of Qinnan was so terrible!

"It’s still exposed..."

Long Sighs once again sighed again.

In fact, they are already in the wild, and there has been speculation.

Although Qin Nan’s past life, in that era, it was just a shackle of indulging in wine, but as long as the news was released, Qin Nan’s in the nine days of Xianyu must be difficult.

What's more, Qin Nan also offended so many Supreme!

"What is this happening?"

The countless people in the distance are overwhelmed.

Good end, how did the war stop?

Only the wonderful Princess and Jiang Bilan, God is talking with two powerful beings.

"You said Xiao Nanzi's past life?" Both of them looked good and frowned.

"Yeah, for the teacher to persuade you, now, no matter what, don't get in touch with him. Otherwise, it will be a big problem. Moreover, Qin Nan certainly does not want to see it, because he and you two are in danger."

Miao Miao Princess immediately snorted and said: "Old guy, do you want to go back?"

Li Ji and Mo Xiaoli, who are hidden in the void, are two giants in the main territory, and their faces suddenly become graceful. They regret that they can not give themselves two slaps.

They had a good end, why should they agree to the two disciples, they will certainly save Qinnan, and also issued 13 big oaths?

"Wait, look, Qin Nan has a reaction!"

Li Ji suddenly came out.

Miao Miao Princess and Jiang Bilan looked up at the same time, and suddenly there was a strange fluctuation in the soul.

I saw only a white-blue flower that flew from a distance and flew to the forehead of Qinnan. It burst into an amazing white-blue light that shines in all directions.

The memory of Qin Nan’s past life has awakened, and this flower has to become a big one!

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