Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2051: Then you try

"To... the Supreme Adult... I... I..." Zhang

Tianfeng subconsciously wants to say something, but his throat seems to be stuck, and it becomes stuttering.

"Go it." Qin

South faintly said that with the words and deeds, an invisible force emerged from nothingness.


Zhang Tianfeng screamed, and his chest seemed to be hit by a full-fledged giant. The bones ruptured and the blood blew out. The whole person flew out like a string of arrows and squatted in a palace far away. on.

With the current strength of Qinnan, to deal with the existence of the peak of the hegemonic hegemony, it can be easily crushed, let alone the existence of this kind of hegemonic hegemony. "

Unexpectedly, you are actually a nine-day supreme! "This

At that time, Longhui Supreme has already reacted and said: "But, no matter how you cultivate, as long as you don't want to enter our Wu family and Zheng family, then return the two drops of Supreme Blood back."

We just did not happen just now. ”

Although his heart is still a bit uncomfortable, it feels like being played by people, but in any case, the other party is both supreme, and the certain face is to be given. It is impossible to directly tear the face and hit it. Qin

Nan Wenyan is quite speechless. He said: "I have obtained two drops of supreme blood according to your rules. Why do you let me go back? You are a two-day family, are you only so a little?"

At this moment, many people in the audience reacted and the mouth was pumping.

They finally understood it. This nine-day supreme existence came to participate in this assessment, just for the two drops of supreme blood. This

The nine-day supreme mind is really not a weird one.

The red-sleeved supreme face is cold, saying: "Don't think it's nine days of supreme, you can do whatever you want! In the virtual zero heaven, the nine-day supreme is not the top power!"

"I don't want to talk to you more, give you ten minutes, if you don't give it up, don't blame us for being unkind!"

Two drops of supreme blood, for them, it is nothing at all, but she was not happy with Qin Nan, and secondly let Qin Nan directly leave, then where is their face? pass

After going out, what do people think of them Zheng Jia and Wu Jia?

"Want to start?"

Qin Nan’s eyes glimpsed a little: “If you have the guts, you can try it.”

His voice fell, and the atmosphere in all directions suddenly became extremely dignified, as if he had a peerless king who came to this place.

Those who are the hegemons and the gods, the heartbeats are accelerating, and they are greatly deterred by the great deterrence. Many people are instinctively retreating, fearing that they will be involved in a catastrophe.

"Don't dare to threaten us? Look for death!"

The red sleeves of the supreme beauty of the suffocating suffocating, the power of the supreme body of the body, broke out, the body shape came to Qinnan in an instant, condensed the jade hand of countless runes, photographed towards Qinnan.

A majestic power, like the Taikoo Tianlong, instantly rushed to the heart of Qinnan. "

Excellency, you are not too ignorant! "Dragon

Back to the Supreme can not help, eyes cold, directly from the emptiness, caught an Supreme sword, in the midst of dying, tens of thousands of terrible swords, condensed into a kendo The big array, shrouded in the south of Qin.

"Get started! Let's go!"

The other monks in the field were all shocked by this amazing momentum. Huanren shrank slightly and quickly flew into the distance. The three-day and nine-day Supreme Wars, although they would look down, did not dare to stand too close.


Among the Huang Ting, countless monks were alarmed.

Those nine-day supremes, in the eyes, revealed a trace of doubt, and God read them.

"Who is this person? How did he offend the nine-day supreme of Zheng Jia and Wu Jia?"

When they saw the scene here, there was a doubt in their minds.

"From the breath that you radiate, you are only the existence of the early nine days of Supreme! Today, we are joining forces and we must let you-"

The red-sleeved supreme looked at Qin Nan, who was motionless, and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

When it was said that it was too late, when it was a thousand miles, Qin Nan suddenly moved, and the momentum that he had originally radiated from him suddenly rose ten times.

If he said that he was just as impetuous and extremely extraordinary, then now he is like the same old and fierce beast. Every move, the world is shaking.

"You -" red

Sleeve Supreme and Dragon back to the supreme face, all changes.

This young man, obviously only in the early days of the nine-day supreme, why can such a terrible momentum erupt, so that they are a little scared?


Qin Nan did not have any action, just punched a punch. destroy

The raging power immediately rushed out and smashed the killings of the two supreme smashes, and there was still a lot of spare power left, like a flood, flooding the two. Two

There is a chill in the hearts of the people, and they quickly run the world of eternal practice and constantly retreat.

"A terrible punch!"

In the end, this person is sacred, and actually shakes two two supremes! ”

The monks around, all vibrate, Huang Tingzhong's nine-day supremes, the Gai hegemons, the bottom of the eyes is a glimpse of a fine man, the interest rose. just

The punch of the talent is enough to see that this mysterious youth is very extraordinary! Dragon

Back to the supreme and red-sleeved supreme face, it is extremely difficult to look.

They have finally understood that the other party’s ‘arrogant’ ‘arrogant’ is that they have mastered these forces. Even if they both use their full strength, I am afraid that they can only be tied together.

"Ha ha ha!"

At this time, a hearty laughter came from a distant place and resounded through the entire Huang Ting: "Dragon back, red sleeves, Wu Jia and Zheng Jia, how did you do it? Now let an outsider bully It’s like this? It’s a bit shameful!” Tight

Then, on the shoulders of one shoulder, they were inhabited by a scale-red flaming, golden-eyed ancient viper, with a mysterious line of middle-aged men on their faces, ignoring the ray bridge, directly from the void, one step Step by step. This

A middle-aged man, every step of the way, makes a large piece of emptiness, it seems to be shattered at any time. he

The breath that comes out of the body is like Hai Ru Yuan, far more than the Dragon Back Supreme and the Red Sleeve Supreme.

He is the existence of a nine-day supreme Dacheng realm! "

Flat supreme? ”

The dragon back to the supreme and the red sleeves stunned for a moment, and immediately flashed a touch of joy in the eyes. This

It is the elders of the Wang family among the seven great heavenly family, and they have seen it many times, and they are still familiar. Such as

If you let him shoot, take this person in front of him, it must be more than enough!

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