Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2104: No moon palace

"what happened?"

A nine-day supreme, the scalp is a tingling. Qin

South, Zhuangnan, Chen Shiyan, and so on, the peaks of the Supreme, the heart also set off a cold.

"In the trough, is this guy actually completely refining?"

God can't believe his eyes at all.

You must know that their bodies, under the control of that terrorist power, have completely inherited the world.

That is to say, in order to completely refine them, it is not only to refine the soul and the will, but also to refine the other key parts.

And, this also needs to be done at the same time! do not

It is said that it is the nine-day supreme level of the peak level. Even if the strong person in the early stage of the main situation comes, I am afraid that this step cannot be done!

"No, his eyes are still the shape of a **** whirlpool. That is to say, he is not completely refining. Now, under the state of being completely refining, he can even reduce his body and act autonomously."

That is to say, the person who refines him, and himself, the will between the two should be in a deeper level of confrontation, but the former has prevailed, the latter is unwilling to compromise, and strongly counterattacks, this corpse Influenced by Qi..."

The **** of heaven shook and shouted: "The kid, quickly leave my body, the consciousness of this corpse is not fixed, completely in a state of madness!"

Although there is no consciousness-led corpse in the main territory, the combat power that can be possessed is less than one tenth of the peak period. Together with the vitality of the main body, this is completely dead, and the combat power is greatly reduced, but The main territory is still the main territory! more

What's more, they have two bodies, and they are all at the peak of the main life!

It’s horrible to start madness?

However, what he said was a slow shot.


With the corpse of the main body, Yang Tian issued a very hoarse shout, in the boundless darkness, immediately set off a round of storms, in the void, thousands of chain explosions occurred, the whole earth began to Fragmentation.

boom! This

With the corpse of the main body, it broke out with a terrible speed of horror, and someone punched a punch at the place.

"Not good, shot together!"

Everyone's face is a big change.

This punch seems ordinary, but the power contained in it, as well as the invisible trend, is too vast, just like carrying a big world, you can crush everything.

Anyone who faces them alone must be a dead end. only

The vitality of one is to join hands with hard regrets.

"The map of the Tao!"

"The power of the seven bodies, the sword of a fairy!"

The souls of the people match, Tianzun has a knife! Qin

South, Zhuangnan, Chen Shiyan, and so on, nine days of Supreme, in this moment, are unreserved outbursts, hit the strongest blow.

"Rely on, it is almost a nine-day supreme refining, you are a waste!"

The lord of Akasaka smashed his mouth, and his hands made a seal. The statue that had been completely devoid of light, and the two mountains that had not yet been refining, immediately ignited a light of the road.


The sound of the earth-shattering explosion rang, and countless voids turned into huge chaos, and the whole earth was completely broken into hundreds of pieces.

The map of Qin Da’s Dao Fa was beaten back to the body, and a huge amount of anti-seismic force that followed, which made him feel like a hammer, the blood in his body violently surged, and the pain of a strand of pain Into the brain, a corner of the mouth overflowed with a blood.

It was this anti-shock force that made him suffer a lot. anti-

Look at other monks, Zhuang Nan, Chen Shiyan, and so on, the same as him, the existence of those supreme Dacheng, the injury is more serious, a face is very pale, without any blood.

This is just a punch in the main body. and

Moreover, their lineup is also extremely large.

"Little Nanzi, are you okay?"

Miao Miao Princess and Jiang Bilan have a hint of worry.

"No problem." Qin

After returning to this sentence, he quickly showed a cross-day blow and flew toward the vortex.


Some of the supremes, all reacted and turned into a god.


The incomparably huge body of the corpse, broke out in the eyes and began to destroy everything in this world.

Qinnan responded promptly and at a faster speed, and was the first to fall into the vortex.

Zhuang Nan, Chen Shiyan and so on, the peaks of the Supreme, also quickly flew into a whirlpool, only some of the Supreme Dacheng who had just suffered serious injuries, had no time to escape, they were crushed by the endless power. .

After a few dozens of interest, the Qinnan trio, as well as Zhuangnan, the Southmost Supreme Ten, Meng Langtian several people, one by one from the whirlpool.

When they fell into this small world, they noticed that something was wrong. They only saw the sky above and cracked a crack of different sizes.

Through these cracks, they can also sense the atmosphere of the place where the two main bodies are located. "

Damn, my body has been broken by this beast! ”

The character of Akasaka is extremely unhappy, although this body has nothing to do with him.

"Kid, don't stop, hurry and fly out, the animal will catch up soon!"

What Akasaka thought of and hurriedly said: "There is no moon palace outside, and only when you enter it, the animal can't catch up right away!"

He just finished saying this sentence, and a breath of horror is coming from the midst of it. very

Obviously, the corpse of the main body is tearing the whirlpool channel with the power of ruining and ruining, and will reappear in this small world. Qin

A tight heart in the South, immediately passed a thought to Meng Langtian, and then quickly flew outward. when

When Qin Nan and others flew out of this small world, the sights in front of them made them look alike.

I saw that there was a nine-day supreme on the corpse of Akasaka, who was flying out of it. Some of them were seriously injured and some looked like a shack.弑

Xiang Han and others of the Taoist family, as well as the saints and saints of Zheng Wuyuan, Han Qiuying and Cao Ling. except

In addition, in front of the corpse of the Red Emperor, in the endless darkness, there is a tens of thousands of feet, with a full five layers, shining with faint brilliance, exuding an incomparable ancient atmosphere of the palace Quietly suspended. palace

On the door of the hustle and bustle, there are three powerful and powerful characters. no

Moon Palace. Big

In front of the door, the nine-day Supreme, such as the Holy Grail, the Thousand Dragons, and the Supreme Supreme, are all blood-stained and their clothes are broken. It looks very embarrassing. but

Yes, these masters of the teaching level, the peaks of the supreme, do not care about the image, are forming a door to the law, bombarding the door of the Moon Palace.

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