Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2124: Great harvest (below)

"Qinnan Daoyou, I am willing to pass on the Taoism to you, but when I practiced in Zongmen, I have already issued the swearing oath and so on. I must never reveal the Taoism. Otherwise, the consequences will be Extremely fierce."

One of the peaks of Xiandaozong is supreme, with a smile on his face.

The remaining 12 Supremes also nodded.

When Xu Ruchen saw it, he immediately said: "Qinnan Daoyou, if you don't give up, I have a few secrets here, which can be taught to you."

Some of his spies also stood up. Qin

Nan waved his hand and smiled. "This is no longer necessary. Other secrets, I have no idea what I have learned now. But..." Qin

Looking at the thirteen monks in the south, he sighed and said: "If you can't teach them, can you talk to me and let me feel?"

South had already expected that they had vows in their bodies and could not teach them, but there are other ways in his heart! Such as

This simple proposal, of course, they will not refuse, Qi Qi stood up and made a gesture of please.

The shape of Qin Nan, the movement of a sly, is like a rescuing animal that has been sleeping for many years. boom

Bang! One

The deafening sound of the explosion sounded, and the tens of thousands of miles of sea water suddenly boiled. "

A terrible battle! ”

"This is the extraordinary way?"

The other monks of the week saw the words and couldn’t help but marvel. Xu

If the dust eye is also exposed, it will be different. This

Thirteen monks, but there are five peaks, and eight are supreme. Qin Nan not only suppresses them by their own power, but also has a comfortable look. The map of the Tao that was previously released has not been used.

After this confrontation lasted for half an hour, Qin Nan’s figure was retired, and the momentum was overwhelming and returned to the body. "

Qinnan Road Friends are unparalleled, admire! "ten

The three monks are all sincere. If they are in the war, they will probably be injured and completely defeated. "

After this war, in the hearts of other people, I am afraid that it will be very small. "Xu

As the dust glanced at everyone, the heart whispered.

Although Qin Nan shot them to solve the curse of the sky, but the people present are all high-spirited people, and when they think about it, let Qin Nan send them fifteen years, their hearts are more or less, there will be Then it is not a taste.

However, if Qin Nanxiu is strong, it is completely different, just like him.

However, in the next moment, Qin Nan made an unexpected move.

I saw his eyes closed, the body of the original 12 ways of asking the way, which has eleven doors to calm down, only the magic fairy Tao. he

The figure of the body began to move, and the imprint of the hands was constantly changing.

"This is..." The monk of the illusionary priest looked at it with a stunned look.

One of the core ethics of their illusionary sects, it was once created by the ancestors of the sect of the sacred immortal sect. Once it is displayed, it can let the other side continue to breed a illusion, and it will be a heavy one. Levels can evolve thousands of times and are extremely powerful. "

what? ”

All the monks present, including Xu Ruchen, are all moving. Qin

Did the South actually steal this doorway?

Although Qin Nan cultivated the illusion of Taoism and realized a very deep level, but for other monks, it takes at least three days to use this method of stealing.

However, Qinnan only used half an hour!

How terrible is this Qinnan martial arts talent? "

Yes, I don’t want to sue you for a short time to surrender to you. My martial arts talent is probably less than two-thirds of yours—"

Xu Ruochen's eyes showed the meaning of appreciating, but his thoughts, just rising in the bottom of his heart, he suddenly saw something, and the scorpion sharply shrank, such as the thunder of the nine gods, the body deformation is extremely stiff. only

Seeing that the method of asking for the way in Qin Nan was suddenly replaced by the reincarnation of the reincarnation!

The French seal in his hands has also changed suddenly. The meaning of the reincarnation of a stock has been circulated and rolled up to the Quartet.

Behind him, an imaginary roulette emerged and turned, and the seawater around his body was all reincarnation, turning into a vacuum, and other seawater could not be filled.

"Wheel...round rotation?"

The peak of the Huizong was supreme, and his body was trembled, and he could not believe his eyes.

The round-turning technique is the secret of their reincarnation!

More importantly, when he just played, he only played twice!


The other monks in the field were full of shock. he

Originally thought that this half an hour, Qin Nan only steals a door, but who can think of Qin Nan actually stolen two full doors!

"You said... Qinnan Daoyou, have all stolen learning?"

At the peak of the peak, swallowed a mouthful of water, could not help but say. "

Learn all? ”

Others heard the words and did not believe at all.

Thirteen of them, the various Taoist techniques displayed, at least no less than twenty, the martial arts talent of Qinnan Daoyou is so powerful, no matter how terrible, it is impossible to learn all! Of course

However, the next scene almost subverted their perception of martial arts.

Qin Nan seems to be trapped in a certain kind of konjac. The method of asking for the way in the body is constantly changing. The imprint of the hand is constantly changing, and all kinds of light are shining. ten

The Taoist works of the three monks were all stolen by him!

Of course, the only way to steal school is the Taoist system. Like some other secrets without a door, Qin Nan did not go to school. Moreover, in the process of Qin Nan's casting, it is quite slow, and the power of display is also very weak, far less than the thirteen monks. complete

Actually, half an hour is too short, he can only snoop a general, and can not fully understand it.

Of course, if there are only three or four doorways, it can still be completely mastered. Connect

Down, no one disturbed Qinnan. Place

There are monks who, after returning to God, are refining all kinds of heavenly treasures and restoring themselves.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Nan is completely for his own actions, but it has given people a great shock at the place, all of them are convinced, including Xu Ruchen.

After six hours, Qin Nan completely mastered, opened his eyes and looked good.

Xu Ruchen, who waited for a long time, immediately dragged him to unlock the half of the curse for the rest of the people. Wait

After doing all this, Xu Ruchen said: "Qinnan, now everyone is recovering almost, is it better for us to take those three opportunities?"

Qinnan naturally has no opinions, and the two will go on the road together.

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