Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2148: Battle of the Emperor (8)

"Pole, let us help you!"

At this moment, the six top giants, such as the God of Heaven and the Master of the Curtain, are like the swords of the ancient times. They carry the endless trend from six directions, and they are flying down the female emperor.

"The killing of the road!"

The Lord of the Path of the Road shouted, and the will was sent to the extreme, and the swords that were released began to rise in layers.

A strange scene reappeared, and when they approached the female emperor Baizhang, they still could not advance.

"What is going on here? Flying over the female emperor, Ming Ming did not display any major skills, nor did he lay down the rule in this hundred-footed place. Why?"

In the eyes of the giants of the lord, the God of Heaven, and so on, there is a hint of doubt.

However, in the next moment, their scorpion, sharply shrinking.

"not good!"

The giants of the Taoist, the God of Heaven, and other giants have raised an incomparable sense of crisis in their hearts, and their figure quickly receded.

However, their speed is still a little slower.


A smashing weather that is difficult to describe with words, broke out from the flying female emperor, and all the shocks, wills, etc. above were made into nothingness.

The giants of the lord, the lord of heaven, and so on, screamed, and the chest was slammed by a giant hammer. The corner of the mouth overflowed with blood, and the figure was like an arrow from the string, and it was far away.

Flying over the eyes of the female emperor, slowly open.

I saw that her pale blue hazelnuts had nine more different colors of halo.

"Ten 10th, tenth being together."

Flying over the female emperor faintly opened, standing up.


At this moment, the sound of the bell of the dense avenue rang through the entire seventh restricted area. Thousands of ancient visions have evolved in the void.

Flying over the female emperor seems to break the shackles between the main territory and the master, and the momentum of incomparable horror is still rising at the festival, making the world of millions of miles violently shaken.

The sound of countless rumbling explosions is also endlessly ringing. It is the rule of heaven and earth in the seventh restricted area that has been falsified by the shackles. It was smashed by the female emperor.

"This - this is -"

The top giants, the God of Heaven, and other top giants, as well as all the main powerhouses present, even the landlords, Xu Xiangsheng, etc., who are standing on the side of the flying side, are full. The face is shocked.

Because, flying over the current imperial power of the female emperor, gave them a very strong sense of oppression, even the soul, a little uneasy.

Once, they only had to face the giants of the dominating level, they will have this feeling!

"How can it be!"

The one who looked at the horror of the seventh restricted area and dominated the strong was also shocked.

Flying over, has it become the master?

However, from now until now, the flying female emperor has no ferry!

"This trick is called the body of the tenth."

Flying over the female emperor said to herself.

In addition, it is a pity that when she was in the mainland, she had touched the taboos and recruited her previous life and the afterlife.

Otherwise, she used this deduction to touch the taboo, then she will bring in a lot of memories and repairs.

The afterlife that is recruited now is just a body, without any memory, and without any afterlife.

Subsequently, her figure disappeared into place and instantly appeared in front of the master.

The 47th student of Tai Yan’s non-born sect was full of enthusiasm, and all of them exploded. Under the incomparable sense of crisis, there was hardly any hesitation in preparation for the detonation of the defective Tianzun. Promote a master of the body.

Flying over the female emperor's hand, a wave completely surpasses the power of the master to understand the level, descending down, and his ruined celestial body, his body, the main force in his body, all frozen.

"Tai Yan Tian Yi Da Fa!"

In the heart of the singer, he screamed and burned his own soul, using a ban on escape.

Flying over the female emperor's eyes, it seems to see all the mystery, she bent a finger, an ice blue light, rushed into his body, hit his soul.

The focal length in the eyes of the master of the curtain immediately expanded slowly, and the vitality of the body began to dissipate rapidly.

Because his soul has been sealed.

"The curtain... The master is dead?"

Some people in the place can hardly believe their eyes.

This is a top-level main giant!

Flying over the female emperor just waved his hand, one finger, and underestimated the two strokes, and killed it?

Does she really become the dominant powerhouse?

"No, she has not yet reached the dominance. She has not been robbed. Second, after she becomes the master, she will have the power of certain rules and can be integrated into all means. The killings she has displayed do not have such rules. force."

A strongman who dominated the level took the lead in seeing the clue: "She should have exhibited a certain access control, forcing her own strength to the point where it was comparable to the beginning of the dominance!"

His voice is full of surprises.

It is even more difficult to raise the power of the main territory to the extent that it is comparable to the beginning of the dominance. It is more difficult to repair the existence of a master who is the master of the situation.

Because of the main difference and the dominance, they have a fundamental gap. To make up for this gap, what kind of power is needed will be an extremely incredible degree.

"After such a horrible ban, if you want to display it, you will definitely pay a great price. The time of maintenance will certainly not be too long! Even so, no one can stop her now. She has at least 40% chance to attack the real master!"

A terrible existence is a thunder.

As it said, after the strong killing of the master, the flying female emperor shot again, and the French-Indian knot, the sky of millions of miles, became black and black, and the temperature between heaven and earth dropped sharply to a terrible degree. In the early days of some of the main situations, they all shuddered.

Then, countless pieces of slap-sized snowflakes fell from them.

Every piece of snowflake contains enormous power, and they seem to have the same knowledge of God, only drifting toward the monks of the 17th Party.

"Be careful, it will seal the main force in the body!"

A strong person in the main position, all change.

In the eyes of some people, the fear of thickening is exposed. The confidence that has just come together has been quietly disintegrated.

However, this snow cover is only a prelude. The shape of the female emperor flies quickly and moves again. The three-footed Qingfeng in the hand seems to be the only light in the world. The Lord and other top giants are going.

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