Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2191: Jingu is now (on)

"The ten interest has passed!"

The eyes of the giants have become extremely sharp. no

The number of murders, once again picked up, looked far away, as if in all directions, have spread a skyless net, locked in any angle, so that Qin Nan and others have nowhere to escape, no way to retreat.

In the depths of Qinnan's eyes, the white fire suddenly ignited and the arm turned into a broken knife.


The blood dragon under his body broke down and turned into a nine-day supreme figure. However, they did not scatter, but formed ten groups.

"Millions of feathers!"

Destroy the ancients! "Fives

In the nine-day supreme body of the group, there are countless white light spots, like an unprecedented blizzard. The other five groups, one of the momentum, become killing and slashing, gathering like a gun. boom


With the explosion of the road, the giants of the various forces, they saw the killings they played, and so on, as if they had been dragged into a white fog, and they became stunned and landed elsewhere.

Moreover, the strength of the five groups broke out far beyond what they expected. The overwhelming above, the seemingly amazing blockade, was forcibly impacted and there was a big gap.

"not good!"

The giants of all major forces, their faces are slightly changed.

Qinnan had already prepared, and with the shape of the two women, they rushed out of the gap and flew into the top, like Dapeng spreading wings and straight into the nine. "

Damn it! ”

The face of many giants suddenly became incredibly ugly. he

With so many forces joining forces, they even let Qin Nan give a breakthrough?

Qin Nan’s place of departure, far from the tree shrews, is not far away, plus his full speed of explosion, but for a while, under the eyes of countless eyes, completely boarded the tree.


In the eyes of Qin Nan and the two women, Qi Qi revealed a strange color.

Above the entire tree, there is a layer of incomparable radiance, and the moment you step on it, you will have a sense of coming to an ancient holy place that is condensed by infinite precision.

If you are practicing here for one day, let alone the other benefits, the speed of cultivation is no less than a hundred times higher.

Moreover, among the countless Xiaguang, there is also a sacred light that is shining, like springing up, countless. most

The key point is that in the middle, there are ten fruits floating in the air, which are covered with a mysterious pattern, as if all the mysteries between heaven and earth are gathered.

This is the heavenly fruit! "

Ten... Ten heavens and fruit? "This

At that time, there were a lot of scattered, and the giants of the big forces, all of them climbed the foothills. When they saw this scene, they were shocked and could not believe their eyes.

You must know that since the ancient times, every time you blossomed, there will only be one to five, especially since the ancient war of the ancient times, there are only one or two in many years! straight

In the last few hundred years, only three to four have appeared, and five of them have been extremely rare. In the millennium, it is difficult to meet once!

"Eternal, even if you pass through the heavens and trees, it is the true evolution of the avenue, and it is impossible to resist!"

The soul also climbed the mountain. Seeing this situation, I was not surprised, and my heart was proud.

Brush it!

Soon, a rush of sound broke out. that

A bit of a mess, after the reaction, the eyes became extremely hot, and immediately showed a variety of means.

At the beginning, they didn't even think about getting the best results, but now they are different and have great opportunities! Qin

The south of the light flashed, and the figure suddenly moved. "

Qinnan, you can't think about it! "One

Dao screamed and blasted over his head. He saw only a sword eyebrow star. The extraordinary young man suddenly appeared in front of him, holding an ancient sword and gathering a sword. Qinnan went straight down. Zheng

Home Son, Zheng Hou!

"The bodhi blossoms, everything is a Buddha!"

The glaring King Kong, now sacred by the sacred priests, also came from afar. The golden hand opened a blossoming white flower and patted it toward Qinnan, releasing his anger a few months ago. "

Red Emperor! Qin

The shape of the South has changed, and the combination of the nine skills has been amazing. "

kill! ”

At this time, the nine-day supremes of the various forces of the parties, Xu Ruochen, Long Lao and so on, have all gathered together, killing the machine, and breaking the nine!

Although Xu Ruchen, Long Lao and others, the combination of the major forces of the parties, the lineup is much smaller, but in the six battles and the common sense of the gods, the explosive power that broke out is quite amazing. The forces are currently only slightly prevailing!

Moreover, the temptation of the ten heavenly roads is really too great. Some of them have been in the peak of the peak and have been in existence for hundreds of years, even thousands of years. They cannot be calmed down and the goal has quietly shifted.

After all, when the suppression of Qinnan, the real benefit is that it falls on all the monks in the major forces of the parties, and it falls on them alone, but not so much.

"The two Taoist friends, the group of people brought by Qin Nan, how can you see the fighting power! Anyway, that is the sentence, this choice is a golden opportunity for you!"

After seeing the supreme, after passing a god, there was no hesitation, pulling out the sword and pointing straight ahead. "

The people of Haoyu, is it that you outsiders can bully at will? ”

The longest sacred sacred show awesome domineering, into it, the thunder and the supreme and so on, the Supreme, move with you.

The two ancestors of Tianxu and the Qing dynasty of the Qing dynasty, their faces were changed for a while, and they finally bite their teeth and made up their minds. "

Help Qinnan! ”

The two giants ordered a lot of nine-day supremes to begin to show amazing means. "

These three incompetent, even help Qinnan? "its

His big forces saw it and his eyes immediately cooled down.

However, not only that, Xiang Qi, who has been shooting in the rear, led the people of the Shudao family, silently changed their goals and focused on the heavens.

There is also a tomb door, as well. he

We also made a choice! "

To the soul, you still can't shoot? "One

These giants only feel the pressure multiplying and can't help but whisper.

"Don't worry."

Say to the soul, stand up with the hand, and stay outside.

As far as he is concerned, it is undoubtedly the best of both sides.

"Well? Are you coming?"

Suddenly, the heart of the soul shook a little, and the eyes showed a hot heat and longing. Do not

When too much, the whole tree of the big tree began to tremble, and another piece of Xiaguang began to sway like water.

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