Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2209: An arrow

In an instant, the sky of a thousand miles has turned into a chaos. Various visions have evolved. The whole mountain peak has violently trembled. If there is no catastrophe, it will come down.

The distant little cockroach, his mouth wide open, his face full of surprise.

Even if she is far away, she can still feel that the present Qinnan is like the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the majesty can not be a lifetime, and all things are surviving.


Compared with her, the young men in black, as well as the three men in the Hu Dahan, seem to have stunned a thunderous god, released the sword and the treasure, as well as the body of the force, all imprisoned.

A complexion turned pale.

"You... are you... the highest peak?"

The black youth has been shocked by the six gods, and there is only a deep fear in their eyes.

He didn't even think that he would meet in a place like this one!

You must know that his master is nothing but supreme!

"The peak of the supreme?"

The corner of Qinnan’s mouth floated with a smile.

Less than one percent of the pressure is comparable to the peak of the supreme?

"What treasures are there in your hand?"

Qin Nan did not pay attention to the three people, but looked at Xiao Yan and passed it on to the ear.

"Bao... treasure?"

Xiao Yan’s face is awkward, but she is still subconsciously collecting the treasures that she has collected over the past few decades.

A sword, a tower, a bow, a red dragonfly, and some broken pieces.

Among them, the strongest sword is only the device of the immortals, and the rest are the devices of the immortals.

Qin Nan glanced at him, and when he read a move, the bow flew up and turned into a streamer, not in his hands.

"You just said that your teacher's respect is too elder to be too elder, why is his name, where is he now, what is he repaired, what is his appearance?"

Qin Nan asked lightly.

"I... my master is called Yuyu Supreme...he...he is now on a name called Guangshen participate...a nine-day supreme banquet...his cultivation is..."

The black youth has long been swallowed up by fear. What Qin Nan asks, he will answer anything, and there is no other thought in his heart.


Qinnan slightly daggers, the eyes of the three, the golden, red, purple light, and the intersection of each other, people feel very embarrassed, no bit of weird.

Qin Nan looked at the other side, and after he reached the five-point interest, he reached for a wave.

A water curtain with a square shape evolved, and a picture emerged on it.

In the picture is a splendid, idyllic palace, a table and chair made by Zhang Xianyu, is a famous monk, toast each other, talk to each other, some people smile, and some people look gloomy.

"This... this is..."

The black man’s eyes widened.

The blue robe old man on the left side of the main character is not his master, seeking jade supreme?

Xiao Yan gradually returned to God and showed curiosity. What did the seniors do?

"You are optimistic. In the nine days of Xianyu, the so-called Dixian, Tianxian, including the nine-day supreme there, sometimes, in fact, is like an ant."

Qin Nan took the bow and pulled the bowstring into a full moon, straight into the water curtain.


He was imposing and powerful, and if he opened a seal of the Taikoo, it suddenly skyrocketed.

I saw only the whole piece of Scorpio, turned into a chaos, countless thunder, gusts, rain, snow, flames, from it!

The whole vastness of Qin Nan’s body is as incomparable as the ancient mountain range. It has issued countless explosions. It seems to have been suppressed by the avenue and has been hit into the ground by thousands of feet!

Xiao Yan was completely lost. The predecessors just made her feel like the Lord of Heaven and Earth, but now her predecessors let her not know how to describe it.

Later, she saw an unforgettable, unforgettable scene!

Qin Nan’s fingers were loose, and a vast brilliance broke out from the long bow. It turned into an earth-shattering and fascinating rainbow, and fell into the water curtain.

After the interest rate, the one in the picture, the nine-day supreme, his face changed dramatically, especially the jade supreme, his face became the same as the black youth, pale and incomparable.

In the next breath, the peerless rainbow that disappeared disappeared into the picture and directly shot into the body of the jade supreme.


The picture was silent, but Xiao Yan was at this moment, as if he had heard the sound of a blast that she had never heard before.

All along, in her heart is high, the unreachable generation of supreme, even the ability to resist is not, they are smashed by the ancestors through the infinite void, one arrow!

The treasure used, one person's fairy.

Qin Nan glanced at the young men in black who had been completely fainted by the side, and the sleeves were stunned. All of them disappeared and they were calm.

There is no longer any breath between heaven and earth, as if everything was just a big dream.

"Are you alright?"

Qin Nan’s voice rang in Xiao Yan’s mind. The latter only felt the whole world, suddenly becoming clear, and her whole person reacted completely from the shocking emotions.

“Thank you for your help from the seniors, Xiaoxi’s unforgettable!”

Xiao Yan knees directly on the ground, her eyes are red, when she is preparing for the steamed bun, there is an invisible force to help her up.

"You don't have to thank me, too many people without birth, this is my enemy."

Qin Nan waved his hand.

"Before ... the predecessors, Xiao Yan has something to do with the pleading, can the predecessors be able to accept the shackles? Although Xiao Yan is low, but no matter what the predecessors say, Xiao Yan will definitely obey, Xiao Xiao is a genius Enmity, if it is..."

Xiao Yan’s drums are full of courage.

Without waiting for her to finish, Qin Nan interrupted with a smile, saying: "Being my apprentice will only make your situation worse. I will not accept the apprentice."

He paused a bit and turned his head and said: "However, I have a symbol, there is a will in me, and I can solve a crisis in the future."

His sleeves glanced, an ancient charm, fell in front of Xiao Yan.

He also pointed to the three young men in black, saying: "The three of them, I did not help you kill, you have to rely on yourself."


When Qin Nan was in shape, he disappeared between heaven and earth.

Xiao Yan’s, immediately reacted, flew forward, and hurriedly shouted: “Predecessors, Xiao Yan still don’t know your name? If Xiao Xiao is stronger, where should I go to find you?”

The whole world is silent.

Just as Xiao Yan’s heart was a little lost, a sly voice rang between the heavens and the earth: “After you become a fairy, you can go to the sacred sect of the sacred priests and report to the Qinnan two characters, you can enter the sect, apprentice Fenghua."

"If you can ask the Lord in the day, let Fenghua take you into the undead mountain."

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