Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2229: Three Funeral Generals (above)

"Hmm?" Qin

In the eyes of the south, there was a strange color.

This ancient temple does not look big, but in it, it has been transformed by a great force, there is no hole, it is a small space.

The entire small space, with a radius of hundreds of thousands of feet, is the gray one at the end of all directions. except

In addition, in the vast places of Qinnan, there are three stone monuments, the rear of the stone monument is a mountain of up to three thousand feet.

The mountains are like jade, emitting a warm light, giving people an inexplicable sense of warmth. "

Strong and strong! ”

Qinnan eyes look awkward.

He just perceive that in the depths of this jade mountain, as if sleeping in the three horrible strong, the sigh of breath, he felt a little pressure.

Qin Nan’s heart was prepared, and his eyes looked at the stone monument, which made Qin Nan look a little darker.

Above these three stone tablets, they portrayed a mysterious symbol that he had never seen before.

"Qin Nan, I really have to thank you for the lithograph of Jiulong, you really have a big bargain!"

Zhou seeks to find out and sends out an amazement. nine

The dragon stone seal has always been a brilliance, as if to say that such a small matter, what a fuss, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning. listen

It is a bit modest, but Qin Nan can feel the pride of it. "

Former seniors, what is the solution? What are the tops of these three stone tablets? ”

Qin Nan could not help but ask.

"Qin Nan, the symbols on the three stone tablets are a kind of special words created by Cang in the past. Throughout the world, there are only a handful of people who know."

"I can understand, it is because Zhou Di was very lucky in the past, and got some memories of the next confession of the sky." Zhou

Looking for it here, a little bit, asked: "Do you know that the three funerals will be?" Qin

Nan shook his head, and Zhou Zhidao said faintly: "In the past, Cang originally wanted to put the Taiji taboos, and there were three funerals, which were cultivated into the top ten ancient immortals, and bear the secret of the immortals."

"Why, the layout of Cang, a little late, so the Emperor Zhou and the Emperor won the first opportunity, coupled with the intervention of the fourth person, he would have no chance."

Cang still does not give up, and is pinned on the taboos of the ancient times. This is why the cultivation of the ancient taboos is only the reason of the main territory. ”

"But, after the three burials will be shackled, they will be repaired and soared. When they reach the top of the sky, they have become Tianzun!"

Moreover, their talents are extremely against the sky, so they have become the most prestigious existence in Tianzun. Once the three people join hands, the combat power is even more incredible, and they can compete with Tongtiandao. "this

As soon as the words came out, Qin Nan’s eyes showed a shocking color. Want

I know that the Tongtian Dao tree was in the same year with Zhou Di, Cang and others, and it also affected the existence of the Emperor.

Even if it failed in the end, but Tongtiandao can have this qualification, it is enough to prove the horror of Tongtiandao. Do not

After thinking about it from another angle, I feel very normal. Cang

So horrible, its majesty, there will inevitably be only one ancient taboo.

"Predecessors, is this inside the Jade Mountain sealed with the body of the three funerals?"

Qinnan heart moved.

"You don't even think about it. In the big battle that year, the body of the three funerals was destroyed. It is still unclear whether it can be reborn."

Zhou Xingdao shook his head and said: "However, this jade mountain, although not their flesh, is not the extraordinary way they cultivated, but it has sealed up their own treasures."

Their life is the treasure, they are not weaker than the existence of the ancient tenth questioning device, and the three of them are worthy of the treasure, but they can also unite with each other to form a certain ancient array, and the power is multiplied. ”

Qinnan eyes are surprised. Do not

He must be looking for more and more, and he also understands what it means to be a treasure. "

Wait, is it too unclear about this matter? Qin

There was a trace of doubt in the south eye.

"In my opinion, I am afraid it is."

"According to our previous speculation, the Pearl of the Emperor's Pearl is sleeping, so the ancient taboos, obviously it is impossible to know that the three funerals will be treasured."

Moreover, the ancient temple here is so small, the fluctuations that are emitted are also very small, and this Yushan is a kind of prohibition that seals the three treasures. ”

"If there is no special map, even if it is a god, flying over the mountain, I will not notice it."

After Zhou Xingdao finished speaking, I couldn’t help but feel a little emotion. From

In the current situation, these three pieces of treasure are definitely the time of the big battle of the year, and Cang has been left to take care of himself, but the time is tight and the arrangement is somewhat rudimentary.

However, the lithograph of Kowloon can be perceived, and the power of lithograph can be seen.

Moreover, this is probably only the tip of the iceberg of Shi Yinwei.

"Shi Yin, thank you!" Qin

After dispelling doubts in the south, he immediately arched his hand. Do

The lithograph of Kowloon did not guide him to the sleeping place of Zhu Ling, but it was not bad for him to do so without any effort.

The lithograph of Kowloon is slightly trembled. "

You mean, everything is not that simple yet? Qin

South one. difficult

There is another mystery here? "

Qin Nan, since Shi Yin said so, I am afraid that there are other things hidden in this Yushan! ”

Zhou Xingdao is a little spirited, said: "You and quickly destroy this Yushan, this Yushan is not as good as that year, with your current cultivation, barely can do it." Qin

South reacted, and immediately did not hesitate to push the new power in the body to the extreme, and took a knife.


The sound of explosions rang again and again.

The entire small space, under this pressure, violently trembled. This

The strength of Yushan is indeed not as good as it was in the past, but it is still quite strong. Qinnan spent a full day and a night before it was completely destroyed and vanished. that

The true truth of the three treasures also came to the forefront of Qin Nan.

These three treasures are the swords of the ancients. The swords are several hundred feet long. The hilts are all made of some kind of purple gold. At first glance, they are exactly the same. Only when you look closely, you can find the lines on the sword. ,completely different. except

In addition, the swords of the three ancient swords have been broken a lot, and there are many scratches on the sword.

It is a pity that such a three-pronged treasure is so badly damaged, I am afraid that it has been unable to exert 50% of the strength of the year. ”

Zhou seeks a sigh of relief, and said: "Qin Nan, these three treasures have sword spirit, you do not use the new power in your body, just use the immortal magic, seal it."

With your current cultivation, you can't fully surrender them. ”

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