Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2235: Broken mountain and shocked (middle)

After saying this, the evil spirits suddenly found out, saying: "You, start."

As soon as this was said, the Taoist people immediately moved their minds and released a terrible **** thought, sweeping the land and the void.

Soon they discovered that in the north and southwest of the four regions, all the peaks above 10,000 feet were filled with a group of white fog, and if some sort of Taikoo, it was slowly opening.


The giants who dominated the forces of the various parties also found out that they were showing their skills.

The white mist continued to spread to the four sides. After one day, the white fog on each mountain peak swept the square, and many of the giants dominated the eyebrows.

With their current cultivation, it is impossible to see through the white fog, how it was born.


Suddenly, there is a strong peak in the main territory, can not help but subconsciously shout.

A strong man near him, who dominated the giants, immediately looked up and saw the end of the Western Region, turned into a **** red color, a huge round, showing the moon in the shape of a limping, I do not know Where did it come from, slowly rising.

Every time it rises, there is a more invisible force, like a peerless tide, sweeping the whole earth.

"The vision has begun!"

Many people's minds are in harmony.

At this moment, the Pearl of Heavenly Emperor is in the world of self-derivation.

"Qin Nan, be prepared!"

Flying over the female emperor came a **** thought.


Qin Nan’s eyes are sharp, and the new power in the body is ready to break out.

In this day, he used the mystery of the wordless book to keep approaching the mountains in the dark. Now he is not too far from the mountains.

"You, the last few mountains in this mountain range, please add more power, try to break open before the reincarnation of Cang."

Flying over the female emperor said faintly.

"it is good!"

Yong Ye Tian Zun took the lead to make a direct expression of the power of the dark night rule. Other giants have seen it, of course, without any resignation.

Flying over the female emperor's pair of ice-blue eyes, a little golden light emerged immediately, and her figure was turned into a residual image in situ.

A very volatile wave of volatility swayed to the four sides.

"This seems to be the even virtual sword created by the virtual Tianzun? I did not expect this flying over the female emperor, even hidden this one!"

There is a hint of color in the eyes of Yong Tian Tian Zun, and my heart is slightly happy.

In this way, at least one day in advance!

"Tianshu, Tianyuan, Tianxuan, Sanjian Qiming!"

Just in this moment, the flying female emperor directly called the other two ancient swords, and all the ancient swords were simultaneously motivated.

I saw only three ancient swords, all squeaking, bursting out a golden light, immersed in the clouds, with the lightning speed, and squatting on the remaining little mountains.


A loud noise.

The last point of the ban was smashed and turned into countless spots.


Yong Tian Tian Zun, Huang Yun dominated and other giants, the main strong, the look is a Qi Qi.


At this moment, Qin Nan’s momentum was also directly promoted to the extreme, and turned into a giant mansion, rushing toward the sleeping place.


Among the three ancient swords, the sound of dragons and whistles sounded, and a strong sword was spontaneously erupted. The sleeping sword spirit will also wake up.

However, the strength of a huge ten-generation tenth, like a giant mountain, has been continuously suppressed on them, so that they do not fly out.

Flying over the female emperor, Qin Nan, Zhou Zhidao's gaze, almost at the same time.

"this is--"

From this point of view, it is not just Qin Nan and Zhou Zhidao, even the infant flying over the female emperor, her golden blue hazelnut, is also slightly shrinking.

I saw only a few lines of purple gold, as if carved by a boulevard, merged into a picture of a gossip, full of endless mystery.

Five figures are sitting on the knees.

These five figures, all wearing a white robe, a **** emperor on the chest.

However, they only have two figures, looks and so on, all of which are clear, one male and one female.

The three figures in the middle are completely different. Their appearances and so on are extremely vague. In addition, there are ninety-nine gray lights, like the ancient dragons, which constantly swim in the body.

As if in the midst of it, there will be a big mystery that is about to be born!

"There are actually a lot of beads in the Pearl of the Five Emperors!"

"And, the three burials will become one of the three beads, and are undergoing reincarnation!"

Zhou Xingdao took a deep breath, shocked in his eyes, and it was difficult to calm down.

Obviously, this is a big hand that was temporarily laid out when Cang was reincarnation!

Let the three burials be merged with the three beads, and at this time reincarnation, obviously in order to **** before the reincarnation of Cang!

In addition, it can also assist the reincarnation of Cang, and quickly rise again in the upper bound!

"The ancient taboo, you didn't even think about it, the pearl of the Emperor you took out, there is such a secret!"

Zhou Xundao quickly responded, Rao is his heart, now can not help but some excitement, the voice said: "Qin Nan, don't lie, and destroy them all!"

Qin Nan immediately returned to the gods, the new power in the body, broke out in an instant, integrated into the broken knife, turned into five peerless swordsman, down.

The flying female emperor shot almost at the same time, and played the power of five tenths and tenths of life, but she only had three of them, which was destroying the beads of the three burials, and the other two were grabbing the beads.

Also at this time, the thirty-second small fairy field.

The huge moon that was round and round, continually rose from the end of the Western Region, until finally, the ten rounds of the moon, lined up in a line, suspended at the end of the sky.

The bright moonlight shines through the thirty-second little fairyland, making it like a white, and the invisible power is sweeping every corner, and it is extremely strong.

In the hearts of many powerful powerhouses, they all have a feeling like the sea of ​​the moon.

"My Lord, you are finally coming!"

In a hidden place, the ancient taboos saw this scene, and the knees could not help but squat down. If it had a complete flesh, the eyes would surely be wet.

For so many years, it is alone, taking care of everything.

This time, it was forced to helplessly, and took out the beads of the Emperor of Heaven, which was hard-working and hard to find!

However, its current mood is still very balanced.

Although it is possible to lose a pearl of the Emperor, but the night of Tianzun and the Wang family, can not be reincarnation of my master, to resolve a large part of the pressure.

Moreover, Yong Tian Tian Zun and Huang Yun dominated and Qin Nan and others will definitely not come out for a while.

Overall, there is no loss.

Moreover, it is very convinced that after the master succeeds in the world and resolves the catastrophe, it will take a long time to recover the beads of the Emperor and let them pay their blood debts!

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