Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2243: Reincarnation of the Cang (中中)

"Sure enough, the innocent will to appear at this time is to let Cang succeed in reincarnation!"

The giants are secret in their hearts. "

Huang Yun, the friends of the Tao, this innocent Tianzun is just a will, attached to the body of the Gai Shi hegemon, the power of exhausting means is only better than the early days of Tian Zun! ""

Let us take a shot and suppress him! ”

In the eyes of Yongtian Tianzun, there was a glimmer of light, and the masters of Huang Yun and the masters of the Li family passed away their thoughts.

"it is good!"

Huang Yun dominated and other giants, almost instantly decided. "

Nothing in the sky, never fall in the night! ”

Yong Tian Tian Zun immediately shot, the power of the night rule, from his body surged out, condensed a strange and fabulous demon, and roared forward. Emperor

The shape of the cloud dominates and so on, but also a sudden break, a variety of means, have been played, intertwined into a murderous net, shrouded in the ‘Tang Qingshan’. "

An unknown Tianzun, dare to call my idea? Tang

Qingshan did not hide the scornful color in his eyes, and his hand was changed. In the ten rounds of the bright moon, an amazing blood broke out and fell on his body.

Around his body, there was a **** rune that emerged and condensed out a rune palace, which took up a hundred miles. and

Moreover, if you look closely, you will find that there is a mysterious figure in each of the runes, sitting cross-legged. boom

Bang! shock

The sound of the day exploded, and they rang again and again. in

Under the overwhelming power and murder, the entire Rune Palace immediately trembled violently, but there was no crack in it, and there was no sign of breaking.

"Is it the power of the vision of the ten **** moons?"

The night lords and the emperor of the cloud, and so on, the giants, their faces are a glimpse, no longer shot.

These ten long-moon visions swept the entire thirty-second small fairyland, and also triggered almost all the inheritance opportunities in the entire small fairyland, etc., all of them in the world, enough to see the power of it.

They will not break open at all times, and they will continue to take action. It has no meaning.

"Don't worry about him, take the other two beads."

Flying over the female emperor to the early ancestors of the early Ming Dynasty, the ancestors and other ancestors passed on the gods, the body shape.

The other big forces of the big forces immediately reacted and quickly shot. whole

The East is still immersed in a chaotic war.

"Weekly seniors, does this mean that I and he will be enemies in the future?"

South observes the situation of the war, ready to shoot at the same time, but also passed a god, the tone is extremely heavy.

"From the current situation, I am afraid that is the case."

You also know that the so-called reincarnation is nothing more than a memory of past lives, a practice of cultivation, a treasure of mastery, and so on. In general, the memories of past life that are awakened are incomplete and incomplete. ""

Therefore, in most cases, after awakening the memory of past life, it will only be subtly influenced, subject to partial influence, subjective will, and belong to oneself. ”

"But, like the reincarnation of this level of innocent Tianzun, it is different, not to mention the fact that Wu Wang Tianzun also exerts a law against the sky, leaving a will, so his memory will be extremely huge for Tang Qingshan. Impact."

"If you don't want to be an enemy with him, he will kill you."

Zhou seeks to say slowly.

This speech is like a basin of cold water, poured on Qin Nan's body. "

but. ”

Zhou seeks to pause for a while, and the words turn, saying: "This is not a way to crack. In our time, there was a strongman who forcibly erased the memory of other people's past lives and returned to normal."

The spirit of the South was in full swing and quickly said: "Predecessors, how should I do that?"

In any case, it will not be an enemy of Tang Qingshan. week

The seeker shook his head and said: "I don't know much about this matter, but when I can wake Turing, it is clear to these."

Did not get the answer, but Qin Nan's heart, but a long sigh of relief. no

On how to say, there is still a way!

Subsequently, Qin Nan's body shape suddenly moved into the battlefield.

"Qin Nan, let me see, you are invincible, how strong it is!"

One of the family's masters, the Fengfeng giant, decisively changed his body shape, and did not play against the flying female emperor and other people, and he ran a **** sword and locked Qinnan. Of course

However, he still has the opportunity to release the killings in the future, and there is a chill in the back. only

Seeing a huge claw dominated by Can Wolf, crossing the infinite void, toward his body shape, grabbing it. boom

Bang! shock

After the World War, after a full range of hundreds of interest, Qin Nan under the cover of many giants, resisted a killing trick that dominated Dacheng, and won one of the beads.

Tang Qingshan in the curse, seeing this scene, except for the cold eyes, did not stop. Do not

However, Qin Nan and others have not stopped, but locked the last Zhu Ling.

"I still want to take it?"

The giants of his big forces, their eyes are almost always cold.

There were still a few big forces in the original. There was no shot for Qin Nan and others, but now they have changed their goals. It can be said that they are attacked by groups. original

This war has become more intense.

After continuing for a full range of thousands of interest, the flying female emperor swayed straight, and with the power of the incomparable stalwart, the last Zhu Ling was given a strong position. "

Damn it! ”

The giants of many big forces have become quite ugly in their faces.

Until now, they can almost say nothing!

"This time, it can be said that there are five beads, but now, there is only one pearl of the Emperor. Then, the remaining four beads of the Emperor will probably come out, we have to take two of them. One."

The ancestors of the early Ming Dynasty said. "

Ok! Qin

South nodded and glanced.

The big hands of the giants, such as Yong Tian Tian Zun and Huang Yun, have fallen on the bead of the Emperor of Heaven, and they have exploded. Qin

When the South and other people did not fight, and coped with the murder of the major forces, their eyes were gathered on the ten rounds of the moon in the sky. tide

The raging, solemn spread.

Invisible, as if there is a string, it was screwed to the extreme and is about to collapse. "

Out! Tang

At this time, Castle Peak gave a violent drink and his hands slammed into the void. brake

Between the other, in the middle of the ten rounds of the bright moon, there were countless runes, slowly condensing a stalwart figure with a fascinating figure and a vague appearance, and ten kinds of French seals were formed by both hands.

Although these ten laws and seals are completely different, they are all aligned with the thirty-second small fairy field.

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