Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2259: Tenth fairyland

"My Lord, then let's leave, let's just pass the sound after you think about it."

Mo Xie, Wu Tian Mojun and others stood up and bowed to Qin Nan. They looked as usual and could not see the slightest dissatisfaction.

"Okay, I am bothering you this time."

Qin Nan arched his hand, and Moxie and others retreated.

"I am going to talk to other big forces about the joint development of the Pearl of Heaven."

Flying over the female emperor said faintly, without waiting for Qin Nan to speak, she disappeared in the same place. The pearl spirit she had won was also left in the main hall and was not taken away.

"Qinnan, we will refine the pearls together and refine the beads of the Emperor."

At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, the ancestors made a gesture of asking. Qin Nan nodded and gave a shot and fired a flame.

Other ancestors have played a force of rules.

This Zhuling seems to have a little will, and after discovering that something is wrong, it is struggling to fight, but it has no effect.

After the rest of the breath, it was completely refining.

Qin Nan’s heart immediately raised a mysterious feeling, and he seemed to be part of the pearl.

Subsequently, Qin Nan and several ancestors, according to the law, together refine the beads of the Emperor.

It took a full time to complete the refining and refining, and then around the body, there was a mysterious rune.

If you look closely, you will find that the runes on everyone are incomplete and merged together to form a whole.

There is a problem with the refining of many people like them. Only when they are all present, can they fully exert the power of the Pearl of Heavenly Emperor.

Without any one, it is difficult to play half.

"Dear friends, I said something ugly. Now the situation is chaotic. Maybe one day, some of us will be accidentally degraded. At that time, we must remember that before the fall, the power of the Emperor and the spirit of the Pearl, Get away from the body, so as not to let other people succeed."

"I have consulted the relevant ancient books. If I take the initiative to give up, this power will return to other people's bodies."

The ancestors of the wilderness were righteous, and when they saw Qin Nan and others nodding their heads, they said again: "Let's work together."

The two sisters of Qin Nan and others immediately closed up and carefully felt the mystery of the beads of Zhu Ling and the Emperor of Heaven. Both hands also subconsciously produced a French seal.

The runes around their bodies quickly broke and turned into a light spot.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Nan and others opened their eyes and France and India shot to the front.

A ray of light, bursting out at the same time, in the middle of the air, gathered together, instantly evolved into a pattern, there are a total of thirty-three stars in the shadow, constantly ups and downs, the tenth star shadow, and Different, flashing blue light.

We must know that in the past, Cang refining the beads of thirty-three heavenly emperors, each of which corresponds to a small fairyland. Now the tenth has responded, that is, it corresponds to the tenth fairyland.

"It seems that our luck is not bad!"

In the early Ming Dynasty, the old ancestors smiled.

Among the thirty-three small fairy fields, each Xiaoxian domain is completely different.

The more the ranking is the lower fairyland, the initial rules it has, the power of the source, all kinds of wonders, etc., it will be much weaker.

This is also the reason why the wars of the previous period almost ruined the 32 Xiaoxian domain.

The people quickly left, and after three hours, they reached the tenth fairyland.

Among these domains, there is no big power, only one dominates the giants, reclusively resides here, and there are some ancient people, some small forces, which also saves many troubles such as Qin Nan.

Qin Nan and other people are shaking, but for a long time, they have reached the depths of an ancient forbidden place. Even if the general strongs of the main territory are involved, they may fall and be relatively hidden.

Qin Nan and others looked at each other and immediately produced a French seal.


The whole pearl of the Emperor, suddenly trembled violently, bursting out of the brilliance. After waiting for a few dozens of interest, these brilliances are like an ancient snake, and they have penetrated into the ground, and swept toward the four sides with lightning speed.

The breath released by the whole Emperor's Pearl has also rapidly increased in layers. In the blink of an eye, it has reached a level of grandeur, which makes the ancient antiquity in the ancient forbidden place, or The big demon, they are all upset.

Qin Nan and others flashed a trace of color in their eyes, and their body shape shook, and they fell into the beads.

I saw that in the big world of the self-contained pearls, the sky of millions of miles has turned into a constantly twisted black whirlpool, in which the wind and thunder are flashing, and the momentum is horrible.

Suddenly, the purity of the light to the ultimate, slowly falling down from it, the desert of the desert, the earth-shaking changes in an instant, countless flowers and plants, growing up, the trees broke, the rivers are self-contained , full of vitality.

"The power of the source, really mysterious, just a trace of this, can bring this vitality!"

Dignified ancestor, I can’t help feeling at this time.

He used to pay attention to the power of the source, but the power of the source of the thirty-three small fairy fields, let alone get it, even if it is communicated with it, it is difficult to go to heaven!

"You, now we are equivalent to the Pearl of the Emperor's Pearl. If you want to gain the power of the source, we can only communicate with them, **** it and use it for it!"

The ancestors of the wilderness began to take the lead, and they came to the bottom of the vortex and sat down.

Qin Nan and others immediately followed up, calm and calm, no distracting thoughts, and the Pearl of Heavenly Emperor, combined into one!

After such a state, it lasted for five days, and in their minds, a whistling sound was heard, as if there was some invisible shackle that was completely broken by them.

The scene in front of them has also changed completely.

I saw that the inner world of the Emperor's Pearl, the ancient forbidden place where they lived, the heavens and the earth in the tenth fairyland, all things in the world, etc., all disappeared. Instead, they were incomparably vast and could not see the end. Black mysterious space.

In the middle of this space, there are hundreds of thousands of miles long and tens of thousands of miles wide, showing a pure light group of some animal shape, just like the best jade in this heaven and earth, you can't see any impurities. , has infinite mystery.

This is the origin of the tenth Xiaoxian domain!

It breeds the initial rules of the Tenth Xiaoxian domain. Heaven and earth and the boundary wall, the immortality and the universe, are the roots of everything except the monks, and the monks brought, created, and leftover.

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