Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2407: Great turmoil in the world (two in one)

This is the same as a heavy bomb.

The countless monks in Xiancheng are shocked by the heart and can't believe it.

What is the existence of the seal book, they all know very clearly!

Moreover, in the previous Wanshi Wuhui, although the Shengtian martial arts had also won the treasure, participated in the fifth check, but never once, took out the seal book!

Not only that, since the establishment of the Holy Heaven martial arts, there has never been a public use of the seal of the martial arts, and there are many giants who have prepared a thrilling ceremony and want to borrow a seal. That has also been rejected.

Among the entire upper bounds, the existence of the seal of the book has been seen, but it is rare.

"This time the fifth check, the celestial list appeared in person, and also used the martial law to seal the book, is it in this, has some change?"

One who dominated the existence of Yu Feng, quickly realized what he was, and took a breath.

This change is undoubtedly very horrible.

"You, you must know that the martial arts talent of the test of the Daoshan Mountain is just nine kinds of Jinwu, and then the situation is changing, the sun and the moon are the same. In this assessment, if it reaches the degree of the same month, the degree is obtained. The recognition of the seal of the book can trigger a vision of great turmoil in the world."

"If you get a deeper recognition of the seal of the road, it will lead to the vision of the nine stars that exist in the ancient legends."

"When I hear this, I think you have already understood it. As long as you can get the most recognition of the seal of the book in this assessment, whoever can become the first place in this year's Wanshi Wuhui."

The spirit of the celestial list continues to laugh.

"Oh, yes, there is something, forget to tell you."

"They are three... oh, no, in this assessment, if a monk gets the approval of the seal of the book, it will start a vision of great turmoil in the world. Then, the seal of the book will show a force, sweeping the whole Little no phase."

"Even if you are a monk who has not participated in the assessment, you can get a lot of benefits."

"And the more monks who have caused the turbulent vision of heaven and earth, the more power that the seal of the book will be released will become even larger, and the benefits that you can get will be even greater."

There is silence between heaven and earth.

"You? Isn't this good news?"

The celestial list waited for counts and found no one to scream, and could not help but ask.


At this moment, all the monks in the fairy city reacted.

"The power of the closure of the book!"

"That's really a big chance!"

"In all the monks, Chen Yuhuo, Lin Xiaozhi, if the heart is dominant, there is great hope, which leads to a big turbulent vision of the day!"

"If you don't do it, they can all be triggered!"

The whole fairy city, a piece of shaking, the momentum is shaking.

Every monk is extremely excited.

They never imagined that they were only watching here, and they still had the opportunity to get the chance from the seal of the book!

That is a seal book!

Despite the small chance, it is unbeatable!

Time passed by, in this extremely hot, eye-catching atmosphere, about an hour later, Chen Haohuo, if the heart is dominated, the vision caused by Qin Nan suddenly changed.

In the whole world of no phase, the end of the East, three rounds of ancient days, slowly rising, the end of the West, three rounds of bright moon, slowly rising, shining a few million miles.

The three people, at the same time, triggered the vision of the sun and the moon, reaching the peak of the martial arts talent that Huadaoshan can measure!

Not only that, Gu Fei, there is another dispersal, which triggered a change in the situation, which led to a while.

"The next step is to get the approval of the seal of the road, causing great turmoil in the world!"

The monks in Xiancheng are all taking out the Xianjixian tea and look forward to it.

Even the spirit of the celestial list, the purple giants and other digital giants, also found a place to drink, and wait patiently.

However, all that happened, Chen Haohuo, if the heart is dominated, Qin Nan and so on, the monks who participated in the assessment, it is completely unknown.

Each of their monks is wholeheartedly immersed in the mysterious feeling.

"Well? How becomes like this?"

At this moment, Qin Nan’s eyes revealed a strange color.

In that long time, he passed through the Scorpio and entered the innocent void.

He also saw through the layers of illusion, seeing the infinite world, and the vastness of the sky, has an unprecedented clear feeling for everything.

However, just in the moment, the strange feeling in his previous heart suddenly increased by dozens of times.

More than that, in his eyes, the ancient stars standing in the distant darkness, the ancient stars, the original brilliance, like a layer of gauze, suddenly became blurred.

Moreover, this sense of ambiguity is getting heavier and heavier.

Just a few moments in the past, Qin Nan felt that he was completely blocked by a powerful force, as if he were in a prison, unable to return in place, and could not Going forward.

"This may be what the previous Zi Yan Tianzun said, the changes in this assessment."

Qin Nan gradually understood.

The last level of this Wanshi Wushu is certainly not that simple.

"Then break this cage first."

In the eyes of Qin Nan, the gods flashed, sitting cross-legged, holding their breath.

The sense of ambiguity in the darkness is still steadily strengthening, and even gives Qin Nan’s heart a feeling of suffocation, as if it would be imprisoned to death.

However, Qin Nan’s heart is still without any slight fluctuations. He let his heart, experience, feelings and enjoy it.

Unconsciously, this feeling of suffocation dissipated faintly.

Moreover, he seems to be like an endless sea, with that drop of sea water, to point this fuzzy feeling.

However, after a while in the past, Qin Nan discovered the problem.

This wonderful sense of ambiguity seems to be endless, continuous, no matter how he points, there is no way to disperse it.

"The sense of ambiguity is definitely a source."

"The best way to completely dissipate them is to shatter the source."

"But I can't find the source at the moment, that is to say, I can only slowly grind it like this."

Qinnan has a certain heart, and he has patience.

Time passed by.

Qin Nan does not know how long it has been. More accurately, Qin Nan’s mind has now been immersed in an extreme, even if it is now his side, the sky is falling apart, and the catastrophe is coming, he will not be alarmed at all.

In the eyes of outsiders, his current state is like losing his soul.

At this moment, in the small phase, there have been monks who have participated in the assessment, and wake up on the Huadao Mountain. They have already measured all their martial arts talents and reached the limit. They cannot continue to measure.

One day later.

There are only ten people left on the hills of more than 50.

The most eye-catching, there is no doubt that the Qinnan three, as for the remaining seven, are only in the shadow of the sun and the moon.

"Well? Look, the back of the three of them are beginning to change!"

Suddenly, a nine-day-old monk shouted.

Numerous monks who talked to each other, looked at them with a glimpse of their eyes.

I saw only a group of golden halos behind the Qinnan trio, like flowing water, flowing in the void, and soon swept the square.

"The three of them are all signs of a big turbulent vision in the world!"

Numerous monks have an uplifting heart.

Originally, their hearts were still a bit embarrassing. After all, this involved the closure of the book. Among the three people in Qinnan, who can trigger the great turmoil in the world, they really have no end.

"Heavenly brother, the seal of the road has reacted."

On the other side, Zi Yan Tian Zun closed his eyes and felt it for a while, his face showing a smile.

"Well, it's good! I was able to get the approval of the seal of the book at the same time with Chen Haohuo. These two boys made me look a bit."

The spirit of the celestial list is appreciated.

In his view, if the heart dominates and Lin Xiaozhi, causing great turmoil in the world, it must be a hard thing.

However, with their martial arts talent, it is certainly not as terrible as Chen Haohuo, and there will be a little bit of time in the evening.

It seems that his previous thoughts are somewhat arbitrary.

At the same time, the third chemical road on the right is on the hill.

If you look closely, you will find that every inch of Qin Nan's entire body has a white mist.

At the same time, a hint of time and space, intertwined in his surroundings, a small mysterious rune, do not know where to come from, a little bit sketched out in his palm.

Qinnan was immersed in the ultimate mind and began to wake up little by little.

Because, the ambiguity that shrouded him, he was almost finished, leaving only the last trace.


The mind of Qinnan is completely awakened.

The last point of ambiguity is gone.


Soon, Qin Nan discovered that he was no longer in the same situation as before.

Now, in all directions, he is infinitely dark, without any brilliance, and without any breath and sound, as if he had fallen into the dark forever.

Qin Nan observed for a while and tried to take a step forward.


All the darkness, like the water ripples, spreads toward the waves.

Then, in front of him, there was a blood-red bridge. Although it was only a hundred feet long and quietly suspended in the darkness, the suffocating suffocating air seemed to be poured with infinite blood. to make.

Qin Nan did not hesitate, and when he was in shape, he boarded the blood bridge.

When his footsteps fell on the bridge, the change suddenly began.


An unimaginable terrorist pressure is like a flood discharge. It is shocked by Qin Nan's body, which makes Qin Nanren's squad sharply shrink and his heart trembles violently.

"What pressure is this?"

Qin Nan took a breath.

You must know that the present, but the mind, the will, and so on, are illusory and have no substance.

However, this terrorist pressure is not only directly suppressing him, but also shocking his soul!

His soul is not involved in this assessment.

"But, just like this, I want to hold me down?"

Among the eyes of Qinnan, there seems to be a flame burning, taking advantage of all this and continuing to take a step forward.


His illusory figure suddenly sounded an explosion, just two steps, which made him suffer a lot.

However, he turned a deaf ear, step by step!

Baizhang distance, for a Wuwang, is just to take a break.

For Qin Nan, who dominates the realm of Dacheng, it is even more difficult to know how long it will take.

However, now, just out of the ten feet, Qinnan spent a full 30 minutes, I am afraid that even a monk who is quenching the peak of the peak is not as good.

Qin Nan, continue to walk.

Fifty steps!

One hundred steps!

Two hundred steps!

I don't know how long it has passed. Qinnan and the end of the bridge are only the last step.

Qin Nan lifted his foot and crossed, but when his right foot fell three inches from the end of the bridge, the pressure that rushed down suddenly exploded, like an endless sea, turning into an ancient world. Heavy pressure on Qinnan's body.

"Give me down!"

Qin Nan screamed, the illusory figure, bursting with brilliance.


The last leg, successfully stepped down.

The whole blood bridge, a bang, burst into countless crushes.

At this moment, there is no phase in the world.

Suddenly, Chen Haohuo, if the heart is dominated, the shape of the Qinnan trio, like being caught by an invisible force, actually floated upward from the mountain of the mountain.

There were countless golden halos behind them, which suddenly collapsed sharply and landed on the three people, making the figure of the three people, such as wearing a gold armor, extraordinary.

A violent pressure, from the body of the three.

At first, this pressure was still very weak, but between the two interest rates, this pressure reached a level of incomparable horror, like a wild animal, hitting all directions.

"coming soon!"

All the monks have noticed this scene, and their bodies are subconsciously tightened.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At this time, the incomparable bells of the road rang out in the heavens and the earth and spread through every corner.

At the beginning, as soon as it sounded, it gradually became a two-tone, five-note, and ten-note!

In the end, it will be full of breath!


At this moment, the whole small and no phase, they trembled fiercely.

The vastness of the sky, like the ancient sword, smashed a huge crack, the whole piece of land has suffered an unsuccessful blow, constantly broken, revealing a huge gully!

All the breath, completely messed up!

Jiuwu danced, the situation changed, and the amazing sights of the sun and the moon were completely confused. The glory of the day was distorted, and it seemed that there was an epic catastrophe that was about to hit. .

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