Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 2439: Tianzun animal bone (two in one)

Rao is the cultivation of Qinnan, and he has not come and reacted. He is hit by this mysterious force.

Later, he only felt that the heavens and the earth began to spin up, and after a hundred dollars, he returned to calm.


Qin Nan immediately discovered that he had come to another space.

The space here is particularly desolate, and the place is even more ruined. It seems that there has been a big battle, even if it can now feel the powerful fighting atmosphere.

Qin Nan looked up, the sky was blood red, and the air was filled with **** gas. The **** moon in the sky was a trace of blood.

This place should be an ancient battlefield!

"I didn't expect that the mysterious land turned out to be a kind of spiritual existence."

In the heart of Qin Nan’s heart, he immediately looked at the four sides.

The meaning of the other party’s words is to assess them. Only after passing the assessment can they continue to stay in that place.

Since it is an assessment, there will be content for assessment.

"So, what is the content of the next assessment?"

Qin Nan frowned and worried about the four weeks.

"Well? So many bones!" Qin Nan looked at it, and the original empty space suddenly smashed through the ground, many of which were still full of golden light, and reached the level of Tianzun before life!

There are also some bones of the beasts, just looking at these bones Qinnan can imagine the tragic extent of the war here.

"This ancient battlefield is not simple, no wonder there will be such a strong killing!"

Qin Nan blinked his eyes and felt that Qin Nan had some conjectures when he was killing the wind. But now he still doesn't know what the assessment is. At present, it seems that only these bones are the most suspicious!

"Hey!" At this moment, Qin Nan only heard the sound of the earth-shattering beasts in the empty space. The **** moon in the sky burst into a **** light, shining on the **** land. Those have been turned into The monsters of the bones actually stood up slowly, and a mighty gas was born!

Qin Nan brows straight, "Is this the so-called trial? Too abnormal? Well, so many gods of the level of the demon bones!"

"Hey!" is another more angry beast, all the bones of the beast are looking in the direction of Qinnan, so Qinnan can not help feeling the scalp numb.

Qin Nan felt a strong sense of war and killing on the bones of these monsters!

boom! boom! boom!

A series of explosions resounded throughout the sky, and the bones of the beasts of the head and the head flashed from far away at this moment, and they looked even more strange under the **** moon, just like the end of the day.

At this moment, the figure of Qinnan is particularly inconspicuous, and the sky is completely obscured by the bones of the beast, even if the **** moon can not shine in the body of Qinnan.


The sacred beasts roared in unison, and the voids in all directions were trembled with the horrible roar of the horror, as if they were broken at any time.

At this moment, the entire battlefield trembled with it, and accompanied by a heartbreaking shouting sound, just like the scene of the day reappears in front of Qinnan.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Nan was surrounded by the bones of countless monsters, and his hair was immediately blasted, and his heart was alarmed. This assessment is really a headache!

"Hey!" A gust of wind swept from the top of Qinnan, and three huge white-bone claws appeared in the sky, screaming toward the Qinling cover of Qinnan, as if to smash the void.

"Not good!" In an instant, Qin Nan fell into a passive, trapped in the siege of the Tian Zun demon bones, Rao is Qin Nan did not dare to take it lightly.

"Swallow the sun!"

At a critical juncture, Qin Nan shouted, the endless power and all kinds of will erupt at the same time, condensed into a long knife, smashed toward the sky, the sound of the mighty, earth-shattering!


I heard only a burst of explosions, and the numerous long swords that had been condensed together collided with the heavenly demon bones in the air, only to produce a dazzling fire, but did not let the movements stagnate.

"Booming!" The ground was accompanied by a violent sensation, and countless Tianzun demon bones rushed toward Qinnan, as if to cover it in this endless bone.

Qinnan instantly fell into danger, both in the sky and in the earth.

"No gods!"

There is no stop in Qinnan. There will be no reflections between the electric and the Flint. The wonderful and complicated lines of the gods are like the vines in all directions. There are tens of thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

With the fullness of the gods, the great wills spewed out, and the action of the Tianzun demon stocks was slowed down a bit. Qinnan had to seize this opportunity to counterattack!

"Resolve the dangers in the air first!" Seeing the sky in the sky, the demon bones are getting closer and closer to him. Qin Nan’s body shape is also a move, and he shoots in the palm of the void. There is no suspense, and the gods and monsters Between the bone collisions, accompanied by a sensation, the void trembled a bit, and the original indestructible Tianzun demon bones actually broke.

In an instant, a few treasures of light flashed, in the light of the blood of the moon is actually turned into a treasure of the ancient genius, exudes endless treasure.

"After defeating these Tianzun demon bones, they are actually turned into ancient genius treasures. This assessment is a bit interesting!"

In the eyes of Qin Nan, a brilliant light blooms. He only needs to sweep one eye to know that the ancient genius treasures made by the Tianzun demon bones are not simple, but the best in the best!

Qinnan's whole people's warfare skyrocketed. Under the temptation of the ancient genius treasure, it was actually taking the initiative to face the Tianzun demon bones in front of him. Instead of being passive, it would be better to take the initiative!

"Booming and banging!" Qin Nan will be tempted to the extreme, and the true meaning of the method of asking for a door all began to operate insanely, and evolved a lot of magical powers and united.

However, relying on this point, Qinnan is not enough to deal with so many Tianzun demon bones in front of him. When Qin Nan rushed to the Tianzun demon bones, he also released the power of his mind and turned into a peerless streamer in the air. All the gods and demon bones are covered in it, in order to break the offensive of the gods and demon bones!

This is not over yet, Qin Nan’s eyes are radiant, and everything in front of him is in full view. The figure is turned into a lightning bolt, and the power of the demon animal bones is played against the side.


I heard only a lot of explosions coming from the void, and it was like a long time. In this space, it seems to reproduce the battle of the year. The void began to tremble constantly, and all the existing rules began to vibrate, but fortunately there was enough space. Peculiar, has not been destroyed by this battle.

Even if the situation is so fierce, those Tianzun demon bones standing on the ground are just shaking, and they are not like the ancient genius treasures like the previous Tianzun demon bones.

"A little trouble! The Tianzun demon bones here seem to be a lot stronger than before!"

Qin Nan frowned, but the attack on his hand did not stop.

"No! Not that they have become stronger, but that my strength has been suppressed!"

Qin Nan’s body was completely shrouded by the **** moon at the moment, and there was a sense of oppression in the body, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

Before that, he felt that this **** month was not right. If it was so consumed, it would not be good for Qinnan.

"You must first solve the problem of **** moon and then clean up the gods and demon bones!"

Qin Nanxin is like a mirror. If he can't solve the problem of **** moon, he has to face this huge number of Tianzun demon bones.

Qin Nan's hands condensed into a French seal, and in an instant I did not know where the innumerable clouds came from, and these clouds were involved by a mysterious force.

The sky under the night is like a blood-stained red, and a group of Jin Ge iron horse echoes in the ear of Qin Nan.

"Give me broken!"

Qin Nan shouted, and the noisy voice disappeared instantly.

Then, the winds and clouds will change!

The Tianzun demon bones on the ground seemed to feel the mysterious power. They stopped the pace of the attack and looked up to the sky. The scene was very strange.

At this time, Qin Nan seems to have turned into the sky above, and turned into this invisible wind, as if everywhere!

"Well, body and earth? Interesting little guy!"

The mysterious voice in the void echoed again, with a subtle surprise in the words.

"Heaven and Heaven!"

At this moment, Qin Nan’s innocent voice echoed throughout the world, and it lasted for a long time.

In an instant, the sky is bleak without a trace of light, and all the goddess of the demon animal has a low and uneasy scream in the bones and throats.

In the next moment, the emptiness of the tens of thousands of miles in the square actually produced a trace of silk, creating a trace of chaos from the cracks, which instantly formed a huge circle of chaos.

This is not over yet, and all the chaos circles have been constantly distorted, and they have condensed into a huge knot in the void. The virtual air has also reduced the power of a vast expanse, turning into countless soldiers, fire symbols, Lei Fu, etc. , posted on a huge dead knot.

The feeling of depression in Qinnan body disappeared in an instant, and the blood moon was completely covered by his heaven and earth prison. The Tianzun demon bone was the trapped beast in this cage.

This is the world that belongs to Qinnan. He is this day, it is this place!

This kind of thing can only be done by Qin Nan, who has the root of the source. Of course, the premise is that there is no such interference in the world.

"The world is buried!"

Qin Nan did not delay, shouted, and said the law.

When the voice fell, from the endless darkness of the void, there were endless thunders, ice, snow, and flames. In the battlefield where the original was broken, there was a crack in the ground. Numerous gravels were shot from the middle, and the original gravel was like a Made a sharp edge, rushing toward countless Tianzun demon bones.

"Booming and banging!" Under the cutting of the gravel edge, the original dark and empty space flashed a burst of fire, which was particularly dazzling.

At the same time, in every inch of the sky, there are countless spikes flying like a tornado.

The gas of killing has no danger to expand, and no place is a safe place.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" The sound of the beast that screams and screams resounds through the heavens and the earth, and is particularly harsh.

After a scent, the beasts stopped, the clouds were removed, and the sky was restored to the blood again. Only those celestial demon bones disappeared completely, and each one was turned into an ancient genius treasure.

The ancient genius treasures and the bones all over the place, it really looks very awkward.

In the next moment, Qin Nan is ready to begin refining and refining the ancient genius treasure. So many genius treasures are really rare, and the breath is just enough to be attractive.

However, at this time, Qin Nan’s mind once again revealed the mysterious and desolate voice.

"Youth! You actually have the source of the source?"

Qin Nan was not shocked by this. He said that the ingenuity is the true master of this space. The performance of Qin Nan just escaped his eyes.

"It’s rare to meet people who have the roots of the source. If that is the case... then it will make it harder to assess!"

A sound like a thunderous echo echoed in the ear of Qin Nan, which made Qin Nan somewhat unprepared.

“What? Is it more difficult to assess?”

Qinnan looks a glimpse, this kind of ingenuity seems a bit pit!

"Give you an hour of refining these ancient genius treasures, and then... you will face ten peaks!"

"It’s not that Tian Zun is better than Tian Zun, interesting, haha..."

The spirit is extremely overbearing. He is the master of this space. He doesn't have to care about Qin Nan's feelings. He is happy to know what to do.

"What?! Ten peaks?"

There are countless grass mud horses in Qinnan’s heart. Isn’t it too good? He has not yet broken through Tianzun, let him face the ten peaks of Tianzun at one time, and only give him an hour to refine these genius treasures?

"There is no time to delay, you have to refine these ancient genius treasures!"

Qin Nan’s heart raised a sense of urgency. He didn’t think that Lingzhi was just joking with him.

Qin Nan will stabilize his mind and pick up the nearest fruit that exudes the supreme rule.

"Start refining from this million fruit!"

Qin Nan's legs sit cross-legged and swallow the Wandao fruit on his hand.


After swallowing Wandaoguo, Qinnan only felt a shock in the body, and a warm current came, and the amazing Taoist atmosphere swayed toward the square.

A complicated road pattern gradually spread in Qinnan, and a horrible pressure was swept in an instant, sweeping in all directions.


Immediately after Qin Nan's body bloomed a macro light, it was as dazzling as the stars, and the two breaths were instantly compatible.

When Qin Nan opened his eyes again, his eyes were bright and his eyes were sharper, and his perception of Dafa was deeper.

"Is it so fast to refine the 10,000 fruits? Is it time for me to give him an hour?"

Refining and refining Wandao fruit Qinnan only spent less than ten minutes, the whole process is as usual, this speed is a little bit strange.

Lingzhi even regrets that Qin Nan should not be given so much time, but since it has already been said, it will naturally not repent.

If Qin Nan knows the wisdom of the idea, I don’t know if it will be ‘cheek greeting’.

In the following period, Qinnan did not have any delay in refining these genius treasures. During this period, there was no stop to rest, and refining each genius treasure only took less than ten minutes.

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