Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 826: The fifth hundred


Chapter VIII, Chapter 500

Mysterious mountain forest, above the dojo. access:.

In front of the white-haired old man and Qinnan, there is a water curtain, in the water curtain, it is exactly what happened on the pavilion. In other words, Qin Nan is here, the string moon, Bai Weiyang, Guan Hu, Mu Mu and the mysterious black robe rankings are all in the eye.

"This mysterious black robe is a little familiar..."

If Qin Nan thought thoughtfully, he shook his head and asked: "Predecessors, if they are on the emperor's list, the higher the ranking, what are the benefits?"

"The higher the ranking, the closer you are to the fate of Wudi. When the emperor fights for battle, the benefits will be revealed. Moreover, this ranking will be re-evaluated every month." The white-haired old man laughed "Of course, for you, the rankings are high and low."

The meaning of the white-haired old man is already very obvious.

You Qinnan, it is not the thing in the pool, beyond the emperor's list, it is a matter of time.

"This way."

Qin Nan thought for a while, and his mouth twitched with a faint smile.

He already has an idea!



At this moment, the pavilion is on the field.

Throughout the audience, there was a sigh of relief.

"Really! Qinnan has not yet appeared in the rankings!"

"Accordingly, the higher the ranking, the more late it appears. Now it seems that this Qinnan will be discharged into a thousand?"


"I really looked down on him before!"

All the geniuses are all talked about, and their eyes are moving back and forth between Qin Nan and Cui Lixu.

The string moon face 'color' is slightly changed.

Really fake, Qin Nan this guy, only a heavenly martial arts, ranking will be more than him?

at this time!

Cui Lixu, who has been sitting cross-legged, suddenly has a wave of movements, a little bit of golden light, shining on his body, and then more and more, until finally, turned into A thick gold column broke out.

What Mu Mu, the mysterious black robes caused by the golden light, compared with it, is completely sorrowful!

"It's Cui Lixu!"


"How much will he rank?"

The atmosphere of the entire pavilion is boiling in an instant.

All of the eyes of the people gathered on Cui Lixu's body, no exceptions are available;

After all, Cui Lixu, but the existence of the five-level Wuhun of heaven!


The golden light broke open and broke into countless spots of light. It flew around the layer of Cui Li, until finally, three dragon-shaped runes were formed, and they were woven together, and the dragon-shaped runes with other people. In comparison, his arrogance is more aggressive.

In the center, there are three flaming characters.

five hundred!

"The fifth hundred! It is the fifth hundred!"

"God, Cui Lixu has directly entered 500 people!"

"Hey, this is only his first assessment. The first assessment actually entered 500 people! Then, after waiting, Cui Lixu's strength is getting stronger and stronger, I am afraid it will enter the top 30?"

“It’s not a heavenly five-piece martial!”

All the geniuses are shocked by the face.

Jiuyue, Bai Weiyang, Guanhu, ‘Jade’ ice and other geniuses are all breathing stagnation. Is this the difference between their four grades and the heavenly five martial arts souls?

Obviously, Cui Lixu’s ranking far exceeds their expectations.

"Good, good, good!" Cui Li opened his eyes and even said three good words. The whole person's 'fine' spirit, as if climbing to a new height, "this time the evaluation of the emperor, really did not Let me down! And I am destined to be the top genius of the Zhongzhou Emperor!"

Became the first five hundred!

He will get the full training of Tiandao Zong!

In addition, he will also receive extremely rich rewards from the Emperor!

Cui Lixu stood up and glanced at the audience. The audience's rankings were all in the eyes, and the smiles in his mouth were getting stronger.

The strongest person, but a thousand.

He is the 500th, this year, the first evaluation of the Emperor!


Suddenly, Cui Lixu’s pupils shrank and his heart seemed to have poured a cold water.

what's the situation?

Qin Nan, who only has a heavenly martial art, has not yet emerged a specific ranking.

At this time, Qin Nan’s body suddenly flashed a faint golden light.

This point of 'wave' movement, for the audience, as much as the calm lake, put a stone.


"Qinnan is coming out!"

"I rely on, the heavenly level of a martial arts soul, actually more than the time of Cui Lixu assessment! Don't tell me, his ranking is even higher than Cui Lixu!"

All the geniuses were shocked and quickly turned to look.

Just the genius of the two heavenly martial arts, they all exceeded their imagination readings;

"Impossible! It is impossible! This Qinnan ranking can never be higher than me." Cui Li's heart is sinking, his hands are subconscious, his face 'color' is 'Yin' sinking like water, if he is a heavenly grade five Wuhun, the hope of the Emperor Wu, even a heavenly martial arts soul is better than that, it is a joke.


Just under the gaze of the whole audience, Qin Nan’s body, a glimpse of golden light, spurted the sky, as if to pierce the entire dojo, so that it is a golden man.

All geniuses are shocked in shape, and both fists are subconscious.


So terrible golden light!

Could it be that……

Then, the golden light dissipated, and Qin's ‘chest’ mouth condensed ten dragon-shaped runes, clasping each other together, and then in the center, there was a deep purple ‘color’ number.

This number is extremely simple, simple to the extreme, simple to let the hearts of the audience genius, have set off endless bombing.


This number is one!

Qinnan's ranking is actually the first place!


Cui Li was guilty, and everyone in the whole place was paralyzed.

Their worldview, at this moment, seems to be directly overthrown.

A heavenly martial art!

And repaired, at most only the anti-Tian Wu Sheng repaired the guy!

He will be the first?

This is what the **** is doing!

The entire pavilion of the pavilion seemed to have fallen into the boundless silence. Even the emperor, who was suspended in midair, was white and violently shaken. Obviously, for the emperor, this scene was too unbelievable.

However, it is at this time.

The ten dragon-shaped runes above Qin's ‘chest’ mouth have undergone amazing changes, and the runes have been violently contracted, as if they were merged together.

The ten-way dragon-shaped runes quickly turned into nine, eight, and seven... It didn't take long before they became one.

The original "yellow" and eye-catching "one" character is also violently shaken.

Some people in the whole place are all ‘color’.

what happened? How did it change?

However, when they saw that the change had completely ended, the body was shocked, and even Cui Lixu was stunned by the face.

I rely on!

Have you made a mistake!

How could it be like this?


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