Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 916: Completely troubled


Chapter 916 is completely troubled

Since the Thunderbolt war in Leiling City, the entire dojo has been in silence for the first time, and the silent drop is audible. [See the latest chapter of the book, please.] Update is fast.

Because this scene is too strange, beyond the recognition of everyone.

"Qinnan, is this what you did?" Zhou Chengzhu and others, returned to God, turned to look at Qinnan, shouted loudly.

The entire robbery war, Qin Nan's move, the suspect is the biggest.

"Oh, Zhou Chengzhu, if I have this kind of means, I will accompany you to play here? You are 'private' under the urging of the treasure, suppressing the three genius thunders, I have not found you, you actually took the initiative to find 'The door' is coming?" Qin Nan looked cold and indifferent.

Zhou Chengzhu and others trembled.

They just didn't think about it. If you think about it, how can Qinnan, the district, have the means to control the thunder.

Is it secretly that there is a terrible strong man who is arbitrarily controlling thunder?

As soon as this thought came out, they felt that it was more and more possible.

"not good!"

Suddenly, Cui Lixu’s face was ‘color’ and ‘show’ was pale.

"what happened?"

Zhou Cheng and others waited and looked up. At first glance, the face 'color' also changed.

I saw only the four thunders, like being moved by only the giant hands, and actually flew toward their supreme box, as if to destroy their supreme box.



"There is a problem! Go quickly!"

"Mom, what the **** is going on?"

The monks in the other halls also woke up and quickly cast spells to resist.

"All the strong people of Thundering City! Shoot me quickly and stop the thunder!" Zhou Chengzhu screamed and conveyed the gods, and the strongmen of the major Thundering cities quickly took off. [There are almost all the books I want to read. It is much more stable than the average station. There is no advertisement for the whole text. ]

This moment.

Above the dojo, in the hall, all the formations, all running, shining.

Countless monks have quickly fled toward the exit and did not dare to stay for a moment.

Throughout the scene, the sounds were ups and downs, and it was extremely noisy.

"Damn! Damn! ‘Mixed’ eggs!” Zhou Chengzhu and a group of elders of the ancestral martial arts, when they intercepted the thunder, they screamed and screamed, and the face 'color' was depressed to the extreme.

They are now not only urging all the forces to resist the thunder.

When this matter subsides, I am afraid that it will also have a huge impact on them.

After all, the thunderstorm war suddenly became so strange, and the other big players who came to participate in the competition will definitely ask them for compensation, which is an extremely amazing number.

"Well? Is Simakong only need three breaths? Is that just right..." Qin Nan glanced at the token, patted two rats and one dog, looked at the four thunders in the sky, and re-run the gold. Printed.

As for Cui Lixu and others, he has long since fled.


The roar of this thunderous robbery suddenly stopped, and the smell of destruction disappeared in an instant.

"Well?" Zhou Chengzhu and others who are urging the formation, as well as the numerous powerful people who have left behind, are all face-to-face.

The thunderbolt actually disappeared out of thin air?

How is this going?

Is it difficult to find that between the world, there are people who can **** them away?

"It’s gone."

Zhou Chengzhu was relieved. After all, he had to completely block the thunder, and they did not know how much effort it would take.

"City...The city owner! The big things are not good... The big things are not good!" At this moment, an elder who was repaired by Wu Shengyufeng rushed to the road and said: "Thunderbolt...Thundering over the city, appeared Thunder!"


Zhou Cheng, the main person, and his eyes widened, such as being struck by lightning.

At this moment, only to see the top of the city, the sky suddenly became 'yin' sinking, terrible storm, sweeping in all directions, a sword, a knife, a knife, four thunders, suspended in the air, released an amazing power , towards the entire city, slamming down.

It’s like, to destroy this city!

"The trough!"

"What happened? Is there someone to deal with the city of Leiling?"

"Less nonsense! Speed ​​shots, otherwise, everyone will die here today!"


The countless monks who escaped, the face 'color' also became depressed, and they all shot, and sacrificed the magic weapon of the emperor, turning into the radiance of the five colors and the ‘color’, hitting the sky.

"Promoting the whole city! Resist the thunder!"

The Zhoucheng Lord descended into the air and screamed, and the strength of Wuzu was released.

The whole city of Thundering shines with a ray of light, like a giant shield, blocking upwards.

The power of thunder robbery is terrible, and it is still four big thunders, united, it becomes even more terrible. Moreover, I don't know why, these four thunders suddenly became very flexible, like seeing through everyone's attacks and avoiding countless killings.

For a time, countless bounces, resounding and constantly reading;

Every monk who came to the city was trapped in this city of Thunder, and the attention of every strong man was all gathered on this resistance to thunder.

Only one small courtyard.

Qinnan left-handed flashing purple light, staring at the thunder and the many monks above the Scorpio, the gods are like 'Tide': "The left side is up, the right side is lower, and the back is 36 attacks, all avoiding... ”

It is him who is arbitrarily controlling thunder and robbery.

Of course, this matter is mainly to attract the attention of everyone. In addition to using the four major thunders, the focus is on taking care of Cui Lixu and not killing any monks.

Time passes by.

The battle is in full swing.

The sweat on the forehead of Qinnan is also falling down and the body is shaking.

The four major thunders are powerful, and the left-handers can avoid many attacks, but the monks facing them are too many. Qinnan has to control the whole situation, and the mind consumes it.

"Come on, hurry up, Grandma Sima..."

The two dogs are clasped together, staring at the token and praying in a row.

Although they don't know what happened, Qin Nan said, the tokens are shining, they can leave this place, so they stare at the tokens, because if they are the Lord Zhou and the monks, know this time. The thunderstorm war was controlled by Qin Nan's "fighting", and that was a big deal.


A whisper, a flash of light on the token.


The two dog faces 'color' instantly rejoiced and hurriedly jumped up and looked up.

"Is it successful?"

Qin Nan sighed with relief and looked at the distant thunder of many of the thunderstorms. The gods rushed out and poured the power of the day into the gold seal. However, he did not exhaust all of it, but sent the remaining power of the heavens and the earth to the dojo of the city in the city, and re-swept the top of the three geniuses.

If there is no thunder, these three geniuses, even if they are promoted to Wu Sheng, will be low and poor.

Qin Nan will not do it.

As for Cui Wei?

Who made him the younger brother of Cui Lixu, Qin Nan was unceremoniously accepted.


Qin Nan issued a hoarse voice, just about to leave, his body was awkward, almost fell, the two dogs saw it, immediately jumped up, glaring at Qinnan, spreading his feet and rushing toward the outside of the city.


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