Peerless Battle Spirit

Chapter 924: The order came


The ninth and twenty-fourth chapters are ordered

Emperor's technique is the technique of the great emperor. Only when it is leveled, it can reach the realm of the Wu Emperor. (-79xs-

The young man in front of him, so cultivated as a martial arts, dared to try to create, obviously martial arts talent, very powerful.

Of course, this does not rule out that this young man has acquired the powerful inheritance of Huo Daoshan, and thus has the ability to create emperor.

The young man continued to write. When he wrote halfway, the will of the emperor had already been formed. The distance was completely completed. It was not far away. However, the young man suddenly frowned, and the firebrush in his hand stopped and waved.

The will of the emperor will completely dissipate.

If you are an ordinary person, if you see this scene, you will be very puzzled. You must be successful. Why should you give up?

However, in the eyes of Qin Nan, it is the ‘color’ that stunned the ‘ 艳’.

This person's heart is 'sexual' extraordinary!

Because the ‘door’ emperor he created, although the power is acceptable, but still far from the point of the power of the sky, since it can not be achieved, then why create it?

He is in the ‘excellence’ and seeks to be 'fine' and wants to surpass himself!

At this time, an ancient voice was introduced into the mind of the mysterious youth. In the eyes of the young people, 'showing' the wrong color, and turned around, running a 'door' gong, looking towards Qinnan Come over.

In an instant, the four eyes are opposite.

A glimpse of Qinnan.

There are countless monks around, how can this young man look at him alone?

The mysterious youth smiled and picked up his fists. He saluted Qin Nan. Although he was silent, Qin Nan understood that this was a greeting.


Qin Nan’s eyes are slightly bright, and they are also arrogant.

Then the mysterious youth pointed to the front, turned his head, and the mind was placed on the fire pen again. Read the full text of the latest chapter

"Unfortunately, there is no chance this time. Otherwise, I will definitely discuss it with him..." Qin Nan said with a sigh.

He also loves martial arts. For the first time, he encountered such a powerful martial arts talent, and he naturally felt good.

"Simakong, let's go, the inheritance here has been made." Qin Nan looked at more and more monks around, and said.

“Hey, ‘wave’ is a feeling.”

Sima Air waved his hand.

After half a ring, the figure of Qin Nan and others came to the foot of the mountain. Only they did not know, just walking forward, not long after Zhou Chengzhu came with the vision, the two sides, after all, did not come together.

"Qinnan, go, let me do the next big thing!" Sima smiled and gave Qinnan a "you know" look, and his body jumped into the clouds and disappeared.

"This guy……"

Qin Nan was crying and laughing, shaking his head and looking at the front.

Now that he has been robbed, the road to cultivation is a point. In the future, it is only necessary to raise the tree of nine ancestors. What he still needs to do now is to advance to the soul of God of War and find the third treasure of the Great Emperor.

The third treasure, once acquired, can get everything left by the Emperor.

Qin Nan picked up the token, just ready to ask, another token, it shines, it is the order of the Terran peak!

"Well? The news from the Dragon Emperor?"

Qinnan has a slight glimpse.

The only ones who can give him the news of the summit commander are the giants of the Dragon Emperor.

When Qin Nan God read it, his brow wrinkled.

All the peaks, quickly rushed back to the Dragon Emperor's Court?

Why is this?

"Forget it, no matter what, ask the shadow studio, return to the Dragon Emperor!" After Qin Nan gave a shadow to the shadow house, his body flashed and flew away.

A few days later, the Dragon Emperor.

The shape of Qin Nan slowly emerged from the formation, and there was a slight **** smell on his body.

On this road, he also met a lot of people who ambushed his Thundering City. After several battles, he was alive.

"Go to the main temple first!"

When Qin Nan’s figure was shaken, he came to the peak of a mountain. In front of him, a simple atmosphere, exuding the faint hall of Longwei, stands here.

There are a total of 58 mountain peaks in the Dragon Emperor's Court. Each mountain has a peak.

If there are any major events involving the major peaks, they will be held in the main hall of this peak.

Qin Nan just stepped into the hall, the original noisy voice, instantly quieted down, dozens of sharp eyes, Qi Qi fell on his body, scanning up and down.

Qin Nan noodles ‘color’ does not move, took a look.

Among the halls, plus himself, there have been fifty-seven peaks, each of which is very powerful. Most of them have reached the level of the peak of the ancestors, even the weakest. .

"Oh, Qin Nanfeng, it is a big enough shelf, let us be here, wait for a full hour?" A cold voice, resounded.

The person who opens the mouth is the main character of the wolf peak, the string force!

It is also the father of the string month.

Since I learned that the string moon has become the mount of Qinnan, the string force is very angry. I have been looking for the string moon three times and five times, but the string moon face is firm and unwavering, which makes the string force quite weak.

Therefore, he hated Qin Nan.

His son's talents, high-spirited, if not Qinnan Fudge, how can it be Qinnan's mount?

The other peaks around me are laughing and laughing.

Qin Nan did not speak, found his position, sat down and ignored all eyes.

The string force was seen to be ignored by Qin Nan, and his face was angered, but he could not do it. He could only endure it and grievous.

After all, Qin Nan’s identity is in the same level as the Dragon Emperor’s Court.


At this moment, a strong atmosphere, broke through the air, directly fell on the main seat.

When Qin Nan looked up, he saw a majestic middle-aged man wearing a golden ‘color’ armor, and his eyes seemed to have golden light.

This is the dynasty of the Dragon Emperor's elders, the same as the fourth peak of the Dragon Emperor's Court. The Qingguang is the only peak of the peak, and looks at the entire Dragon Emperor's Court. It is second only to the three great emperors!

"This ‘flower’ splits a powerful cultivation, I am afraid that only one step is needed to reach the realm of the demon empire...”

Qin Nan’s eyes flashed a different color.

"Everyone, I will call you today, there is one thing, you need to discuss it!" 'Flower' split eyes, consciously or unintentionally swept Qinnan, no expression: "This year's 'door' disciple ratio, need Three months in advance, held the day after tomorrow! Can you have any other comments?"

This statement is like a thunder.

Many of the heads of the lord's face are 'color', and they are all stunned.

The ‘door’ disciple’s big brother, as the name suggests, is the inner ‘door’ disciple’s game, and the ‘door’ sect is used to test the disciples’ cultivation. Like this big ratio, any sect “door” will be there once a year.

Every year, the Dragon King’s ‘door’ disciple is a grand event.

Therefore, for hundreds of years, the ‘door’ disciple of the Dragon Emperor’s Court has never happened before, this kind of advance situation.

Even Qin Nan, the brow is wrinkled.


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