Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1021: 0 mountain secluded girl

Immediately, Zi Lingsha leisurely turned back, and the indifferent look rushed out and smiled. "You just said, if I am here, can you make a few points?"

"You...!" Kong Yan's face suddenly became heavy. An unprecedented sense of oppression told him to step back a few steps and solemnly said: "You, is a thousand mountains?"

Zi Lingsha's default shrug shoulders, her seemingly indifferent movements, but suddenly the mausoleum is boiling, and the sound of screaming rises.

"Thousands, thousands of mountains and secluded girls?"

"God, she turned out to be a thousand mountains and a secluded girl? In this sacrifice of the gods, one of the two most optimistic demon girls?"

Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that everyone looks at Qin Shi. The eyes are full of jealousy: "How lucky is this kid... How is the woman of the domain owner of the wilderness? Even the thousands of mountains and women are willing to protect him?"

"Well, this time, the winds are really a big problem. You look like a thousand mountains and a girl, and you must have a relationship with that kid."

"Compared with Qianshan's secluded woman, is it that Kong Tong can't be jealous?"

The horror is not just them, even Yu Yueyue and Kong Xianhui are stunned, and the sputum of the moon screams: "She, she turned out to be a thousand mountains and a secluded girl? God, what have I been doing these days? People are together."

"It turns out... she is the purgatory holy lady."

Recalling that before, Zi Lingsha's indifferent eyes, Kong Xianhui also faintly realized what, the strange look of the beauty of Zi Lingsha.

Standing behind Zi Lingsha, Qin Shi was the most surprised, but it seemed to be as expected. He smiled and said: "Oh, your hiding is really deep enough."

"You haven't asked me yet." Ziling Lingsha's excuses for herself.

Qin Shi is too lazy to argue with her on this topic, just saying: "That is, the reason why the infernal disciples helped me because of your reasons?"

Zi Lingsha indulged for a moment, nodded undecidedly.

She knows that if she wants to hide, she is sure to hide.

"You said to me before, because the heart is separated from the belly because you have already noticed that Kong Tong is hiding around it, right?"


"Then why don't you say that?"

"I just know that he is there, but I don't know his purpose, and I also reminded you that you insisted on it, and that you insist on things, I will only support it." Zi Lingsha is a scent, some small The chorus of grievances.

This is called Qin Shiwen, how can you not get angry, maybe in the eyes of outsiders, there are inextricable relationships between the two, of course, it turns out that the two are indeed the same, so far Qin Stone can't figure out what the words that Zi Lingsha said to him a few years ago. We are the same kind of people, what exactly is meant.

However, Qin Shi himself knows that although the relationship between the two is complicated, it is not the kind that outsiders imagine, but in this case, this woman can pay so much for him, starting from the mall, he will not hesitate to live. The Han family has been rescued so far, and once and for all, help him without paying back. These are all enough to make him touched.

So in the end, he was not refuting, just caring for Zi Lingsha: "That... you are careful."

See Qin Shi is not angry, Zi Lingsha sweet smile, like a naive girl, if not to understand Zi Lingsha, Qin Shi even think that she will be confused by her.

But in an instant, the smile disappeared, and the breath that emerged from Zi Lingsha was that some people were scared and scared at the place. Even Qin Shi had never felt it in her. It was a kind of The power of invasion.

She has a very angry smile: "With him, I can't hurt me."

"You...!" Confucius was counted in the public by Zi Lingsha, and his face suddenly couldn’t be hanged. He’s awkward: "You are not too much. If you push me, you may not It is my opponent."

"Yes, you will know soon."

Zi Lingsha didn't have a bit of nonsense. When she was sham, she took the initiative to meet Kong Tong. Her whole body was covered with purple and black dense fog, and the place where she passed was bound to be awkward.

Near the hole, her jade hand came out, her nails broke free of flesh and blood, and suddenly increased a few meters long, such as the claws of the witch, fierce punching and grabbing.

"Flower bones!"

Kong Tong’s heart was in a hurry, and he quickly stepped back a few steps, and the fingerprints slammed out.

"The big wind is the clutch!"

boom! Rumble! The roar was suddenly shot in the mausoleum.

Where the two confronted each other, a layer of broken space stretched out hundreds of meters, called the earth directly shattered into thousands of Longji gullies, dark and deep bottomless.

"I didn't expect that the rumored Qianshan secluded woman turned out to be just a nine-day-old Huang Maotou!" Kong Yi said with a big bow, and raised it with one hand.

"Dragon wind mad!"

In the face of Zi Lingsha, Kong Tong is still very nervous. Of course, this is not the pressure that Zi Lingsha brought to him. Most of it is because of the rumors of Zi Lingsha from the outside world, and he called himself a mess.

His hands changed in front of his chest. After a week of spiritual power, he gave birth to a golden wind from his eyebrows. The wind and the ordinary wind were very different, and there were dragons along the whole body. The sound, suddenly burst into the purple Lingsha burst.

In the face of the golden dragon wind, Zi Lingsha has long dissatisfied, letting the wind flow her purple skirt, the jade hand slowly extended, and the void is a few times.

boom! Hey!

A purple aurora penetrates the space and shocks the wind dragon. It sounds like a fireworks in the sky, and one by one purple vortex appears out of thin air, looking into it like a starry river in the night sky. But there is a mixture of nightmares that everyone is shocked.

"This, this is the door to purgatory?"

Kong Yan fiercely blinked, the purple vortex gives the impression that, like the door of the purgatory combined with the forty-nine infernal disciples, it is only the door of purgatory, is it not forty-nine people to open? How can Zi Lingsha be able to open it?

Moreover, the power of it is actually beyond the reach of the past, the kind of cruelty that makes people fall and fall, is simply the highest level of purgatory in the world.

Not only Kong Tong, many people are shocked, some disciples who are out of reach, just look at the purple vortex, the whole person is lost, showing a panic color.

Qin Shi wrinkled his frown. This is the first time in history that he saw Zi Lingsha not using poison, but on the basis of his own spiritual power to confront others. I did not expect it to be so violent.

"Awesome power." He secretly admired.

"That is our saint, the field of purgatory alone."

"Purgatory field?" Qin Shi slightly glimpsed, looked back, the former disciple of the refining domain has stood up, looked at Zhuang Su looked up at the purple vortex, very respectful.

"Lingsha, she only has nine days, how can there be a field?" Qin Shi incomprehensible, and said: "What's more, the field is based on its own attributes, there is a property called purgatory between heaven and earth. ?"

The disciple stunned. Apparently Qin Shi thought he was lying, and asked him to smile helplessly: "The purgatory field of the saint is different from the ordinary field. Her field is not in the world, but grafting. In the channel of purgatory."

"In our refining field, we don't care what your cultivation is, what you really care about, and what determines your personal strength is the suffering of the world." The disciple said with a sigh: "Our cultivation is cultivation and suffering. The more suffering you experience, the stronger your strength will be."

"Is there such a thing?"

"Otherwise, do you think that our refining domain is just a name?" The disciple sighed: "The refining domain is really a human purgatory, and the saint is purgatory for thousands of years, suffering the most ferocious in this world." Although we don't know what she has experienced... However, her perseverance is enough to tell her to go deep into purgatory, but she has never frowned, so she told her to cultivate this purgatory field."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi suddenly realized, immediately he looked at Zi Lingsha's eyes became strange, and could not help but raise a bit of pity on this woman: "What have you experienced... is it unwilling to say?"

Qin Shi sighed, but at this moment, Kong Tong was completely flustered. He was madly rushing to the purple and singer, and under the door of purgatory, any of his offensives did not work.

"How, how is it possible, you are a little nine days, how could I not be your opponent?" Kong Hao crazy anger.

Zi Lingsha swayed her head sarcastically, and her jade hand slowly extended. The purple light was very sharp, like a continuous hill, and she penetrated the hole in one fell swoop.

This is called Confucius. When he looked back, this suddenly found out that Zi Lingsha’s goal was not him, but Yin Bingming, who was always behind him.


Looking at the purple light approaching, Yin Bingming suddenly panicked, but did not give him the opportunity to escape, the light wrapped around his neck, Zi Ling Sha Yu hand turned, his body directly left the ground, there is no room for struggle. Was dragged to the front of Zi Lingsha.

"Don't, don't kill me."

Yin Bingming's low-sounding drink The whole person's emotions are occupied by fear.

"You are sorry for his trust."

Zi Lingsha shook her head in disappointment, and immediately joined the five fingers. Like a bayonet, she plunged into Yin Bingming’s throat.

Yin Bingming's seven layers of Tianzhu, under the power of Zi Lingsha, had no chance of rebellion. He was directly divided into corpses. When he died, he widened his eyes and died.

Zi Lingsha's indifference is for everyone outside Qin Shi, so she did not have a slight emotional fluctuation after killing Yin Bingming. It gives people the feeling that it is not a killing of an individual, it is more like an ant that is trampled to death. Half-squatting down, she searched Yin Bingming for a circle and removed the ball of light floating on the altar before, which revealed a sweet smile.

It’s just shocking. She didn’t take a look at the light ball and even took a look at it. Turning the shadow of the shadow and throwing it at Qin Shi: “You always wanted it, hold it.”

Catching the ball of light, Qin Shi stayed awkward, this treasure of the tomb is not known how many people do not hesitate to get the life, Zi Lingsha can be so lightly gifted to him, this is how his heart can not be moved?

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