Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1118: 2 tiger battle

In the darkness, Qin Shi relied on the golden light in his hand, which made him barely see the guy who had just attacked him, but he couldn’t help but see this after he fixed his mind.

Because he found that he had just attacked him, but he was not a creature, but a handful, very vain, and there was a spirited sword wrapped around him.

What is even more exaggerated is that at the hilt of the sword, there are a pair of big eyes with gods, and they are constantly rushing to him.

"What is this ghost thing?" Qin Shi swallowed.


Suddenly $ pig $ pig $ island $ novel (www). (zhu) (zhu) (). (), that spirit sword, fierce screams, should be angered by Qin Shi's words.

Immediately, the sword is not nonsense, the blade is bent on the ground, and when it is bent to the extreme, it suddenly straightens, and the reflection force makes it like the arrow of Xuan, and it rushes to Qin Shi.

call out!

The speed of this sword is almost empty, and in the process he is more quickly twisting the blade, so that the sharp blade until Qin Shimei.

In the outside world, many disciples who saw this scene were shocked, and this sword is too fierce. From the perspective of the sword that overflows from the surroundings, even if it is an ordinary domain, it will be difficult to stop it.

At this time, the sand has been withdrawn from the sword. When he saw the picture, he couldn’t help but scream: "What is going on?"

"He met the sword magic." Fang Qing Jiao Sheng is grim.

"Sword Magic?" The old eyes of the sand are sinking. This is beyond the expected result of him. In his plan, Qin Shi can't reach 30 layers, at least it should be more than 25 layers. However, if you encounter a sword magic in the middle, then everything will be different.

The swordsman swordsman, who is the messenger of the sword court for two thousand years, is more aware of the extent of his horror than many people, but it inherits the existence of the blood of the 36 swordsmen.

"This kid, this is troublesome."

However, in the sorrow of the two men, Zhang Xiaoxiao’s feelings are getting colder and colder. His eyes are evil and cold: "Hey, with this kid’s injury, it seems that it will stop here. Jianzong was established for nearly 10,000 years. No one is below the twentieth level. This is really a swordsmanship."

"Big Brother, I think, you overestimate him. If he is defeated by the swordsman, can he continue to understand the swordsmanship in the sword court or two? If he can't understand the swordsmanship from the sword court, then he will completely lose his disciple. Meaning, when we asked for Fang Qing to change, she had no right to refuse!"

"Really, you can't comprehend the sword of the sword. This kind of person does not have the qualification to become the sect of the sword."

Fan Yan and Shen Tianyang are laughing at each other from the side.

"Look at it, in short, this kid, this time it is impossible to continue to sit down and close the disciple." Zhang Hao proudly laughed.

Being approached by the sword, Qin Shi face a cold, the footsteps are very swaying backwards, this is barely flashing it, however, he is still the tragedy of this sword, this sword magic single from the spiritual point of view, and Did not reach the level of Qin Shi's irresistible, but the domain is powerful, if it is hard work, Qin Shi has the confidence to kill it.

However, a flash of lightning, he just wanted to fight back, the sword magic action is very decisive, the sword front fell, a single turn, Jianguang once again rushed Qin Shi from the top.

"A good skill sword!" Qin Shi blinked, this sword is not high, but the accomplishment in swordsmanship is very extraordinary.

"Little guy, this sword magic body, should be a combination of the swords of the thirty-six masters of the sword, not good to deal with." Demon snarls.

"You can see it without you saying it!"

Qin Shi's mouth, after two consecutive retreats, he has discovered that this sword magic is extraordinary, simply can not judge the ordinary spirit.

Under the chasing of the sword, Qin Shi immediately fell into a disadvantage. If he relied on the property of the thunder, he might be able to fight it. However, the pressure in the sword was strong, and he felt like he was always carrying heavy armor. I was extremely obstructed, so I couldn’t fight back in the evasion. I could only rush back to the rear.

Fortunately, there is a soul detection. If you want to retire with your heart, this sword can't help him for a time.

"Little guy, this is not a long-term solution. This sword is full of swords, and this sword is itself cast by the sword. Here he will only get stronger and stronger. On the contrary, you will be weakened constantly, so waiting for you. After physical exhaustion, it is even more of his opponent." The demon rushed.

Qin Shi said: "I know, but in this case, I can't fight back."

"Don't worry, go back to you in the direction of seven o'clock. If I don't feel wrong, there should be only a sword demon sleeping."

"This kind of monster, there is still a second one?" Qin Shi blinked and followed the sigh: "You are crazy? I can't cope with one, you let me go to provoke the second?"

"What?" The demon white took Qin Shi's eye and said: "This sword magic, there is no wisdom, if I did not guess wrong, you should have accidentally entered the territory of this sword magic, so he will be crazy to you. Launch an attack, but if you are entering the territory of the second sword demon, and the two swords and the devils invade each other, there should be no effort to pay attention to you."

"Well?" Qin Shi indulged, thinking of the passage: "You mean, let me borrow another sword magic hand to get rid of this sword magic?"

"Almost." After a pause, the demon said: "Of course, this is just my thoughts. It may also be that you invade the territory of another sword demon. Then the two of them join together to tear you apart and then re-divide the territory. possible."


Qin Shi feels like a white mouse now.

"You have no choice."

Long sigh, the demon said it is good, if it is delayed, it will only become more and more unfavorable to him, so that he does not want to reach the 30th floor of the sword. It is very likely that even this layer will not go out. He has no Choice, you can only go to gamble.

"I hope you didn't make a mistake, otherwise I will die and bring you to accompany me."

Qin Shi threatened a sentence, and immediately aimed at the seven o'clock position, where there is also no dark space for the head.

However, according to the demon, he can feel from the distance, and there will be wildness rising from time to time in the space, like a long-awaited Crouching Tiger.


As soon as he gritted his teeth, Qin Shi’s body flashed, and the swordsman’s sword gas flashed off again. Then the soles of the feet slammed into the old place, and the body jumped into the old high, just hiding in the darkness.


Qin Shi entered the darkness, and the sword magic obviously hesitated, standing at the boundary line of the space, and the mouth continued to send heavy sinking.

"Small things, come in!" Qin Shi's slap in the sword, hooked the little finger.

There is no wisdom in the sword, and the movement of Qin Shi is suddenly irritated, struggling, and rushing to Qin Shi.

"Little guy, squat down!" Suddenly, the demon screamed.

Qin Shi smashed the gods, squatting? Didn't make a mistake? The sword of the sword is so angry that it will pierce his eyebrows.

"Do as I said, fast!"

The demon screamed again, and Qin Shi clenched his teeth. He said, "I will believe you once!" Immediately, he did not care about the wind and slammed his body.

Seeing this movement, everyone in the outside world is a glimpse.

This is undoubtedly a death.

"What happened?" Fang Qing was nervous.

Zhang stunned and sneered: "Oh, this kid, knowing that he is not a sword-defeat opponent, is ready to give up resistance, want to find a comfortable way to die for himself?"


At the time of danger, the sword and the sword are far from Qin Shifang. Suddenly, from behind Qin Shi, a silver sword light, fiercely shot through the darkness, and the sword will fly.

"Well?" The disciples were all a glimpse, and Fang Qing was also stunned.

Immediately, when the people set their minds and saw the Lord of Silverlight, they were all stunned and swallowed: "That, that is, the sword magic? Two swordsmen?"

Fang Qing and the wind and sand glanced at each other and suddenly came back to God: "It turned out that he already knew that there was a second sword magic behind him?"

"He was deliberate. He led the previous swordsman to the rest of the swordsman's territory, and then let the two swords and the gods fight each other and take advantage of the fishermen's interests." The sandstorm surprised.

After returning to God, Fang Qingyu’s eyes flashed a few shocks.

At the beginning, she had personally experienced the power of the sword, and this kid dared to provoke two at the same time? However, it seems that this may not be a good idea.

"It's a bold guy." At the thought of this, Fang Qingqing smiled.

However, when Fang Qing relaxed and laughed, the old eyes of the wind and sand were inexplicably serious, and the dry hands were even more tight than before.

Zhang Hao’s old eyes started: “Hey, there are two swordsmen at the same time. It seems that this kid’s dog has not been used up yet.”

After all, his old eyes are like ice: "But, kid, do you think that you can kill two swords, so that you can resolve the crisis? Idiot, this will only lead you to more trouble!"

Regarding the sword demon, one thing is that even Fang Qing does not know it. It is only the secret that Zhang Wei and others have followed Qi Qing.

This is also the reason why the sandstorm, after seeing Qin Shi’s choice, is not only relaxed but more tense.

boom! Hey!

Two swordsmen, just one touch, suddenly produced a strong collision, neither of whom did not obey the jet of swords, the layered swordsmanship has a great intention to penetrate the sword.

One after another, the audience was watching.

This is a powerful confrontation, especially the swordsmanship of the two great swordsmen, and nothing is extraordinary.

A group of disciples and disciples, in the look of the eyes, can not help but fall into the sentiment.

Of course, Qin Shi is not as profound as the Jiandao disciple, so even though he has the inheritance of the Valkyrie, he has not seen too many clues in the confrontation between the two swordsmen.


Suddenly, in the mutual killing of the two great swords, Qin Shi’s eyebrows suddenly sent a feeling of blazing heat, which made him slightly surprised and revealed a few strange colors.

After the same, he was a happy moment.


Of course, his joy did not last long. After the two swordsmen had been recruited by the hundred swords, the swordsman who had previously pursued Qin Shi suddenly missed a blow. A sword fell into the darkness and was slowly swallowed up by the darkness.

Take this The second sword is a smile, and the blade suddenly bends together, blending the sword light suspended in the surrounding swords, and piercing another sword into a sword light. magic.


The sword demon, on the main body, was directly pierced through a hole, and there was no crack in the mouth.

The spirit was hit hard, and the previous sword and the devil had gone. This is very clear to everyone. Qin Shi’s black scorpion condenses from the rear, and the demon’s voice rang in the next second: “Little guy, oh now!”

Qin Shi set his mind and tried hard. He knew that it was his perfect time and he had to kill the second sword.

In an instant, his hands merged, and two different handprints were kneaded together, and the cumbersome ones merged into each other from the space, and three thousand dragon beads circling along his body.

"Swallow the sky..."

But suddenly, the word dragon, he has not spit out, and suddenly it was shocked by the picture that happened in front of him.

Not only him, it is the audience.

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