Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1164: Blood suppression

However, in the disciple of Jianyi and other disciples thought that the black dragon must die, from the gully that was shattered from below, suddenly it rose into a deep blood, and the blood was like a blood column in the deep sea, and it sputtered all directions.

"How is it possible?" Many disciples are grown up with a big mouth: "That, that is the reincarnation of martial arts, then the black dragon has not died yet?"

"If it is normal, the black dragon of the reincarnation of martial arts is absolutely unbearable. However, the martial arts just now are inherited by the dragons. The black dragon with the blood of dragons is born with less suppression."

After all, the sword squinted and stared at the sky with great dignity: "It’s troublesome now. I didn’t expect this black dragon to have the ability to open the dragon festival."

% pig% pig% island% novel ww. "Dragon Festival? What is that?"

"Dragon blood, this blood, is called Tianzun in the animal world. Once it is turned on, its strength will increase by several times. If this black dragon is opened in the land of seals, let us alone, let alone Grab it back to the giant tower, and it’s hard to say if you can escape it without a dragon claw."

"What?" A group of disciples couldn't help but show up, but at the same time, they showed sympathy for Qin Shi. "That's a miserable!"

The old wind and the wind are cold, and a pair of hands are also behind the back, making preparations for rescue at any time.

However, the blood column skyrocketed, the original black dragon leaped, and the chain that locked the whole body was almost shattered. A pair of dragon wings slammed into the sky, suddenly approaching the distance from Qin Shi.

Under the blood, it has a **** veins all over the body, a pair of huge longan eyes on Qin Shi, mouth vomiting: "Hey, stinky boy, you dare to hurt me, dare to use my dragon's martial arts to hurt me! I must ask you not to die!"

Qin Shi looked at the blood dragon, and felt a little accidental, the blood of the beastly animal. He had seen it from Xiaomi Cai’s body as early as it was. It is indeed a compelling force, especially the **** noble beast, once the blood is turned on. The growth of strength will be in multiples.

"Oh, dragon blood, I am a little you." However, accidental accident, Qin Shi did not make a little taboo, but the look is very indifferent, which makes the sword and many other disciples are jealous. Tong, I don’t know if Qin Shi is really sure or pretentious.

Even the black dragon is also a sinking face, surrounded by dragons.

"Oh, big words!" After the previous Kowloon dive, the Black Dragon obviously did not regard Qin Shi as an ordinary scorpion. When the blood color entangled from the whole body for a week, he violently burst out, the colossal The body, the rampage, rushed to Qin Shi.

Qin Shi only felt the cold wind whistling in front of him, which was full of blood.

He rubbed his neck: "It’s been a long time since I haven’t been active!"


Immediately, he slammed into a series of golden light bursts, and the black dragon's dragon slammed into a ball.


On the scorpio, the golden light and blood, the blood stained the Quartet, and this kind of strong collision, but only just started, after a burst of confrontation, Qin Shi's foot slammed, emptiness, and went around the black dragon.

"Thousands of Thunder Spears!"

Qin Shi’s palms plunged into the thunderclouds of the air. Suddenly, from the Thundercloud, he formed a whirlpool in his palm. The whirlpool was extremely wild, and the meaning of the ancient swallowing beast swallowed the sky, quickly condensing the surrounding lightning into a The glare of the thunder, the fierce rushed to the black dragon!

"Glyphs and small tricks!" Black Dragon Evil laughed: "Dragon blood is broken!"

A pair of dragon wings, blasting a few blood in the sky, and the thunderbolt bombarded in a group, bursting into layers and being born to the earthquake.


The soul enchantment created by the outer Qin Shi almost collapsed in an instant.

"Hey!" The same beasts in the giant tower, feel the power of the dragon's blood, all exposed to the chilly color, one without any previous arrogance, but very stable on the ground.

In the animal world, the power of the blood is greater than the sky, just like the devil's suffocation.

Teng Teng! Lei spears continue to hit, after hundreds of moves, Qin Shihukou has been a very painful, and the thunder screams, fiercely shattered, and the impulse, which prevented him from blasting out several steps.

"Hey, little guy, since I was captured by Jianzong, I was already ready to be killed. However, I can pull you back today, and I am content!"

The black dragon laughed wildly, and suddenly his longan condensed. In his blood, a **** dragon condensed, and the dragon swelled out, and the whole tower was trembled.

"That is, **** dragons?" The sword was shocked and fiercely clenched.

"Sword Yi Ge, what is the blood dragon's breath?"

"Blood veins ...!" The sword is slightly scattered, and it is extremely repressed: "That is the dragon, the power of the whole body, and finally the gathering of dragons. This kind of dragon interest does not have any spiritual attack. However, there is a **** suppression, the dragon's **** dragons, even if it is a general domain Dacheng, do not dare to say that there is absolute certainty to block it?"

"What? The domain is big?" A group of disciples are dumbfounded. That is the height they need to look up. They look at Qin Shi with a bitter look: "You said that he is good at doing, not to anger what the black dragon does, this time he If something goes wrong, we are not good at making friends with the lord!"


Even the wind and sand are frowning, and screaming loudly: "Beast, you dare!"

"Hey, old guy, now I want to stop, is it too late?" Black Dragon sneered, and immediately the **** dragon spurt out of his mouth, when the dragon splashed to Qin Shi, He has become very miserable all over the body, and he has never had a blood in his body. If he loses his blood, he will die and die.

"Bad boy!" The wind and sand stunned, and wanted to stop, but it was really too late. He never expected that this black dragon would use such crazy means.

The **** dragon's breath approached quickly, and a large piece of **** light quickly shrouded the Qin stone. In the **** light, he slowly wrapped the black robe tightly. Suddenly, he showed a sneer: "I want to go with me? The door is not If you are so dead, who do I take the reindeer?"

The black-necked black dragon couldn’t help but screamed. After slamming his head, he laughed and said: "Bad boy, are you crazy? When you die, you still want to use the old man to refine the magic charm? You have the ability to live and talk about it!" ”

"Death to the end?" Qin Shi stunned, and suddenly smiled and shook his head: "I am afraid that this dragon's blood, I am afraid not."


Among the giant towers, the disciples who are headed by the sword are blind, they really can't figure out, under this crisis, what can Qin Shi still have?

"What are you talking about!"

Suddenly, Qin Shi shouted, and immediately he opened and closed, and continuously pinched his handprints, condensing the spiritual power into the heart, and taking advantage of the deepest part of the heart, an extremely hot force was ignited by him, slowly. The rogue is everywhere in him.

When I saw the fire of Qin Shi’s whole body, the black dragon’s long eyes slammed. At the beginning, the range of the fire was still very limited. However, when the last fire overflowed the Qin stone, among the huge towers, all the beasts suddenly Shocked.


The kind of heartbreaking snoring is from the deepest fear of the soul, and even the black dragon's face is transformed, revealing fear.

"What is going on here?" The swordsman was very upset. The fire was in their view, and it was unusual. There was no such thing as any spiritual fluctuations.


Of course, the sand saw the fire, and combined with the animal change of the audience, he was slightly surprised and immediately smiled: "This power is that thing? I didn't expect this little guy to get the thing?"

After seeing the fire, his original worry color disappeared.

The black dragon was the closest to the fire, and his huge longan sank and his voice was sharp: "This, this is the blood of the true phoenix?"

Qin Shi smiled lightly: "Oh? You recognized it? Oh, you are not stupid."

"Bad boy, how can you have a real blood in your body?"

Zhenfeng, that is no less than the existence of the real dragon, the great races in the high world of the beast world. However, the power of the true phoenix released by Qin Shi is undoubtedly in the Tianxiang Pavilion of Jianzong, the Dan of Fengxian fruit. The difference between the real and the black dragon is that the black dragon's true dragon blood is full of impurities, and his true phoenix power is indeed extremely pure, which is in the blood, is a kind A world apart.

On the blood of the beast world, Qin Shi is even sure. Compared with those extremely high powers in the beast world, he must know that this person, in the blood of human beings, is broken by the blood of the emperor, but he is against the devil. The family and the beasts all have very extraordinary accomplishments. In the early years, a set of stars and tyrants made him full of the power of the beasts. Nowadays, he has got a qualitative leap. This black dragon The dragons in the district are not afraid.

Qin Shi sneered and shook his head: "Then you don't need to know, I said that I want to go with me, impossible, give me back!"

A little bit of He manipulated the power of the true phoenix, fiercely sealed the **** dragon's breath, and immediately, his body flashed forward, crushed the blood dragon blood, and beat the blood of the blood to the back. Black dragon body.


The black dragon was slammed into a hundred meters, and the impact of the life on the huge tower wall, so that the entire tower is violent.

When the black dragon climbed up again, the look was already very wilting. The most ridiculous thing is that he is now under the oppression of Qin Shi, and he has no ability to die.

Qin Shi repelled the black dragon and slowly fell in front of the black dragon: "I have been able to protect myself from the flesh and blood?"

He shook his head, his palms slowly lifted up, and a six-angled light array rose into the sky, sealing the black dragon firmly inside.

"Call! Are you starting?"

Taking a deep breath, Qin Shi black shackles could not help but change, even if he can suppress this black dragon, but whether it can refine, but it is another matter.

"Six-angled spirits!"

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