Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1223: Fury Qin Shi

Ye Fengqi's delicate voice is transmitted in the confrontation between the two turbid forces. The voice is not big, even with a vague cry, but if there is a force to break the boat, like the tomb of the morning bell, it will ring toward both sides. `

I heard that there was some grief and a slightly depressing voice. Everyone couldn’t help but scream at God. This is the result that no one expected.

Qin Shi wrinkled in the rear brow and wanted to go a few steps forward.

Suddenly, Ye Fengqi’s fierce turn back made Qin Shi’s body stiff. From Ye Feng’s watery jade eyes, he actually noticed a few pleadings, and he could not stop but shook his head helplessly.

"This silly girl." Qin Shi felt pitiful for Ye Fengqi, and immediately looked more anger at Cheng Xu's eyes. He could imagine that Ye Fengqi would say so, it must be what Cheng Xu had just done, he was tight. The fist is very angry.

Cheng Xu looked at Qin Shi with a smug smile.

A voice, ringing beside Qin Shi's ear: "Ha ha ha, Qin Shi, Qin Shi, is this result also surprised you? I tell you, even if I can't kill you, but you don't want to kill I, I will not die, the genius of the eight domains, only one of me."

Qin Shi black sorrows to the extreme, biting his teeth: "Really, I did not think, I can't figure out how, how can you bear to endure such a poor girl to such a desperate situation...!"

"That is what she deserves, she is born with a life!" Cheng Xu roared.

Qin Shi really did not want to communicate with this animal, but shook his head helplessly.

He could feel that after Ye Fengqi’s words fell, all the contestants looked at her eyes and spit it out. A woman who did not follow the woman’s path was the most shameful.

"It’s really bitter to this little girl. After this, everyone will despise her. She thinks she is a frivolous, debauchery girl. Later, she wants to look up in the eight fields, I am afraid it will be very difficult." Huo Dao and Qin Shi I have known each other for a long time, and naturally I can see the clues and sigh from the side.

Qin Shi never turned back and said: "No, I will definitely return her innocence, such a kind girl like her should not suffer this kind of grievance."

Ye Fengqi’s alone screamed in the air.

Qin Shi slowly stepped forward and grabbed her fragrant shoulder. What he can do now is to use his arm to protect the girl as much as possible and prevent her from being more wronged.

Ye Fengqi fell in Qin Shihuai, and finally could not help but cry. `

"Oh... I, I, I really can't help, oh, I can't watch my sister lose his life under the affliction."

"I know, you can rest assured that the sky will not be so unfair." Qin Shi softly appease.

In any case, Ye Fengqi’s words broke the deadlock, Qin Shi regained strength, and many contestants would not be interested in it? They have given up their attacks on Qin Shi.

Only Cheng Xu, the eyes of the dead and the death of Qin Shi and Ye Fengqi, especially watching the hands of Qin Shi fell on the shoulders of Ye Fengqi, the friction of the teeth.

Ye Fengqi red eyes, full of contempt for the look of Cheng Xu, she said: "Cheng Xu, I did not tell the truth!"

"Hey, you really didn't say it, but you thought so, would I heal your sister? I told you, impossible!"

Ye Fengmei was shocked. She didn't expect Cheng Xu to go back, and now she is really passive. Even if she wants to identify Cheng Xu, I am afraid that no one will be willing to believe that she has become a stock in the eyes of everyone.

"You...what do you want?" Ye Feng screamed.

"You didn't do enough to make me satisfied. If I want to satisfy me, I will kill Qin Shi and then come back to me. He is by your side. You are doing it now. I promise that your sister will be safe!" Xu mouth sneaked the road.

"You...!" Ye Fengqi was dumbfounded. She did not expect that Cheng Xu would make such an unreasonable request.

"Oh no, this is not enough. I want you to be my slave. I will go to bed with me. Then, I can't be my wife. I can only make pets for myself at home!" Cheng Xu haha ​​laughed.

Ye Fengqi was completely desperate, and she was overwhelmed.

"What are you doing, you are not fast? Do you not want your sister's life?"

Cheng Xu shouted and scared Ye Fengqi.

Ye Fengqi was full of struggling and tight jade hands. Her fingers and joints were all white, and she turned helplessly and looked at Qin Shi.

Suddenly, Qin Shi grabbed her little hand and a warm spiritual force was introduced into her body. Qin Shi smiled at her gently. `

Ye Fengqi can't help but eat it in the smoke.

Reconciling Ye Fengqi, Qin Shi immediately turned, a horrible murderous machine rolled up under his black robe, a voice, suddenly broke the communication track between Cheng Xu and Ye Fengqi.

"Cheng Xu, I didn't want to kill you. It hurts to kill you, but you really want to die."

Both Cheng Xu and Ye Fengqi were shocked. I did not expect Qin Shi to insert into the two people.

"You, have you heard that?" Ye Fengqi and Cheng Xu both said in unison.

Qin Shi did not deny the default. Before Ye Fengqi lie in public and took his mistakes to himself, he already saw the shackles, so when the two men began to sound, he used the power of the soul to wrap three people, each of which The air molecules in the area fluctuated and he was able to see clearly.

He also listened clearly to the previous conversations between the two, which completely overstepped his bottom line and made him really angry.


As soon as the shadow disappeared, Qin Shi was lightning-fast, turning a purple thunder, and flashing in front of everyone, directly appeared in front of Cheng Xu.

His speed is almost shocking the audience.

"Good, good horror...! This, is this still human?"

Many contestants were amazed.

What Qin Shi has shown is that in addition to the power of space, the fastest time they have seen, has been difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

Cheng Xu is also a glimpse. After seeing Qin Shi, he is like a ghost. He is scared: "You, you, what are you going to do?"

"What? You know!" Qin Shi was too lazy to talk nonsense, raising his hand, five fingers, dragons, dragons, five soul dragons, rushing down Cheng Xu.

Cheng Xu flustered back, hands and feet and Shi: "Three souls and seven smashes!"

"Three souls are gone!"

The space behind Cheng Xu cracked three gaps and rushed out of the three ghosts.

However, the three ghosts of the underworld have not yet hit Qin Shi, Qin Shi black squats gently, the murderous flicker in the deep, the three ghosts suddenly eaten in the same place, was shocked by Qin Shi's deterrent power?

The three ghosts immediately became like a ghost, and they fled back to the gap.

Seeing this scene, the whole audience was shocked, and the color of the gloom filled the eye: "This, what kind of deterrence is this? Actually, can actually shake back the soul of Cheng Xu's underworld?"

"This, this is incredible?"

Looking at Qin Shi, some hundred-year-old guys are scared.

In the distance, Huo Dao was shocked. He thought he had already seen the full strength of Qin Shi, but he did not know that he thought too much.

boom! Hey!

Between the fists and the palms, the wind is filled with sand, and Qin Shizhen is forced to force one palm and one palm. He is almost uncommon for martial arts. He simply relies on brute force to rush against Cheng Xu.

Cheng Xu continued to resist, but he felt even more uneasy. Every time he resisted, he used all the solutions, and the major martial arts came out in an endless stream. However, in this case, he still could not cope with Qin Shi’s simple brute force. Hey?

"This, how strong is this body?"

"Oh my God, this, is it too powerful? Is it difficult for Cheng Xu to fight in the flesh?"

"We are all kidding him, no wonder he will become the champion of the gods."

"In this kid, I, how do I feel the breath of a real dragon?"

“Hey?” The others talked constantly and said: “Really, I also felt...”

"No, no, not only the dragons, this power is... is the power of the phoenix? Is there a force in his body?"

"What? Isn't that the power of the dragon and the phoenix? I, my goodness, this, is this true? The power of the dragon wind is actually assembled?"

Since ancient times, the real dragon and the phoenix are the gods. Everyone knows that one of them will be infinitely powerful. It is only because of the scarcity of the real dragon and the phoenix. If you want to get it, few people in the world can get it. What is the possession of both? This is simply something that people can't think about.

For a time, everyone was scared.


Another punch, like a boulder, Qin Shi's boxing wind and even the air are twisted, fiercely hit the arm of Cheng Xu crossed.


This punch is extremely strong, Cheng Xu eyes a glimpse, directly like a deflated ball, was born to the earthquake to fly hundreds of meters.

Hit Fei Xu, Qin Shi did not have the slightest preparation to let go, he slammed his foot and turned it into a virtual shadow. The degree of his pursuit, according to Cheng Xu’s retrograde, was a bit faster, directly appeared in Cheng Xu’s rear, black. It’s a cold.

"It’s your own death, you can’t blame me.”

Qin Shi cold road The palm is facing the back of Cheng Xu, showing the first martial arts from beginning to end, the thunder and light alternate, the sound is harsh: "palm, heart, thunder!"

Fierce, he squats down at Cheng Xu’s heart.

The thunder whistling, like the sickle's sickle, is constantly approaching Cheng Xu. For a time, Cheng Xu is pale, and the fear is almost incontinent.

He never imagined that Qin Shi would have such strength... He always thought that he was a genius, and he did not have the power to fight back.

Under the strong attack of Qin Shi, many contestants have not been able to retreat, let alone help, even the old man with high prestige in the wind domain.

This makes the program even more desperate.

"no, do not want!"

Under the strong survival, he was almost subconsciously praying for it, and Ye Fengzhen was not ringing... She was upset and nervous in her eyes.

However, Qin Shi did not stop at all.

The lightning is getting stronger and stronger, and the closer it is, the closer it is.

"Go to hell!" He fainted.

However, at the time of the precarious situation, an ancient body has fallen from the air, and has never been intervened from the chaos. The guy with a special position in the audience suddenly stopped in front of the thunder of Qin Shi, and he took a hand and a hand. The vortex of the void destroys the thunder of Qin Shi.

Seeing this old man, Qin Shi’s black skull flashed through the chill of Sensen.


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