Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1254: Fang Qingzhi

The sudden scene is really shocking and unprepared. Even the eight domain owners have flashed back at a time, not entangled with the enchanting.

The enchanting thief blinked an unexpected anger. Suddenly, his palm turned over, and a slashing bayonet came out and smashed down at Qin Shi’s chest.

"Kid, anyway, you must die today!"

boom! Suddenly, an ice rushed from the side, slammed with the thorn sword, causing a soft squat between the air, and a sharp collision, the direction of the thorn sword was changed, penetrating from the ear of Qin Shi .

Qin Shi black stunned, a few traces of fear in his heart, if not Shu Shu Han timely shot, afraid that just the stabbing sword is enough to kill his life.

"Hero, your plan has been exposed, isn't it still ready to stop?" He Shuhan's legacy is independent. At this time, Ling Mufeng has been repulsed by her, and she completely blocked the enchanting way.

The enchanting mouth twitched, and the one in the eyes was not so thorough.

"Domain, what should we do?" Yuan Zhen asked in a low voice.

The enchanting clenched fist: "What can I do? For this plan, I will not hesitate to offend the eight domains at the same time. Who knows what **** dementosa is so vulnerable!"

"So give up like this?"

"Otherwise?" The enchanting sighed deeply. Suddenly, he blinked his eyes and looked at Fang Qing in the distance. He said: "Go to send people to tell Shifeng, and open the door to kill the door. Even today, you can't kill this kid." I also want Fang Qing to stay in Jianzong completely!"

Yuanxiao paused and hugged his fists: "Yes!"

Immediately, the Lantern Festival gradually receded. After he retired, the Scorpio suddenly flickered and the sky was covered by thunderclouds. The strong electric light was shining on the sky, making the audience all one. shock.

The direction of all electro-optical light is extremely clear, and it is the bounded prisoner.

Upon seeing it, He Shuhan’s eyes flashed in shock: “This is, the border of heaven?”

“Boundary days?”

Hearing, countless people in the audience are panicked, and the robbery and the thunder robbery are the same. They are dissatisfied with the gods caused by the anti-sky, and the thunder, but the punishment of the heavens, and the robbery... It is the sacred punishment above the domain, the catastrophe in the border...the horror that is going through the borders, what a horror, just think about it and make everyone feel creepy, this is also the history of countless powers, reaching the domain The reason for the perfection of the situation and the halt in the half-step situation.

"How, how can it be so much?" The exaggeration is that this world of catastrophe is not one, but a thousand or so, this kind of power, around the square, the millennium, can not resist?

"Hero, what do you want to do?"

"Oh, He Zongzhu, may you be jealous of me? This border itself has nothing to do with me. Who knows what the ghost has done, and the ghost itself is not a disciple of my chaotic domain. I am only a time. I lost my heart, so I listened to his rumors. I apologize to you now. It’s just the fault of my demon. I am willing to let the half of the chaotic domain make up for my mistake, but this border, and me. It really doesn't matter, I feel sorry for Fang Qingzong. "The smile of the enchanting sly, from his face are the ugly face of the villain. However, his words fell, and the field did cause a lot of buzz. More is horror.

"Half-soil territory of chaotic domain? Really fake?"

Even if everyone knows that the enchanting is lying, but under the temptation of the half-soil territory of the chaotic domain, all the major domains have all fallen into hesitation for a time, and several domain owners are also converging spiritual power.


The enchanting is clearly a bribe, and He Shuhan’s hand is pinched, but there is no way.

Yan Deyu is behind the demon: "The domain master, really want to cut half of the territory for them?"

The enchanting eyes flashed through the cold light: "Hey, give them first, stay in the green hills, don't be afraid of not burning wood, wait for this thing to end, you go to contact the messenger of the Xia group, sooner or later, I want to let this person Even this world, surrendered to my feet!"

"Yes!" Although Yan Deyu did not want to, he did not dare to say anything.

At the moment, Fang Qing is trembled in the borders, and thousands of roads have obviously made her feel powerless.

And eight domains, but no one is willing to stand up.

He Shuhan and Kong Gui are not subject to enchanting bribes, but it is impossible for them to resist the thousands of borders.

However, just as the swordsmen were at a loss, a black figure took the sword forward, a word of sword is exceptionally obvious, and the full bombardment is above the boundary.


"The desert is deserted!"

"Kowloon Latent! The Realm of Bliss!"

All major martial arts, from the Qin Shi handprints in a continuous burst, his crazy overdraft physical strength, but also to crush this boundary.

"Qin Shi, you retreat!" Fang Qing shivered in the border.

"Sovereign, you have saved me countless times. Today, even if I am desperate, I will definitely break this border. Jianzong can't live without you!" Qin Shi said.

Fang Qingyu's eyes were slightly red, and she shook her head: "Go back, useless, the world is robbed, not you can resist."

"Do not!"

"Uncle Feng! Take him away!"

"Qinger!" The sand is hoarse.

"Uncle Feng, listen to me, Qin Shi is the inheritance of Master. If there is anything wrong with me today, you must send him to the position of the lord, don't let Master's efforts go to the east, take him away!"

The wind and sand heard, the old eyes were very struggling. For a time, he seemed to be a few hundred years old, and the white mess in the wind was in the wind.

He finally nodded hard: "I know."

Immediately, he was red-eyed and grabbed Qin Shi with his hands: "Boy, follow me!"

call out!

Unexpectedly, Qin Shi reacted extremely quickly. When the wind and sand reached out, he had turned into a thunder and flashed away. He shouted insanely inside the heart: "Demon, you give me out, I know that you have a way, you quickly find a way for Laozi." !"

"Kid, if I shoot, I can really break this prison, but you have to think about it. If you do, then you will be aware of the eight domains. The consequences are not what you can afford now."

"I do not care!"

"You will become the enchanting in the eyes of everyone, don't you care?"

"Don't care!" Qin Shi is extremely sure.

The demon was silent for a moment and suddenly nodded: "Well, I understand, give me your body to control."

Wen Yan, Qin Shiru sees the dawn, the Yuanshen instantly retreats back to the sea of ​​knowledge.


But suddenly, the accident is that the demon's suffocation has not run through the whole body of Qin Shi, and a very strong force has come against it, blocking all the way out of the demon from within.

"Well?" Qin Shi and the evil spirits were all slightly stunned. At this time, an ethereal sound rang softly in Qin Shi’s mind.

"This is troublesome, but it is hard to beat my apprentice!"

"Qingqing predecessors?" Qin Shi eyes blue.

"Little guy, sacrifice the spirit of the sword." The ethereal voice sounded again.

Qin Shi heard the words, the Yuanshen quickly controlled the flesh again, according to the words of Qi Qing, hands up the spirit of Jianzong, slowly sacrificed into the air.


The spirit of the sword is suspended on the sky, and the glare of the glare is instantly shot. The light is eye-catching and suffocating.

"Then, is that the sword sect artifact? One of the eight murders?"

"Really? I didn't expect the Jianzong artifact to be on this kid."

Seeing the spirit of Jianzong, even the enchanting scorpion is a few taboos. The status of the eight murders in the human world is not weaker than the eight major domains. It is only too much lost in these years that it has gradually been forgotten.

However, once you see it, everyone can't help but think of the power of each weapon.

"What should this kid do? Does he want to break the prison with the spirit of the sword?"

The shadow dance is behind He Shuhan: "The sovereign, you said that the spirit of the sword, can really break this prison?"

He Shuhan's jade eyes flashed slightly and shook his head: "The spirit of Jianzong, as the eight major murderers, if you dig into the full force, it is indeed possible to break the prison, just... this little guy is still young, He simply can't let the spirit of the swordsman do his best."

"That is to say, impossible?" Shadow dance was a bit disappointing.

"Difficult...!" He Shuhan did not hide the long sigh, but at this moment, a touch of golden light fell, let He Shu Han Yu eyes flashed surprised, fiercely lifted the eyes of the sword of the spirit look: "This is this The origin of the spirit of the sword?"

"What do you mean?"

He Shuhan stared for a long time, suddenly revealed a smile: "In the spirit of the sword, there is a source of strength is being sacrificed, and this power... I am very familiar, and the old guy is quite similar If I guessed it well, it is not Qin Shi who is controlling the spirit of Jianzong. The spirit of the sword has been squandered."

"You mean, hope?"

"Yeah." He Shuhan sneaked.

Shadow dance is full of expectations and looks into the distance.


Near the borders of the ~ space is distorted, tens of thousands of space cracks continue to smash, the ray of the spirit of the sword is more dazzling.

A scorn, gently ringing in the side of Fang Qingling.


Hearing the familiar voice, Fang Qingjiao suddenly trembled, the eyes of the jade flashed through the incredulous surprise, and the tears could not control the gushing. Where is the appearance of the eight-domain lord, more like a poor little girl. : "Master, Master, are you Master?"

"It is for the teacher."

The soft voice is full of love: "Qinger, the teacher can only help you this time. For a while, I will sacrifice the origin of the spirit of the sword, and force the outside to force a gap in the prison. You remember To cater to me from the inside, chances are only this time, you have to seize the opportunity to escape from this prison."

Fang Qing listened to Qi Qing’s words, and she slammed the tears in her eyes and nodded hard, lifting the sword.

In response, the light in the spirit of the sword gradually began to gather, eventually gathering into a point, staying at the forefront of the blade.

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