Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1259: Refining power

A rough sacred sound is deafening and ejects from the endless crater.

Immediately, a dozen figures were flashing, and the Qin stone group was encircled from all directions.

"Say, who are you, why do you want to break into the holy land of my refining field?" For the person, is a middle-aged woman, but she does not see the slightest old, but more is the kind that belongs only Her age is full of charm.

Seeing these dozens of people, Qin Shi’s eyelids twitched. The strength of these dozens of people is very extraordinary. They are all above the domain. The woman is more complete in the realm of the world. He can’t help but secretly say: “This purgatory is really big. Ah, the shot is the perfect situation for the domain?"

In the face of the perfection of the realm, he still has no grasp of the present, not to mention the fact that there are so many domain Dacheng, Xiaocheng’s power is present, he smiles happily, saying: “You misunderstood, the disciple is Jianzong. Disciple, this special purpose to come to the refining field is to find a good friend, and hope that you can lead the way."

"The old friend?" The middle-aged woman who waited for the opening, the several elders beside her were swept up and down Qinshi. Qin Shi always deliberately hides the atmosphere, so at this time, it seems to be only nine days in the eyes of outsiders. Besides, even if he does not hide, it is only a four-day situation. This kind of strength is always involuntarily despised. Several people sneer and laugh: "I have your old friend in the refining domain? Is it impossible?"

Qin Shi slightly frowns, this feeling of being a small man is really bad, but fortunately he is now mature, too lazy to care about the smile: "Oh, indeed, the younger brother is also lucky, can climb the friends of the refining domain."

"Hey, people like you, I have seen more, even if you really know my refining domain disciple, I am afraid that there is only one side, I don’t know what troubles I have, I want to come to my refining area to take refuge? I advise you Go back, or don't blame us for being rude." After a while, several people will narrow down the circle around Qin Shi.

Seeing the situation is not good, Qin Shi subconscious mind punch.

Suddenly, the middle-aged woman reached out and stopped a few people. She was very interested in inquiring Qin Shi. Others may not see any clues, but she can have this kind of cultivation. Many things can be seen at a glance. After all, it can be easily I have escaped the toxic light of just a few people, which is not what the disciples of the nine-day world can do.

She said: "Boy, you just said, you are a disciple of Jianzong?"


"Show me your swordsman token."

Qin Shi nodded, reaching for the purple light, and a sword-shaped token flew into the woman's hand.

Seeing the sword token, the remaining elders were also slightly surprised: "Hey, are you really a disciple?"

Qin Shi was too lazy to explain the grin.

Determine the identity of Qin Shi, the woman hesitated, return the token to Qin Shi, said: "You come with me, I will confirm to Jian Zong in a moment, if you are really a disciple, I will take you Going to the next step, but if not... then don't blame me, you said, OK?"

Qin Shi shrugged indifferently. When he saw this appearance, the woman gave a slight glimpse. She herself wanted to test the Qin Shi, and the appearance of Qin Shi should not be fake.

Under the leadership of the woman, Qin Shi quickly entered the volcano group. Under the cover of the Wanli volcano, suddenly, in the middle of the place, there is a very mysterious area, where it is formed by seven extremely spectacular volcanoes. At the moment, the sky fire column is sprayed on the sky.

The people paused in front of the pillar of fire, and the woman's hand waved, and a enchanting light hit it, and suddenly saw a gap in the center of the fire.

The gap just came out, and there was a shocking light between the two. Qin Shi could not help but blink in an instant.

"Good pure spirit..."

In these years, Qin Shi has also seen the world. He has stayed in the two major fields of the Swords in the Chaos, and has contacted many of the forbidden places in the two domains. However, even those places are difficult to This is a spiritual power.

What is even more striking is that the place where this spiritual power appears is only the outermost part of the refining field.

Qin Shi was amazed and couldn't help opening the pores, trying to inhale these spiritual forces into the body.

The spiritual power of this purity is extremely rare.

Unexpectedly, this spiritual power has just entered the body, and Qin Shi’s black scorpion can’t help but squat, and the eyebrows are tightly picked up, and the face is flashing and painful.

"Damn, how could this be?" Qin Shi grabbed his chest hard and made him feel the pain of suffocation.

For the woman to detect the strange, the corner of the mouth raised a sneer, but her hand was gently swayed in the Qin Shimei, a very dark and filthy gas just overflowed Qin Shimei.

Seeing the filthy gas, Qin Shi was slightly surprised, and even more surprised at the back, I saw that the filthy anger struggled in the palm of the woman's hand. Suddenly, a more filthy breath turned out from the palm of the woman, such as a hidden The mad dragon under the sea violently swallowed up the filth.

Qin Shi screamed: "This, what is going on?"

Qin Shi couldn't figure it out. Just because of the filth, he tried it many times. He tried to remove it, but it didn't help at all. Even the devil's suffocation was used. It was still fruitless. Why can this woman be so easily removed?

Or, why is this woman able to swallow it?

It seems that Qin Shi’s incomprehensibility, the woman’s fall is not a smile: “Boy, if you still want to live, it’s best not to pay attention here. The spiritual power here is not like you. Absorbed."

"Predecessors, what is the filth in this spiritual power, what is going on?" Qin Shi asked humbly.

"Smuggling gas?" Hearing this title, the woman seemed to hear the big jokes, and the laughter came out, saying: "You kid is cute, even the most important source of this spiritual power is filthy. gas?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course not." The woman stressed and said: "The filthy temper you said is not a filthy anger, but an extremely mysterious energy body."

"Energy body?" Qin Shi frowned.

The woman taps: "Yes, it is an energy body called: the power of purgatory."

"The power of purgatory?"

"Well, this power of purgatory can only be absorbed by my infernal disciples. It is a kind of power from the hard sea of ​​the underworld. If you want to absorb this kind of power, you must first suffer the most bitter difference between heaven and earth. People are alive, heart. But it’s in hell.”

"The power of purgatory, the integration of the eight bitterness of the human world, countless negative emotions, and even the bridge of the sea of ​​the underworld, the reason why the spiritual power here is so pure, because of the integration of the power of purgatory, the power of purgatory will All the impurities in this spiritual power are crushed." The woman said this, smiled: "So, you still give up, or once you are really in the heart of this purgatory, then it is your small Life, that is, your soul will not be guaranteed, will fall into the sea of ​​the underworld, and never reincarnate."

Qin Shi heard the words, the heart can not help but flashed fear: "So horrible?"

The woman groaned: "If you think I am lying to you, try again, I will not save you, you see if you will be like me."

"That's still a problem." Qin Shi face a stiff, quickly waved his hand.

The woman only smiled when she saw it, and no longer turned into the refining domain.

Qin Shi is behind, feeling the purity of the surrounding spiritual power is still a pity, but there is no way, he does not want to lose his life for this little cheap.

After the woman’s words, I also made him somewhat aware that the power of this refining field should be the same as the absurd power of the wilderness. It is a special energy body between heaven and earth.

The power of ridiculousness can make the heavens and the earth become ridiculous and absurd. Everything is drawn away from life, and gouache becomes a loess bone.

The power of this refining field is only a more terrible point, and it has the power of time.

"Eight domains, it really is not simple." Qin Shi secretly admired, especially after entering the refining field, after seeing the magnificent rivers and mountains.

Refining the domain, really let Qin Shi shocked.

The area of ​​the refining domain is the Yuanjian Zong and the chaotic domain. Looking at it is an endless land of suffering. There are millions of miles here. It is full of painful atmosphere everywhere, let Qin Shi Feeling very depressed.

"Little guy, steady heart, don't be affected by this, or it will probably make you lose your mind." The demon reminded.

Qin Shi was sober, and the sweat on his forehead violently flowed out. It was just that moment, and countless negative emotions poured into his mind, as if all the pain he had experienced in these years, from the abolishment of the past, to his The parents were expelled from the Qin family, and the Qin family was under crisis, burning the oppression of Tianzong, and then going to the chaotic domain.

These pains seem to be excavated from the deepest point in the sea, Qin Shi is most reluctant to look for, and a brain is pouring into the brain.

For a moment, his eyes were red, angry and sad, helpless and painful.

When he was awake, he only used his strength to breathe.

Seeing his appearance, the woman in the refining field was slightly surprised, and the beauty could not help but flash the curiosity.

"This little guy, what has been experienced, can it be affected like this?" As a high-level executive, she is very clear that the filth of the refining domain is the stronger the people who have experienced the pain, and this is also The refining field recruits a disciple's measurement, refining the domain, and only recruiting painful experiences, because the more people who have experienced the human suffering, the stronger the control over the power of the refining domain.

However, I don't know how many years have passed, she has not seen such a strong influence like Qin Shi, even in the moment, she even felt the power of countless refining fields around, crazy toward Qin Shiyong Move, as if Qin Shi is a black hole formed by pain.

What surprised her even more was that she was able to find her own minds under the disturbance of such a refining power. What a terrible perseverance?

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