Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1263: Split body

"Qin Shi!" Zi Ling Sha Yu eyes flashed and horrified, but when she was trying to stop Qin Shi, everything became too late, Qin Shi's degree is too fast, wheezing, kilometers distance, as if nothing, Let him appear directly in front of the dragon.

Qin Shi’s shackles of death and death are a blow to the face of Xiaolong.

However, it is his degree. In the case of only a virtual shadow between the air, the dragon's mouth is cold and swelled, the body is tilted, the palm is lifted, and the fist is caught in the hand.


A fierce bang, the Scorpio seems to split apart, Qin Shi's full blow, as if hitting an indestructible iron plate, so that the joints of his heart are tingling.

"Hey!" He slammed his mouth and sighed, and the black cockroach condensed: "This dragon seems to be stronger than I thought."

The breath that he felt from the dragon's body seemed to be the same as that of Jian Su in the sword.

"Oh, boy, is this strength? Then I really overestimate you." Xiaolong shook his head disdainfully, and immediately his knees jerked up, a rush of strength, right in the lower abdomen of Qin Shi.

Qin Shi's five senses were slightly distorted, and a bitter bite was sprayed out.

This is not over yet. After hitting Qin Shi, the dragon bow came up, and the tip of his toes stepped gently, and jumped half a meter toward the sky, letting his elbows face the spine of Qin Shi.

"Broken bones!"

"Oh!" Suddenly, a blue star was formed at the elbow of the dragon, and the star was out. It was countless starbursts and sharp thorns. Immediately, his eyes flashed fiercely and his body was like In general, the light of the stars slams into the back of the Qin stone.


I don’t even give Qin Shi a chance to think about it, hehe! A broken wind, Qin Shi like a meteorite falling, violently fell to the abyss.


Immediately, the slate of the earth broke directly into thousands of pieces.

"Qin Shi!" Zi Ling Sha Yu eyes are slightly cold, and my heart is almost mad.

Seeing this scene, the star fell in the back and excitedly laughed: "Haha, hahaha, stinky boy, are you not crazy? This time, I see how crazy you are!"

The Qin Shi flew, and Xiao Long’s eyes flashed a bit of disappointment: “I thought that this kid could have a bit of skill, but I didn’t expect it to be just a silver gun candle.”

"皓龙哥, you really want more, how much skill he can have, I guess he can get the World Championships before, and most of the champions of the Fumo contest are just lucky, where is the same as you, relying on the real skill. "The star is flattering."

Suddenly, Xiaolong frowned, as if he noticed something, his eyebrows became very dignified.

"Oh, dragon, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaolong shook his head: "No, no!"

"What is wrong?" The star is still ignorant.

"The sacrifice of the gods, the strong into the cloud, in the sacrifice of the gods, there is absolutely no luck, there must be weird in this kid." Xiaolong sure.

"Oh, it’s not the brain champion in front of the Three Realms. Is it still a bit of a brain? It’s not the same as some people who don’t have a long brain."

Suddenly, in front of the two people, a refreshing laugh sounded, and immediately there was a purple lightning gathering on the sky, and a black robe fluttering in the wind came out.

Seeing the black robe, the three people present were surprised.

"Qin Shi!" Zi Lingsha lost her voice.

Qin Shi fell down and smashed the show of Yan Zi Lingsha: "Oh, you still don't know me, how can I be defeated by this half-handed trick?"

"Bad boy!" Xiaolong eyes are cold.

The star fell on the side and couldn't figure out the exclamation: "This, how is this possible? Just, he hasn't already been a big brother, have you given it to fly? How can it be in perfect condition?"

"It's a avatar!"

"Divided?" The star is still unbelievable.

He was staring at Qin Shi, and suddenly he smiled and said: "Oh, boy, it’s my intention, the champion of your identity contest, the power of the soul must be extraordinary. I didn’t even think that you were testing me with a avatar."

"Tentative?" Qin Shi squatted, shook his head in disdain: "You have to think, I am testing you, you really want more."

“Well?” Xiaolong couldn’t help but frown: “Boy, what do you mean by this?”

"What do you mean? Look at your surroundings yourself." Qin Shi immediately made a fingertip and immediately reached for a finger.

Xiaolong couldn't help but immediately, he reacted very quickly, and his eyes circled around. Suddenly, his expression began to become cold.


For a time, thousands of golden lights took off.

The golden light is connected to each other, and a poor prison is landing in the air.

"Blocking the road?" Xiaolong could not help but blink.

Qin Shi shrugged: "Yes!"

"Hey, do you think that this kind of tactics can also seal me?" The more gloomy the face of the dragon is, the more suddenly it is, the sudden, the shock of his palm, a wild wave of wild waves, the air waves in the air Turned into a fierce tiger, biting down the road.


The tiger and the roadblocks bombarded a group.

The bursts of destruction caused a huge embarrassment.

However, the tiger dissipated, and the flame was still burning in the sky, but the road was in perfect condition.

This makes Xiaolong frown: "Can't destroy? This power is the power of the soul?"

Qin Shi once again shrugged his shoulders, and smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Really, you are right. This mountain is closed, but it is an eight-step roadblock. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible to block you. However, What if I use the power of the soul?"

It is said that the eye of the dragon has become more gloomy. Indeed, he certainly has a perfect territory in the spiritual power, but it is not enough to destroy the eight-order array in the cultivation of the soul.

"Boy, do you think that you trapped me here, I can't kill you?" Xiaolong angered and drank.

Qin Shi sneered aloud: "Oh, you really have it, but you really thought that I used this mountain to seal the road, just want to trap you in this battle?"

"Hmm?" The eyes of the dragon's eyes flashed a few touches of cold light.


Sure enough, Qin Shiyan, the huge array of law suddenly caused the wind to scroll, the layers of wind and sand rose high, Muran, within the sand, is nine ferocious dragons.

Among every dragon, it is a dragon ball.

Seeing this scene, the star was stunned, and the fear of his face, he can't forget now, when he confronted Qin Shi, the horrible power of each dragon.

Not only him, Xiaolong also felt a slight frown when he felt the fluctuation of the nine dragons. Of course, he frowned, not because of how powerful the nine dragons were.

These nine evil dragons are very strong, but they are not strong enough to make a domain full of taboos. What really makes Xiaolong puzzled is, when did Qin Shi start to operate these? He is always right in his vision.

Suddenly, Xiaolong seemed to think of something. Under the threat of nine dragons, he became very relaxed and slowly closed his eyes.

This made the star more panic: "Hey, Big Brother, what's wrong with you? Fast, think about it, we will die here."

"shut up!"

Yan Long’s blink of an eye, his eyes contained a strong killing, and the star was quickly shrinking his neck, which he dared not to say alone.

Xiaolong settled for a moment, his eyes suddenly opened, his mouth was exposed with a very strange evil smile, directed at Qin Shidao: "Oh, kid, you really have a reputation, it is indeed a hand."

Hearing the words, Qin Shi was a black man: "is it being made?"

Suddenly, the dragon slammed over, his body turned upwards, and his toes slammed hard in the void. Immediately, he shot a kilometer at a stroke, approaching a dead corner in the road, and his palm was empty. A smash of a boulder in that place.


The boulder is broken, and the golden light is shot from it.

call out!

An extremely secret figure emerged from the middle and retreated to the air outside the kilometer.

Seeing the figure, Stars and Zi Lingsha were slightly surprised: "This, what is going on?"

That figure, a black robe, is undoubtedly Qin Shi.

Staring at the figure, the dragon's mouth sneered: "The kid, in fact, from the very beginning, you are using the blind eye method. You are the first to attack me. It is not the avatar. That is the deity, then, humming. When I was shot, you made up this avatar to attract my attention. I took this opportunity to hide here and display this road array. With this Kowloon martial arts, I am right?"

When I heard the words of Xiaolong, Stars and Zi Lingsha were shocked. This turned and turned to look at Qin Shi, who was previously in the air. I saw that the figure had become extremely illusory and ultimately complete. Disappeared in the night sky.

After being exposed, Qin Shi first frowned, and immediately he couldn't help but laugh at himself: "Oh, it is a person who won the champion of the gods. I didn't expect you to be aware of it so soon."

"Hey, this kind of carving technique, do you think it will work in me?" Xiaolong looked up very proudly.

Qin Shi shook his head ridiculously: "Really, you said it is good. If it is this, it may not really work. However, one thing, you still guessed wrong."

"Well? What?"

"What?" Qin Shi played the thunder of the palm of his hand ~ ~ suddenly crushed it.


In an instant, the nine dragons collapsed in the clouds.

When the nine evil dragons all dissipated, Qin Shicai’s ridiculous laughter: “What you see is still only a avatar.”

"Well?" Xiaolong heard the words, his look suddenly changed, and at this moment, he suddenly rose from his heart to a strong chill.

Immediately, he subconsciously turned, but it was still late. When he returned, a delicate face was already close to him.

Qin Shi mouth gently raised: "The real deity, here!"

Immediately, a very devout golden light shrouded the world and sealed the entire roadblock.

At the fingertips of Qin Shi, it is a golden cold light composed of souls.

"The realm of bliss!"

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