Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1281: Who won?

Three hours passed, and in the blink of an eye, more than half of the contest was held. At this time, it was undoubtedly a talented disciple in the sword, and there were only a hundred of the more than 700.

Among these one hundred, the real ability to rely on the power of Jianqi, and clever use to dodge the sword-sword attack, but only a few people, count Qinshi, but also ten people.

Without the help of the power of the sword, the winding is a strong cultivation, and ultimately it is fruitless. At the time of the competition, people are falling.

In the end, there are only a dozen disciples left.

At this time, Qin Shi has been able to use the power of Jianqi very easily. The power of Jianqi is like the blood in his body. He constantly walks in his body, flowing, and he holds the water without a trace, gently waving, A glaring sword light immediately shot.

He smiled with satisfaction: "The strength of this sword is really extraordinary. With this power, my use of kendo swordsmanship has increased several times."

"That is, of course, any kind of power has a strong power." The demon nodded secretly.


At this moment, a loud noise rang in the ring.

I saw that on the platform not far away, suddenly there was an inexplicable blast, and the slate of the earth was shattered into powder, and a strong heat wave came.

Qin Shi’s heart was cold, and he subconsciously jumped back and forth, and the fingerprints flipped quickly: “Shelley clothes!”

A golden pagoda, he will protect him very quickly.


And that's it, the strong Yuwei is still deforming his golden tower, and the tiles above are all flying out.

Qin Shi fiercely licked his teeth and snorted: "What is going on? This power is more than a few times stronger than the attack of the sword column. What will produce such powerful power?"

"It seems to be the little girl." Demon Road.

Qin Shi a sigh, immediately he was curious Zhang Linger, his brows fiercely wrinkled into a ball.

I saw that the place where Zhang Linger was located was actually a bottomless pit that appeared in the air. All the surrounding land was shattered, and even the swordsmen in front of her were shaken out.

Qin Shi frowned: "What happened?"

"I don't know. Look at this, it seems that it is caused by her own inconsistency. It should be that she wants to control the power of Jianqi, and the result is no explosion caused by success." The demons analyzed.

"Is there such a thing?"

Qin Shi Ding Shen looked away, and sure enough, the evil spirits expected, in the countless swords force around Zhang Linger figurative, turned into a golden sword light, it seems very contradictory to point the blade to Zhang Linger.

"I don't integrate? According to reason, it shouldn't be. She is Zhang's granddaughter. There is no reason why she can't integrate the power of Jianqi." Qin Shi asked inexplicably.

The demon shook his head: "That is not necessarily. No one is able to absorb the power of heterogeneity by virtue of talent. Before that, the little girl should tell you that all the powers of heterogeneity have unique abilities, and I want to It takes a lot of money to devour it and turn it into its own use."

Qin Shi nodded, and this words were indeed mentioned with him, just as he wanted to absorb the power of purgatory and endure the endless world of suffering.

The demon continues: "The power of this sword is the same. If I have not guessed wrong, the cost of controlling this sword power is to have the swordsmanship and the understanding of the kendo."

Qin Shi suddenly realized, but frowned and followed: "But, on swordsmanship and understanding of kendo, she should not be worse than anyone present? After all, is she the granddaughter of Zhang Wei?"

"That's not it." The demon smiled and shook his head. "This is a granddaughter of Zhang Wei, but she did not practice swordsmanship in Jianzong since she was a child. She only inherits the spiritual power of Zhang Wei. Inheritance, but there is absolutely no above the sword kendo, and I can feel more from her, but it is my fierce demon, the mastery of arrogance."

"It turns out." Qin Shi nodded in a clear way. "This is indeed possible, but how can I master it? My situation should be similar to her? I have not studied in swordsmanship." I have passed."

"Really, on the enlightenment of swordsmanship, you may not be as good as the moon, but fortunately, you have been using swords for years, although the understanding of swordsmanship is not enough, but experience has made up for this. "The demons laughed.

"Is it like this?" Qin Shi squatted, and immediately his face was glad: "If it is not beaten, I guess I should be in this explosion now?"

The demon nodded undecidedly.

After Qin Shi’s fear, he said: “It’s really scary for his mother.”


Zhang Wei saw it on the highest glory stage, and stood up fiercely. The old eyes flashed and worried.


Suddenly, in the smoke caused by the explosion, a very strong black gas wave shook, like a fierce ghost, and the anti-phagment of the fangs turned to the sword.

A jade hand emerged from the ruins, grabbing a force of swordsmanship, a grip of the void.


The force of the sword is instantly shattered by the shattered smoke.

A wolverine shadow jumped out of the giant pit. At this time, Zhang Linger’s jade face was blue and green. The explosion just was too strong. Her skirt was crushed.

"Oh, can't be used for me, what is the use of my stay?"

Zhang Linger was cold and cold, and her eyes were cold, and she slammed into the huge sword.

"Ghosts and Thousands!"


Immediately, Zhang Linger shredded the space of her chest, and thousands of ghosts rushed out like a land that was overthrown. In an instant, the sword column was blocked by ghosts.


The earth beneath the sword pillar is directly smashed, and the sword pillars are all screaming.

Rumble! ! !

A loud noise, it is incredible that the sword column collapsed at this time.

For a moment, the audience was dumbfounded, even Qin Shi was shocked to get up.

"This, is this true?"

"I, my God, she, she actually destroyed the pillar of the sword?"

"A good terrorist attack...!"

Zhang Linger’s actions, for a time, the countless elders in the elders can not help but frown, and Fang Qing is also a gleaming eye on the glory.

Haoyue was also moved, and immediately she smiled: "Oh, this is interesting."

boom! Hey!

Shortly after Zhang Linger destroyed the sword, several disciples were overwhelmed by the swordsman's storm and were eventually eliminated.

Until there were only ten people in the audience, the elders of law enforcement stood up. He looked at Fang Qing, Fang Qingxin’s jade finger flicked, and ten majestic Jianguang shot, and immediately the sword post on the platform stopped and re-emerged. It is a stone pillar without any vitality.

When the stone pillar was destroyed, the number of finalists has already appeared.

The remaining ten disciples are also the finalists in the finals: Qin Shi, Hao Yue, Yun Yan, Yu Er, Su Shi, Yu Yu, Long Ting Yan, Su Shi’s undergraduate Yan Yi, and the preliminary round 12 Liu Yutong of the group, and Zhang Linger, the granddaughter of Zhang Wei.

Among them, it is worth mentioning that it should be Zhang Linger and her nephew. Zhang Linger need not say much. Her finalists are too special to destroy the pillar of Jianqi. She is the only one in the history of Jianzong. .

As for the nephew, it is an exception. She is not relying on the power of Jianqi to persist in the sword-sword offensive. Like Zhang Linger, she does not have any mastery of swordsmanship, and she is able to be short-listed. Brute force is actually a sudden break in the life and the sword.

This made the wind in the elders more worried, and the old eyes flashed a bit of twilight.

"The number of places in the semi-final has already appeared. The ten disciples on the stage are the glory of my sword."

"Zongmen has already prepared a generous reward for you, but the rest of the disciples need not be discouraged. We are also looking at your efforts. You will have the opportunity to be reused after the contest."

"Well, our annual disciples have arrived here, and we have reached the final moment. Everyone has a temporary break for a while. After half an hour, let us witness the last moment together."

Law enforcement elders said that immediately the countless elders of the Swordsman began to maintain order, and sent all the injured disciples to Tianxiangge for healing.

Qin Shi and Hao Yue left the ring and went to the place where Yu Yue rested.

When I saw a few people in Yuyue, I would have to sit up and hold on to the pain: "How?"

I took the first step and held him down. He said, "Well, you don't get up. It hurts to be like this. You can rest assured. In order to avenge you, I have tried my best. I am all with stones and children." They all entered the finals."

“Really?” Yu Yue’s happy smile, and then the eyes of the eye flashed awkwardly, and sad.

See you, Qin Shidao: "You shouldn't be too upset, take care of it here, I will find a way to get you back."

"That is, you don't have to be content. Isn't there a beautiful girl to accompany you? If I am There are also beautiful women around me who are willing to take care of me. I will go out and find a place to break my feet now. Go.” Hao Yue’s smile, and his smile is full of bitterness and self-deprecation, shaking his head: “It’s a pity, I don’t have this blessing.”

Qin Shi heard the words and frowned, but he did not say much. He felt that when he told him about Ye Fengqi’s affairs, he just blinked his eyes: "Don’t say cool words here, there is something I have to say. a bit."

"What is it?" Haoyue did not care, but immediately he realized that it was wrong, because it was extremely rare in the face of Qin Shi.

"In the finals, you and your nephew don't want to participate."

"Why?" The two men were excited at the same time: "I don't want to, I have to avenge my brother-in-law!"

"That is, I don't, I can't easily squeeze into the top ten. Do you know how much honor this is? I want to take a good place, and then wait until later to show off by this." Haoyue smirked.

Qin Shi has no sorrowful sneer: "Good name? You think, in the finals, who can you win with your strength?"

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