Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1285: 4-bit blasting

The rainy laughter echoed in the audience and was deafening. ≥≧

In the meantime, the whole audience was blinking, and the eyes burst into horror from time to time.

"Four souls together? This, is this true?"

"God, that's too exaggerated? Four elements together? This, how terrible this might be?"

All the disciples are screaming.

At this time, even Su Shi was slightly surprised, and immediately his mouth could not help but reveal a smile: "Oh, this Mo Yu can be, no movement is already, an action is amazing, the four souls are one, losing what he wants."

Qin Shi is also fixed, he did not expect that there will be such a hand.

But soon, he smiled a little: "Oh, indeed, I didn't think of it, but it didn't matter. I was able to kill you four people at the beginning. Now it is the same. You are one of the four souls, but it makes me a lot easier."

Rainy sneer: "Oh, Qin Shi, you are still so mad, but do you think our brother is still the element of the four brothers? Do you think that we are just a common one? I told you that you are very wrong. Wrong, we will only become more powerful when we integrate with each other. Now we can completely integrate the four elements, and you have no chance of winning."

“The fusion of the four elements?” Qin Shi squatted, which made him somewhat surprised. The relationship between elements and elements is similar to the soul and spiritual power, but not so strong, so I want to merge. That is undoubtedly against the sky.

"Then I really want to swear." Qin Shi smiled more interested.

"Yes, meet you!"

The rain bow got up, and immediately he turned back and yelled at the three virtual shadows behind him: "Brothers, are you ready?"

"Of course, for this day, we have already paid too much. In the past six months, we have even dreamed of how to tear him apart, drink his blood, eat his flesh, and let him die like death!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!"

The arrogant laughter kept continually, and the rainy eyes were finally chaotic and dark at this time. He showed a sly smile, and his foot slammed, and he got up, burst, and rushed to Qin Shi.

"Kid, redemption!"

"Yan Long anger!" Yu Yu hands fierce together, a hundred feet of fire dragons vacated, extremely fierce rushing toward Qin Shi.

Qin Shi black sputum was cold, his body rushed backwards, and immediately turned five fingers, there was a thunder on the fingertips, and he slammed.

"The palm of your hand!"

boom! ! Immediately, the loud noise carried out the Scorpio.

After a strong collision, the fire dragon collapsed in the void, and the earth was followed by a broken gully.

Qin Shi was relieved to destroy the fire dragon.

Suddenly, a shadow penetrated the sea of ​​fire, and the rain fell on him: "Boy, do you think that this is over?"

Qin Shi was a black man, and he did not expect that the rain would be so fast.

"Death! Water soluble punch!"

The rain started, the fist punched, and there was a strong frenzy between the fists, such as a deep sea whirlpool, and he immediately hit the lower abdomen of Qin Shi.


The earth trembled fiercely, Qin Shi’s five senses were all changed. This boxing was very heavy, especially the vortex formed by the strong water properties. The power did not cause too much damage to Qin Shi’s appearance, but instead bursts. All hit him between the five internal organs.

Qin Shi slammed down, violently flew out, and fell heavily on the ring.

When he got up, a breath of blood could no longer be spit out.

"Qin Shi! Stone!" Seeing the situation, several people in the audience were shocked.

Hit the Qin Shi, the rain reveals great satisfaction and excitement: "Haha, hahaha, have you seen it, have you seen it? Is this time scared?"

Qin Shi shook his head and ignored the rain.

His own internal vision, I saw the damage caused by the rain, and it was restored under the repair of the rain shower, but he still felt strong numbness, and he couldn’t help but shake his head. It’s white and rainy: “Hey, this idiot, he really thought he was hurting me? It’s really a service.”

The demon can't help but smile: "Oh, OK, let him feel good for a while, how is your injury?"

"This should be almost the same. The previous blow of the little girl blocked me all the meridians, but just this idiot's blow, it seems like a beating to help me through." Qin Shi pinched the fist.


Immediately, a thunderstorm ignited.

He couldn’t help but smile with a smile: "Now, let me recover to eight."

The demon nodded reassuredly.

Qin Shi only looked up at this time, and looked strangely at the excitement of the rain, and sighed: "The degree of wind property, the penetration of water properties, and the fierceness of fire properties, the defense of soil properties?"

After some fight, Qin Shi has completely seen through the rain.

His mouth swelled and he smiled and said: "Then don't hesitate."

call out!

Suddenly, Qin Shi Meng rushed forward.

The rain was slightly shocked. He thought that Qin Shi had been seriously injured by him, but he did not expect Qin Shi to take the initiative at this time.

"Do you think you can beat me?"

Qin Shi squatted, and he couldn't help but laugh: "War are you defeating? You are wrong, I am going to kill you. How do you treat the feathers, I will find them back a hundred times!"

"Impossible, you are not my opponent, you will die for me now!" Yu Yu was very confident to start again, and then the frenzy of the frenzy rolled up again, and directed at Qin Shi's eyebrows.


However, Qin Shi’s palms stretched out and grabbed the rainy hand.

The strong force that was originally strong was like a hit on cotton. There wasn’t even a little response, which made the heart of the rain sink.

Qin Shi disdainfully grinned: "Why, didn't you recruit? Is it for me?"

Qin Shi black sputum was cold, the other hand was pinched into a fist, and the mercy was ruthlessly hit by the rainy belly.


The earth trembled fiercely.

The trembling, the earth shakes.

The five senses of the rain were almost undistorted under control. However, his lower body had already flown out, but the upper body was firmly held in the hands of Qin Shi. Qin Shi sneered: "I want to go?"

"Buddha one!"

Qin Shi started, a golden pagoda slammed up, and immediately he made a fingertip. In an instant, the golden pagoda slammed down, creating a strong whirlpool, and immediately his palm waved, the golden pagoda hit the chest of the rain. .


The rain was once again shot and flew out. He even climbed a few laps. When he got up, he was full of horror and his face was unbelievable.

Qin Shi slowly approached him again, and his mouth was always filled with faint smiles.

"You, you, don't come over!" Two consecutive hits, all the confidence of Yu Yu was once again destroyed, he madly mad, and immediately, he couldn't care so much, his hands madly attacked Qin Shi.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Flame, frenzy, hurricane, rock!

Four attributes, non-stop conversion, but at this time, Qin Shi virtual shadow, he suddenly approached the front of the rain, the mouth gently raised.

"I am afraid that this is not enough. What is your so-called attribute fusion? If you don't use it again, you will have no chance."

"You, you!" The rain was frightened. He widened his eyes, and immediately he couldn't care so much. He took a step back. Suddenly, he picked it up: "Kid, this is what you forced me!"

He was shaking all over the body, and Qin Shi did not care to reach out.

"You! Good, then I will let you know!"

Suddenly, the arms of the rain lifted up, and the Scorpio suddenly fell into the power of four forces. For a time, most of the elements in the platform were attracted by him.

He squeezed the strength of the four forces into a group. Suddenly, he slammed into Qin Shi, and squeezed his hands with force, then blasted open and angered: "Kids, die, four blasts!"


For a time, the cicada continued.

Immediately, the whole audience was shocked. I saw four completely different attributes. Even in the eyes, the three sides and the Qin stone merged with the same soul.

The audience was amazed: "This, is this true? Fusion of four attributes? My God."

"Can Qin Shi block it?"

On the platform, several people in Lianyunyan were slightly frowning.

I was infected by this strong fusion.

Rainy laughs: "Haha, hahaha, stinky boy, you are dead, you are dead, no one can live under this trick, you are ready to be bombed in the explosion!"


It was raining, and at this time it was a low drink.


A shudder, I saw it immediately, and the four fused forces, in a flash like a bomb, swallowed Qin Shi in a comprehensive way.

For a time, the audience was holding their breath.

The screaming of the screaming mouth is extremely excited, and I can see his confidence in the four blasts.

Rumble! ! !

Finally, the element exploded.

The four different elements, as if they were able to swallow all things, exploded on the entire platform, and the collapsed, most of them were sunken.

A huge deep pit, full of kilometers, made the audience a surprise.


When the smoke is exhausted, countless disciples are stunned.

"Then, that kid, is it dead?"

"Affirmative? Under this, how could it not die?"

Dead, silent.

"Cough, cough, cough!" And suddenly, a dry cough, sounded from under the pit, the audience's eyes are a fierce glimpse.

"Great dust." Immediately, a chuckle, a teenager in a black robe, slowly walked out of the deep pit.

In an instant, the audience was shocked.

Seeing Qin Shi, Yu Yu was directly stupid, and he madly stepped back and madly: "This, how is this possible? You, how could you still be alive?"

Qin Shi smiled, and immediately he was suddenly a cold, a residual image!

call out!

He took a step and approached the front of the rain.

"I said, the hatred of Yu Yue, I will definitely let you pay back 100 times!"

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