Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 1321: Ghost sword

Fang Qing shook his head, but it was not nonsense, condensed, the jade hand raised slightly, fixed in front of her chest, a soft water ripple suddenly opened, the other hand held the sword, and the water stroke slightly open. {(<<[<<<


Suddenly, the water pattern changed dramatically, and there were golden stripes, which eventually turned into a huge golden enchantment.

Context, self-enchantment.

When the enchantment unfolds, the whole audience is silent, and Fang Qing will point the sword to Zhang Hao.

"Zhang Wei, I am now sentenced, you were sentenced to death for the crime of disobedience."

"Fang Qing, less nonsense, today you and I will definitely have a death." Zhang Yanyan, the two palms force a shot, and then gradually the ten, the same piece of self-enchantment opened, just, compared to Fang Qing His self-enchantment is quite dark.


The two enchantments unfolded, and the scorpio suddenly caused thunder.

Wherever the enchantment collides, the void is shattered.

Fang Qingyu’s hand shocked: “Breaken!”

Qi Tianjian suddenly turned forward, and a fierce golden light slammed into Zhang Wei.

"If I put it before, I can't really stop you, but now it's not as good as it used to be. You want to break my enchantment with this little means?" Zhang Wei’s evil laughter, followed by several black fires .


The earth trembled fiercely.

A tens of meters deep pit collapsed.

"Good, terrible!"

"This, is this the confrontation of the realm?"

Fang Qing and Zhang Wei's fight, suddenly stunned the whole piece of Scorpio, like this level of tit-for-tat, looking at the eight domains are very rare, never seen in a hundred years.

Although, in the devil contest, several major domain owners are also incessant, but how much is some scruples and temptations, but there is no such thing as killing them.



After a stroke, the aftermath caused by Yu Wei will smash the earth.

"Fang Qing, for this day, I have been waiting for thousands of years. Today, no matter how the position of Jianzong, it will be different, Jianzong, it is mine!"

Zhang Wei’s smile was more and more embarrassing, and his sword robe squeaked in the wind. Suddenly, before pumping his body, he slammed into Fang Qing.

Fang Qing is also indifferent, the graceful and graceful figure is like a butterfly, and every time the jade hand turns, it is a cloud, a poor mountain cave.

"If the sky is against me, then I will swear by the sky, and the sword will be decided!"

Fang Qing's sleeves waved, throwing Qi Tianjian to the sky, and immediately her jade hand quickly printed, her body is full of dazzling golden light.

The huge aperture makes her like a fairy goddess. There is a strange ancient pattern on her handprint. The texture and the texture on the hilt of the sword of the heavenly sword illuminate each other.

There is a golden pattern between the lines, and in the moment the heavens and the earth are all in vain.

"That, that is, what is the sword?"

"Oh, resolutely, the first sword of the sword?"

"Is it true? Really is the sword of the heavens, is the Fang Qingzong really showing this sword?"

"诛天剑, is the sword of the Eighteen Swords of the Swordsman, a set of 诛天诀诀, I didn’t expect it to exist?”

Under the fingerprint of Fang Qing, the sword of the sky seemed to be a sword in the palm of the hand. The tens of thousands of meters of the sky seemed to be destroyed in an instant, and the space was broken, and the space was constantly falling.

诛天剑, actually is really in the sky.

Upon seeing it, Fan Yan and Shen Tianyang’s eyes were all in a cold, and they stopped the action under the palm of their hand.

"It is a resolute day!" Fan Yan is cold.

Shen Tianyang is also a tight fist: "I really didn't expect Fang Qing to be so decisive, and began to use such a huge sword."

At this time, a shadow of ghosts turned into a number of Jianguang remnants, suddenly approaching the center of the two, Lushan five fingers open, each finger is a sharp sword, shot on the back of the two people.

"Two little hairs, you still worry about yourself."

Fan Yan and Shen Tianyang were both surprised and snorted: "You **** old!"

"Second brother, I will help you!" Fan Yan roared.

"Yanlong Shengjian!" Fan Yan counter-handheld sword, sweeping the light of the sword from the ground.


The sky is overwhelming.

It is another piece of chaotic ruins.

The alarms they caused were far from the two on the Scorpio. Everyone’s eyes were fixed and they couldn’t even turn their eyes.

Seeing the scorpion sword, Zhang Wei himself is also gloomy, showing a few minutes.

When the sword scorpion has occupied the scorpio, Fang Qing cold and iced the road: "Zhang Wei, when my master used this scorpion sword to seriously hurt you, today I will use this 诛天剑 to collect your life again!"

Zhang Hao’s old eyes twitched a few times, and the loss to Qi Qing was always a hate in his heart.

He took a deep breath: "Fang Qing, the same mistake, I will not make another second!"

After all, Zhang Hao suddenly put his hands together.

"The way of the sword, destroy the sword of the world, the sword of the world!"

At this moment, Zhang Hao suddenly rolled up the sleeves that he always wrapped tightly, and when the sleeves were gradually exposed, the audience suddenly became a gel.


On Zhang Wei’s arm, it was crazy to the darkness of the fog, and soon the darkness would cover a group of meters.

For a moment, the field of vision of the audience was greatly weakened, so that many people could only see a few meters.

"This, what's going on?"

"This, this black fog, terrible!"


When the black fog came out, someone suddenly screamed.

Then, more and more screams rang in the sword.

"Amount!" It hurts, it hurts, what is it, what is it? What is it about me?"

"My head, my head hurts, my head is going to blow up!"

"Ah!! What is it, what entered my head?"

Numerous disciples, then suddenly mad mourning, followed by those who have been repaired as lower disciples are turned white, all fainted.

On them, they were entangled by a black, disgusting, eccentric curse.

Fang Qing was on the scorpio, and the jade eyes flashed through the cold.

Not only her, but the eyes of Lushan, and Jianqing are all fears.

"This, this power is the power of the sword?"

"How, how is it possible? The sword demon was not in the 10,000 years, was it sealed by the sword lord in the sword prison? How could it appear again?"

Fang Qingyu's eyes are cold: "Zhang Wei, have you released the sword?"

"Yeah, of course, it is such a powerful force, but I don't know how to use it, but I have to seal it and suppress it. Is that really an idiot?" Zhang Hao haha ​​laughed: "How about Fang Qing? Do you feel scared?"

"You are a madman!" Fang Qingyu's hand is pinched, and she will open her enchantment and hang over the ground below. She can only protect her disciples as much as she can.


At this time, the fierce loud noise on the scorpio, followed by a scorpion gully split, and everything that was previously provoked by the scorpion sword was actually swallowed into nothingness in an instant.

Zhang Yi proudly sneered: "Fang Qing, 诛天剑诀, really strong, but I want to see, I will destroy this world, I see you can do what this sword can do!"

Fang Qing caught the already stunned scorpion sword, and the jade eyes were extremely cold.

The more she is, the more proud Zhang is.

Suddenly, Zhang Hao reached out and the hand was buried in the darkness. For a moment, on the back of his hand, there was an extremely ferocious one. There was a fearful blood in the sword's hilt.

And the appearance of the blood eyes made the audience shake.


Endless darkness, in an instant, all swarmed to Zhang’s palm, where the space was collapsed into a powdery shape, a darkness, and the blade of yin and evil was revealed everywhere, and he was slowed down from the void. Slowly withdrawn.

"Fang Qing, do you really think that the strongest sword of Jianzong is the **** of the shit?" Grab the black sword of blood, Zhang Yansen smiled: "I tell you, it is a big mistake. Among the swords, the real strongest sword is the scorpion sword in my hands!"

"弑神鬼剑!" Fang Qingyu's eyes are gloomy, and the jade hands hold the sword tightly.

"Hey God ghost sword? Is it, is that sword?" Suddenly, Lushan's old eyes sank.

Several elders have asked: "Master, this is a sword, what sword is it?"

"Yes... It was the sword of the sword and the hand that year!" Lushan swallowed his mouth vigorously.

"Swordsman holding a sword?" Several elders looked a sink.

Lushan nodded: "Well, yes, this sacred sword, with thousands of evil spirits, is created by the inexhaustible power of the sword and the evil spirits destroy the earth."

In the end, Lushan’s silence will be: “Just, in the records of Jianzong, this sword was already crushed when the sword sorcerer defeated the swordsman thousands of years ago. Why, why is it here?”

"It should be the ancient power of the sword magic." At this time, Jian Qing supported the wind and sand, and the wind and sand old eyes were gloomy to the ultimate cold road: "I didn't expect that this old dog has lost heart and soul for the position of the sword." This is the point."

"Release the sword and recast the ghost sword, it is undoubtedly looking for death."

"Qinger is in trouble."

Lushan, Fengsha and other people are all suspended.

Grab the sacred ghost sword, Zhang Hao's sly, crazy smirk: "Haha, Fang Qing, you can't think of it, I will recast the sacred ghost sword, today I use this sacred sword, broken Your shit, the sword!"

Fang Qingyu noodles have been gloomy to the extreme, at this time the Jianzong also became a stagnant water.

The more chaotic is violent.

Zhang Wei’s sly ghost sword undoubtedly gave Mo Yu and other 100,000-strong army a great advantage, which made his fighting spirit soar. Soon, the Jianzong side has already collapsed.

Fang Qing party, alone with Lu Shan, has been unable to support.

Even if Jianqing Fengsha and others can help each other, it will not help.

"Damn!" Lushan roared.

"Old dog, Ming today is your jealous day!" Fan Yan, Shen Tianyang both joined forces, in one fell swoop Lushan in the center.

Lushan has a constant sword and a lot of shadows.

"Hey, old dog, do you think that when you went on the second time, do you think we will go on for the second time?" Fan Yan's shadow flashed, avoiding Lushan's residual shadow swordswing, and then he sworded off the sword A sword stabbed under the emptiness.


A **** red, Lushan was pierced by Fan Yan's bayonet.

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