Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 10 Chapter 1407: Time is almost

The big demon Lord fell in the floating palace in the middle of the endless sea. His old eyes were bright and the color of the mans. He used his hand to gently touch the stone door that engraved the eight-field rune. He smiled ecstatically: Nearly 10,000 years, it finally appeared."

At this moment, he suddenly turned and shook at Qin Shi’s void: "Boy, come!"

Qin Shi’s body was fierce, and immediately he was uncontrollable. He was dragged from the cliff to the palace by the big demon. The most amazing thing is that under the huge suction of the big devil, even the Tianhe weak water There is no slight fluctuation. The big demon master will hold Qin Shi in his hands. Qin Shilian has no room to struggle. The big devil has licked his dry lips and greedily said: "Boy, you don't want to know what we are going to do. Is it not difficult, you are optimistic!"

In a word, the big devil slammed the force, and the eight-year-old jade jade of Qin Shi’s waist was directly taken away by him. The entire process of Qin Shilian’s resignation was not.

He got the eight-year-old jade jade, and the old eyes of the big devil's turbid eyes shimmered with thick luster. He smiled excitedly: "Forever, the eight murders have finally fallen into my hands."

In the twinkling of an eye, he waved his sleeves and counted the eight chaotic lights of the eight wild hooks. When he saw the eight chaotic lights, the Qin Shi black scorpion suddenly shrank: "That is... eight murders?"

Among the eight light and shadows, several Qin stones have been seen, and the jade light dance and the spirit of the swords are in the wild.

At the end of the eight great murders, the big devil's crutches were shocked at this time, but it was not the ground that he shocked, but the huge stone gate of the suspended palace.


When the crutches collided with the Shimen, suddenly the huge bells of the ancient tombs were like the morning bells. The eight weapons that were suspended on the Scorpio were greatly absorbed. The eight murders and the eight runes on the Shimen slowly merged. Those were only aura. The rune became extraordinarily true at this time. In the end, the weapon was completely immersed in the rune. At that moment, Qin Shi felt that he knew the sea as if it were to be blown, and a shrillful Sanskrit reverb was wrapped around his ears. His ear drums seemed to be shattered by violent shaking.

The Fanyin ear continued to fade for a long time, and the eight-character rune on the stone gate of the palace turned out to be like a broken three-dimensional rune. Finally, the eight runes rose into the sky and became an octagonal giant star. Array, the octagonal star array reveals thousands of auras, mutual restraint and mutual assistance, and the most amazing thing is that Qin Shili is in front of the stone gate, just below the octagonal star array, he constantly rotates from the eight In the eight-way rune, I actually felt the power of eight different kinds of different kinds of people at the same time. The purity of each stock is enough to make this world shaken. Among them, there are more shares, he is no stranger, even in the body. The power of swords, the power of purgatory, the power of absurdity...

From then on, Qin Shi can think that the power of these eight different kinds of seeds is the essence of the eight domains. It is just that he is a disciple of Jianzong. He has never seen such a pure sword power except for the sword spirit. ... Qi Qing, it is not acceptable.

When the star array floated, the smile of the big demon Lord became richer. At this time, he emptied several light and shadows in a row, and then the space was torn apart and seven sleeping places.

Seeing that the space Qin Shi black and cold, there is no space fluctuation around the space, the rushing is actually the power of covering the sky...

"What is that?" Qin Shi was shocked.

The demon condensate said: "That is the sky-covered void, there is no separate space for the ridiculous big 6".

When the seven sleeping spaces emerged, the great demon Lord’s excitement: “Seven! Sleeping for a long time, it’s time to wake up! It’s time for you to sacrifice your life for our great heavenly demon!”


Under the roar of the bursts, the seven squats in the space like a bottomless hole screamed in the wind, and suddenly, in every space, there was a bright red blood, when the blood was clearer, from the seven Slowly stepping out of the seven figures in the space, each figure is gray skin, from their body can not feel a little angry, as if dead for thousands of years.

"There are seven people, what is going on? Good... horrible spiritual power!" Qin Shiyi covered his mouth and spit. He dared to conclude that the seven were not evil, but he could not feel any human beings from these seven people. soul.

Seeing the surprise of Qin Shi, the big devil smiled and said: "The seven people are the eight domain owners except the swordsmen!"

"What?" Qin Shi did not dare to take a step back: "This, how is this possible?"

"Don't be surprised, when they sealed the artifacts, they were the enemy of the group, so we grabbed them all and smothered them, refining them into flesh, and sealed them in the sky. It’s today, unraveling the seal!” The big devil’s smile, and his eyes became fierce: “Oh, it’s a pity that the sect of the sword was robbed and robbed, but it doesn’t matter, I can I feel that you should have been inherited by the sword. Although the strength of the sword is weak, it is still enough."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi was shocked at the bottom of his heart, his subconscious desire to take a step back, and it seems that the big devil who had already decided this point sneered and shook his head: "Want to go? This is not enough!"


Behind Qin Shi, he suddenly rose up to the barrier of the kilometer, trapping him and the seven eight-field ancestors.

Seeing the Shura Buddha's Eyes in the distance is red: "Qin Shi!"

"Little girl, you'd better wait!" At this time, the second demon came forward, and a suffocating cage directly trapped the Shura.

Immediately, the big demon master and the second demon master looked at each other. The second demon lord gently clicked. From his palm, he took out a ray of entangled light and threw it into the air. After entering the air, the xenon light swelled instantly. Finally, it is about 100 meters, and the center is slowly opening. It is also a void, but in the void, Qin Shi sees the shadows of the shadows: "Xianhui!"

In the sky, Kong Xianhui was tied to a column of forbidden spirit. Her breath was already very weak. She almost tried her best to pick up the jade eyes. When she saw Qin Shi, she had some emotions. Zhang opened his mouth, but did not say anything, but Qin Shi can know... what she wants to say is... stone!

Qin Shi Meng’s pinching fist, he couldn’t imagine what the group had done to Kong Xianhui, and he was angry and burned: “You are a group of beasts!”

"Kid, don't be so excited. If you want these two gimmicks to live, you will be obedient and obey, and remind you of it, don't think of using the swallowing demon to resist, the **** is deep in the sky, even if It’s a swallowing demon who wants to save her, and it’s too late! We can let her disappear forever in an instant!” The second demon Lord raised his arm at this time, and the Shura’s saint couldn’t help but scream and sigh directly to the living in the air. .

Upon seeing it, Qin Shiyi wanted to crack: "What is he really saying?"

The demon has no choice but to say: "Well, I can break the sky, but I can break it, but in the current state, at least half an hour, the flow of space between half an hour, is enough to transfer this **** to a place that no one can find. !"

Qin Shi’s fierce fists, the palms are bleeding, his red-eyed death to death group: "You! What do you want me to do?"

This time, Qin Shi from the heart, unprecedented feelings of powerless ... In the face of absolute strength, he felt that he was in the eyes of the group, just like the dolls that were brought on the line, they have enough chips to play with themselves.

In the heart, the stronger heart, the intense burning that has never been seen before, the flame is burning his blood.

"It's not difficult." The big devil screamed, and immediately he smashed the emptiness of the ancient scorpion. A chaotic beam pierced the Scorpio and hit the octagonal star array. At that moment, the octagonal star array that was spinning wildly stopped turning. Eight essays of the Eight Great Runes burst into the light column, and the light column crashed into the central palace island. For a time, the endless sea caused the sea of ​​waves.

Eight beams appeared, the big devil took a clap, and the seven eight-field ancestors’ shackles were ruthless at this moment, one by one stiff and walking to their own right under the rune, and finally, only the spirit of the sword The beam is empty, at this time, Qin Shi seems to have expected what, and it is not true, the big devil rushed to his sneer, and reached out and said: "Kid, go inside the beam."

"Little guy, can't go in, there is a soulless soul in the light beam. Once you enter it, this light beam will absorb the power of your sword in your body. When your body's strength is insufficient, it will be swallowed. Your soul use your soul as a substitute for the power of the sword, if you can not persist, you will die." The demon is low.

Qin Shi heard the words, he now understands that this octagonal star array is the seal of the opening of the seal of the artifact, and the way to solve this array of methods is to gather the power of the eight domains.

"Among the eight people, you can only live one person. These seven scorpions are all eight ancestors. The strength of the heterogeneous body in the body is sacred. It is impossible to compete with the reserves of your body." You will devour the soul before the ancestors did not dry up." The demon screamed again.

And let the evil spirits, Qin Shi is always silent alone, he looked down at his big hand with his head down, his mouth suddenly revealing a weak smile, how can he not understand the words of the demon? However, what can he change now, in addition to obeying the group? The life of Kong Xianhui, the life of Shura’s saint, can’t he be saved?

At this time, a glimpse of the gods fell in the air, making the entire island palace become extraordinarily mysterious. At this time, the other seven beams of light have already started to operate violently. The seven different kinds of forces in the seven eight-field ancestors were instantly extracted. For the sky dust gathering to the octagonal star array.

The main devil said: "The kid, the time is almost, the life of these two girls, can be between you!"

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