Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 10 Chapter 1418: Enter the gods

If you are a dragon, it will be as vast as the sound of God in the mind of Qin Shi. For a time, Qin Shi is sluggish on Tianzhu. 8┡Δ』ΩΩ1┡

"Kid, you haven't thought much time." The demon warned again.

Qin Shi has only returned to God. He is obsessed with some dryness and looks at the dragon: "Why, why are you willing to stay here and be controlled by fate?"

"Oh, I am not you, I have no life."

"I will refine you, you will die." Qin Shidao.

"Otherwise, do you think that they will let me go? I master the key to the opening of this **** domain." You Long said frankly, he looked very open: "Little guy, don't hesitate, you and I don't know each other, all this is Destined, you have more responsibility to do."

Demon Road: "Kid, he said it is good, even if you do not refine him, his dragon heart has been shattered by the second demon Lord, Long Dan is inseparable, life is not long, the boundary dragons, refining their magic, its Power can't be imagined, and in the future, you can save your life in the crisis, not white."

Qin Shi blinked, he finally nodded, but he was not greedy for any situation, but he did not want to see another casualty. He had to make a choice for the survival of the human world. Slowly open, a six-point array method instantly opened, into six Optimus Prime, each root is engraved with the soul of the brand, long world, the dragon is trapped, then he screamed.


In an instant, he knows the sea and fills in the six-legged spirits. He will swallow the soul of the dragon, take out a blank spell and bend it, and shoot it into the center of the six-legged spirit. Compressed into the center of the spell.

boom! The Haoran boundary was turned into a dragon symbol in an instant, and the disk was lying on the blank demon. The dragon that eventually gathered the root of power was like a finishing touch, and it was falling at the top of the magic symbol.


The scorpion blasted fiercely, and the dark thunder cloud suddenly shattered. The boundary magic symbol slowly fell in the hands of Qin Shi. When he got the magic symbol, Qin Shi’s heart was full of flavor. He never expected it. Under this crisis, he actually received the Zhang Jiejie magic symbol, the boundary magic symbol, afraid to look at the human world, are the treasures that shake the world? If it is placed in the past, who has one, it is estimated that the eight domains will be snapped up.

After all, a boundary demon can create a real-time master for a short period of time. For a thin world of people, it is a way to change the situation and even break the balance of the eight domains.

The chaotic dragon world was also scattered with the refining of the dragon. The six domains and the scorpion group were slightly frowning, and the chaotic domain, the enchanting eyes, the cold road: "It’s a little sly, this little devil, no I thought that he could refine the realm? However, I really liked the boundary magic."

"Do you want to kill him?" Yuan Zhen is next to him.

The enchanting mouth said: "Now, can you kill him? Waiting for you to approach him, it is estimated that He Shuhan and Qi Qing will immediately shoot you to smash the corpse, and then the group will not be allowed."

Yuan Hao’s old eyes twitched and flickered with full hatred. He didn’t expect that there would be such a day. When he was ruined and trampled on him, he couldn’t get on the countertop’s hairy boy. One day, he would be jealous, and the death of Yu Deyu It shows all of this, even the heart of the Yuan dynasty, there is a kind of hunch, when the young and frivolous that year, maybe it will really become a disaster in the chaos.

"Nothing, don't have to worry too much. The more the scenery is, the longer it is." This kid is now receiving too many eye-catching eyes. There are also so many people who want to kill him. He will not have the chance to grow up. Destroy, the gods open, in the virtual world of the gods, if there is a chance, then he will be done." The enchanting narrow eyes are flashing.

Yuan Zhenyi said: "Then, what about the group?"

"The Qin family is not the only one, no need to control the group, do not kill this child, my heart is uneasy."

Yuanxiao’s old eyes flashed, and he nodded.

At this time, on the six-domain side, He Shuhan was completely shocked. In just a moment, her jade hands were sweating coldly, and she was so shocked by Qin Shi. She was shocked: Control the phoenix, dare to be an enemy of the heavens and the earth, this child will have no limit in the future."

The singular jade is moving, and the corner of his mouth is a proud smile.

Among them, the most eccentric of the eyes is the wilderness hole ghost. His old eyes are full of twilight. When Qin Shi was besieged in the chaotic field, he actually had the opportunity to grab the sword and stand up to collect it. It’s just that he didn’t do this. He didn’t believe that a teenager in his early twenties could have the power to sway and make the world tremble. However, in the past two years, Qin Shi’s rapid advancement was I took a slap in the face.

In the corner of the iceberg, Xiao Xue’s heart smiled softly. Suddenly, she couldn’t help but reverberate in her mind. The boy who fell from the cliffs of the cliffs only had a spiritual environment. At that time, Qin Shi’s wings were not full, and the blue color was tender. In that way, in the blood lake, when faced with countless blood, but has revealed the power, not hesitating to live and die, blocking her, and at that time, Qin Shi and her words, she is really proud and proud.

She smiled and said: "You did it. Now you can protect me."

Zi Lingsha is also gratified by the jade eye: "Because of the fate, I must see you go to that height!"


At this moment, after the dragon became a magical symbol, the vision of the poor between heaven and earth, the weak water of the Tianhe River suddenly fell, at the end of the heavens and the earth, Xiaguang Luolu, like a thundering arrow, volleyed to the huge stone gate of the island palace. In an instant, the stone door was violently cracked, and the eight-way eight-field rune was actually scattered by the earthquake. With the madness of the earth, the stone door was slowly opened at this moment, and the artifact was again revealed. The blue tide when jumping into it.

In an instant, the vastness of the heavens and the earth seems to be turned into blue, and the whole audience is attracted by the tide of the **** domain.

He Shuhan was shocked: "The **** domain is open!"

At this time, the big demon Lord reacted very quickly, and he smashed the emptiness of the ancient emptiness. A huge wave of air instantly set off a frenzy, and the six domains saw a fierce condensate. Here, the big devil slammed, even a few The name of the domain owner must be careful, for this reason, He Shuhan Yu hand quickly waved out, and Qi Qing and the two jointly created a barrier, which only forced it to block.


The sky was fiercely slamming, and at this time the squadron and the chaotic winds, rushed into the realm of the gods.

When the giant force was exhausted, He Shuhan’s eyes were frozen: “Damn! They were robbed of the opportunity, and all the elders in the six domains of the six domains followed me!”

Qi Qing and the rest of the domain owners are all under the head, and then each of them reorganized the elders of various domains and rushed into the domain.

Entering into the realm of the gods, the Milky Way is full of innocence, just as the demon said that this **** domain is empty, from the outside world, but the 100-meter palace, but the interior is an endless star river, here, really full of half-personal size, including the star river Interlaced, full of vitality, and full of spiritual power, have never been seen by the domain masters.

Seeing the situation, Haoyue Yuyan could not help but beating: "Is looking for artifacts here, what is the difference between finding a needle in a haystack?"

"Yeah, it's too big here too?"

"Don't worry, the artifact is cast by the eight great weapons. I can find the artifacts by looking for the atmosphere of the eight artifacts here. Otherwise, you think that the group will be so kind, willing to unite with the chaotic domain? Ling Mofeng is also self-righteous, thinking that it is a good thing to get support from the group. I don’t know how to be with the tiger. One day, they don’t know how to die.” Kong Ghost said.

Several domain owners are all under the head, and it is quite profound to hear that Qin Shi is black in the rear. Xue Xue’s heart is always with him and he can’t help but squat, and smiles: “Stone, what are you thinking? ”

"I am thinking about the words of Kong Kong."

"The Kong domain master said it is good. The people in the group are fierce and sinister. They can even kill their own people. They expect them to abide by the spirit of the contract. The alliance is simply a delusion. The chaotic domain and the wind domain will not have good results. ""

"I am not talking about this." Qin Shi swayed his heart and shook his head, and immediately his smile was strange.

"what is that?"

"I was thinking, maybe the chaotic domain and the squadron cooperation, the wind domain will eventually be eaten by the scorpion group, there is no bones, but the chaotic domain will certainly not."


"Because, I will personally destroy the chaotic domain." Suddenly, Qin Shi is proud of the spirit, just like the king.

The snowy heart trembled, and immediately she laughed out, and the jade eyes were also flashing anger: "Well, the chaotic domain should pay for them."

The **** domain is empty, vast and innocent, and it is half a month in the blink of an eye. In this half moon, there is no collision between the six domains and the scorpion group. To be precise, it has never been seen. Among them, the six domains are based on He Shuhan, and the six domain owners The power of his own blood tries to resonate with the However, in addition to being able to determine the general direction, there is no other gain at all. In the half moon, everyone has gone deep into the realm of the gods.

During this period, there were several virtual spirits above the domain in this vain emptiness, and the imaginary spirit was the same as the original sword martial art.

At this time, the heavens and the earth suddenly changed greatly, and a force of trepidation crosses the armpits, and several domain owners and Qin Shi and other juniors suddenly separated, and after the separation, the realm of the gods suddenly became hugely distorted.

Seeing this scene, Qi Qingyu’s eyes are cold: “Damn, this array of gods’ voids is moving.”

"Qin Shi! Take care of the snow heart!" He Shuhan reacted very quickly. She knew that they couldn't break the law and turned to the other side of the cross-section.

Qin Shi nodded, and then he grabbed the hand of Xue Xuexin, and his body turned very fast. In the blink of an eye, the six-domain alliance was moved to break up by the formation. Even several domain owners were forced to separate, and then the gods were in the air. In the midst of a huge trend, Qin Shi firmly held the snow heart in his arms. This shock lasted for half an hour before stopping, but when they stopped, they had already lost their way.

At the end of the Qin Shi, there is only the snow heart.

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