Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 10 Chapter 1460: The 9th domain!

Snowy heart left... No one knows where she went. 8『1『Chinese 『网

In the void, it gradually became calmer. The six domains were all helpless. In the end, Qin Shi still fled, and Fang Qing was also disappointed in the eyes of the jade. She shook her head at Qi Qing, and said: "Master. ...... This is the position of the Lord, I want to return it to you. The practice of the disciples is not enough. I have not yet reached the vicious heart of you. I think... I will go here four times, I will not go to the hand. It’s up.”

"Qing Er!" Qi Qing's lips are slightly open, but when she reaches the mouth, she swallows her back. She can hear endless complaints and disappointment from Fang Qing's mouth. She said: "Also... calm and calm down. Let's go."

"The Sovereign... I will go with Qinger." The sand is also faint at this moment. In a short moment, he seems to be a thousand years old, the ancient dragon clock, the snow white, the thinness of his old eyes. It was finally dimmed at this time.

At this time, Lin Xiao and Yan Lie in the distance are back to the various fields. The two people are the most embarrassed in their hearts. If Qin Shi is really coming back, they will have nowhere to escape. Both of them are angry and gnashing. Lin Xiao was furious because he was seriously injured by Xue Xuexin. He said: "Hey! Say it! Everyone joins hands, the six domains are one, the same as the hands and feet, but each has a ghost. I don’t think this kind of **** league. It must be there!"

"Lin Xiao, pay attention to your words!"

"What happened to my words? Is there anything I said about it? If it weren't for the little girl, how could it be escaped by the kid?"

"You...!" He Shuhan frowned and screamed.

"Oh, I also think that there is no need for this alliance to exist. I am still alone in the field, and I will not be so drowning with the domain owners!"

In other words, Lin Xiao, Yan Lie, the forbidden domain, the blazing domain, everyone has left this void.

Kong Ghost is also shaking his head and sighing at this time. He can't help but blink a bit of remorse: "Jingcai, you said that we really did something wrong?"

Jingcai appeared in the side of the ghost ghost and said helplessly: "Do you have to blame yourself, who can expect that things will become like this? You are also a human being."

"We missed two chances..." Kong Ghost looked forward to sighing and could not help but sigh.

In other words, Kong Ghost is not saying a word, and it is also a few times old in an instant. Under the help of Jing Cai, he called for the wasteland to leave from the shattered **** domain.

Looking at the people who are far away, this time is also a relief, she is also worried that because of the recent move will cause the siege of the other five domains: "It seems that things are over, we are ready to leave here, I don't know where the fierce devil will take the kid, I hope that one day, I can really come back. Otherwise, my gamble is really not worth it."

"He will come back, will definitely!"

Suddenly, beside the graceful side, Zi Lingsha whispered softly, and immediately she gently took off the purple veil that always covered her face, revealing the delicateness of the country, showing her smile, inverting all beings, her mouth is like that. Confidence.

"His mission has only just begun. When he returns, he is destined to be the return of the king... At that time, the height he is in will make the whole world look forward to it." Zi Lingsha is very clear about Qin Shi’s perseverance. And the toughness that is so terrible that it is so jealous that he is so jealous. He can come out from the small town that can even be described as desolate. During this period, everyone can imagine that this road may not be as sad as today. The decision, but the bitterness experienced has not been bad, the burning of the Tianzong in the past, the ancient city abandoned, the chaotic domain fled, everything, has been doomed this time, will only become his experience, become a stronger reason .

The red lips are also rising and laughing. She is not talking about Xiao Zi Lingsha: "Then we will wait, see what he will look like when he returns to this world." ”

"This time, I am afraid it will not be the evening, nor will it be three or five years. When he returns, perhaps the world will change dramatically. Maybe the world will gradually forget him, but... once he returns Everything will wake up to the sleeping dragon, it will be an unstoppable wave, and then, in the world of everyone, roar!"

"Let's go... Maybe, it will be a long, long story... but it is a story that will definitely exist!"

At this time, the graceful people led the crowd to leave, and finally only the Jianzong and Qingxuezong were left in this void, and Qi Qing and He Shuhan both were very dignified. Qi Qing appeared in He Shu at this time. Next to the cold side, smiled bitterly: "You said, why are you? I owe that person, this time is still, but you are not necessary."

He Shuhan shook his head helplessly: "You don't understand, my strength is like the strongest in the eight domains. No one dares to commit crimes easily, but these years the group has been harassed many times, Xue Xin that girl... she grew up Growing up beside me is like my child, but she is destined to be a disaster, Qing Xuezong, far from the seemingly plain security, Qing Xuezong can't protect her, she and the kid The same, it is destined to be involved in the game of heaven and earth, this time, it is also for the snow heart."

"Then why don't you tell her?"

"If you tell her? How can she let her go? With her character, I will stick to Qing Xuezong. I don't want to see her fall into a dilemma." He Shuhan shook his head, and immediately she sighed and sighed: "This It’s all life, life can’t escape.”

Qi Qing heard the words, the jade eyes were also full of sorrow, and they shook their heads and left with the swordsmen.


A chaotic void is finally vanished at this time.

In the void outside, the cliff outside the city of Magic City, at this moment, hundreds of thousands of troops gathered here, and many elder disciples in various fields are waiting for the results. During this period, everyone witnessed this piece of the void. It was timed by the endless darkness, then... it was broken, everything, but everyone did not know what was born.

This scene was invisibly broken until the blazing domain and the forbidden domain took the lead.

Everyone in the six domains left from it. However, after they left, they did not celebrate as everyone imagined. The domain owners of all major domains are not talking about the void, and the whereabouts of the artifacts are unknown. So... Soon, the major areas spread out, and the Magic City returned to calm again. However, the major domains were very clear. A teenager, also the beginning of this artifact battle, did not finally get out of this void.

Everything is gradually calming down. It seems that everything has never been born. The so-called six-domain alliance is finally broken in the invisible, and the human world is once again returning to the situation of the eight domains. Even after this, the six domains The relationship became more tense. During this period, the disciples continued to confront in private, and there were countless deaths and injuries. However, one party’s forces suddenly rose up at this time, even reaching the point where the eight domains were shocked, and the name of the power... Qin Zong.

And the rise of Qin Zong...just alcoholic.

Shortly after the emptiness of the emptiness, a drunkard was airborne and smoldering. Sitting in the Qinzong area, the Baichao area was separated again from the control of the sword sect, forming a human world to remove the area outside the eight-domain control of the chaotic cemetery. And claimed to be the ninth domain of the human world, and in this regard, Jianzong did not stop, choose the default, and even support in the dark, which also caused the other seven domains to be dissatisfied very quickly, among them, chaotic domain, blazing domain, prohibited domain The three major domains collided with Qin Zong continuously, but in the end, before the powerful strength of the drunkard, the three major domains did not have a slight advantage, but Qin Zong was forced to suppress in the Baichao and Baizu areas, and could not expand outward.

However, this is enough to shock the human world... The eight-domain situation in the human world has been completely broken at this moment.

However... Qin Zong’s rapid growth, but no one is happy because they know that no matter how brilliant Qin Zong today, they are propped up under the boy’s hands, and they are finally in Qin Zong. Under the repeated persecution, in the noise of the disciples of the swordsmen, the swordsman had to pass the death of Qin Shi’s death. This bad news undoubtedly caused Qin Zong to fall into grief. The whole red inflammation, a wounded soul, was in vain.


Above the red city of Hongyan, Ling Xiao and Lin Yu were red-eyed and drinking wine. Ling Xiao smiled: "Now... Qin Zongzhen really did it... The glory of the little guy’s mouth was not just an area, an empire. But the glory of heaven and earth."

"I don't know if he has a chance to see it." Lin Yu shook his head and said: "I believe that he will not die so easily. I will stay here until he returns!"


In the old town of the ancient city, a sad old couple sat on the tree stump of the yard. Qin Tianqing’s face was a little bit more fortitude, and a little more vicissitudes. Qiong Shuyao took him, and his eyes were dull. The two seem to have lost their souls. Qin Tianqing’s face is full of self-blame. He laughs and laughs at himself: “If I didn’t want to be strong at the beginning... he would not fall to this day.”

"Children, hey... don't be discouraged, this doesn't blame you... just pity the stone... He has been running alone for so many years."

"Uncle...Aunt..." Suddenly, an empty voice sounded, and Qin Tianqing’s couple looked up and saw that the long skirt fluttered in the distance. Zi Lingsha walked very gently in front of the two, saying: "Uncle , Aunt... Stone, he is not dead, he will come back sooner or later."

The words of the two people were surprised and said: "What are you telling the truth?"

Zi Lingsha smiled softly: "Well, he just went to the distance, but one day, he will return to this land, he still has a lot of responsibility to do!"

Qin Tianqing's old eyes suddenly rosy, he screamed in the sky, nodded hard: "Okay, okay! This is the son of my Qin Tianqing!"

At this moment, there are countless places in the human world... There are countless gaze, there are some expectations in the hollow, and I have been gazing at that far away... They all know that there is a sleeping teenager there, Be prepared to get back here.

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