Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1527: Abyss

The moment of public revenge seems to fall into the abyss of the back of Qin Shi. It is difficult to extricate himself. When he is half-sounding, he wakes up fiercely. At this time, on his forehead and in his palm, he is full of cold sweat. He hit a sigh: "Just that What happened to the short-lived moment? Can this kid scatter the gas field that makes me fear?"

"It's getting more and more interesting. 81 Δ文网"

The public lost hatred and laughter, and this was followed by Qin Shi.

Along the way, Qin Shi has been windy and light for a long time, and the black well of the ancient well has been shocking. It seems that he has not had too many emotions since the hall was killed. It seems that these are sensational 7,000. The matter of Haigong is not worth mentioning in his world. The more he is like this, the more he is curious about the public sentiment. He stunned the old man and smiled: "Kid, tell me, the third move, if Takuya mad did not bother, do you have any cards?"

Qin Shi smiled lightly and said: "Predecessors, you have heard of the fusion of spiritual power and soul power?"


The public sentimental fierce surprise in the original place, Qin Shi also stopped at this time, although he was shorter than the public insinuation, but at this time it was completely suppressed like a giant.

"Oh..." The public insults are very swallowing, and his palms are involuntarily pinched in the back. The combination of old eye gels: "The combination of spiritual power and soul power?"

Qin Shi did not make a sound, gently extended his hands, wrapped two different forces on his two wrists, and immediately he slowly moved closer to the face of the public.

Seeing this scene, the public lost a sense of hatred, and the body slammed back nearly 100 meters.

"Kid, you are playing with fire, these two forces come together, but it will have a huge reaction, even if it is very subtle, within 100 meters, it will be crushed into pieces."

"Predecessors don't worry, look!"

Qin Shi smiled easily, when the two forces gradually blended at this time.


Suddenly, in Qin Shi’s chest, the two forces produced great waves. However, that Hong Bo did not blast like the imagination of the public, but formed a weird fault in the torn space. In the fault, there seems to be a huge The beast, but it is a trapped beast, the power is completely controlled within the fault, there is no outflow.

"This..." Seeing this scene, the old-fashioned old-fashioned eyes are full of surprises, which is simply amazing for him.

"Of course, there is such a thing?"

From the small fault in front of Qin Shi's chest, it made the public lose a sense of oppression.

Even the public invincible feels that this small fault can kill his half life.

"Predecessors felt that this kind of power was expanded by a few hundred times. At that time, who was going to win the matchup?" Qin Shi teased.


The public lost the hatred, and immediately laughed... How many times? With this little power, he has already dared not to worry, let alone a few hundred times.

Suddenly, the public lost his heart and feared, and immediately he was shocked.

I saw that in an instant, Qin Shi’s big hand waved, and the force of the fault exploded in an instant, making the whole sky like a split. The fault was 10,000 meters long and it was fleeting.

For a moment, the public hatred was sweating, and he seemed to have died once under the pressure of the fault.

Suddenly, he finally understood, Qin Shi just how confident it came... If you use this trick, even if Shaqi’s body is strong, it is estimated that it will be crushed into powder by this fault?

"Oh, it’s really thrilling, if it’s not a madman, I guess I should have been seriously injured now..."

The public lost his hatred and laughed. He realized that Qin Shi’s so-called three tricks, and just hurting him, actually left him room for him... He also thought that he was a modest Qin Shi.

"You **** kid!"

The public lost the laughter and screamed, and immediately said: "Well, the old man admits defeat, the ninth floor, and will return to you later."

Speaking of this, the old man’s face is slightly twitching: “Hey, anyway, my old bones, I want to break through the boundaries should be hopeless.”

Qin Shi hesitated a little, saying: "Predecessors, the ninth floor, leave it to you, this tree of delimited fruit is left for you, can you break this creation and reverse this day, it will look at you."

In other words, Qin Shi’s big hand explored, and a beige tree with only the size of rice was spread out in the palm of his hand.

Seeing the tree species, the public defeated Qiujian eyebrows, the old eyes are full of shimmering luster, as if young for a few years, in an instant, his lips and teeth are dry, and the hands are shaking, and they dare not take it easily. species.

Delimited fruit trees? This kind of treasure, he naturally knows, but that is one of the most precious fairy grasses in the world, which can increase the chance of breaking through the boundaries... If this is passed out, I am afraid that someone will use the entire sea palace to change, but Qin Stone actually gave him this way?

"This, is this really for me?"

Qin Shi faint smile: "Well, it is still you who save me from killing people."

The public invincible face is rigid, and this delimitation is what he thinks...not a realm, but a chance to live.

His old eyes suddenly blush, but suddenly he shook his head, and smiled and shouted: "Little family, this precious thing, you still have to use it yourself, my old bones even have this delimitation, nor It is possible to break through the boundaries again, and there is no need to waste this delimited fruit tree."

Wen Yan, Qin Shi slightly stunned, and immediately he did not make a sound with the eyelids swept away from the public to lose a hate, a moment, he realized that only the body of the revenge has been aging seriously, the five internal organs, vitality, all exhausted, The fire of Dantian also began to gradually extinguish. Obviously, it is a precursor to Shouyuan's approach. In this case, if you want to break through the boundary, even if there is a delimitation, it is impossible. After all, the body is no longer seeking.

Eight of them are old and sick... This is a fixed number, and no one can escape.

Come in one breath, yes, not at all, no.

However, Qin Shi smiled. This seems to be a fixed number. This is not the case for him. Of course, he can't completely disobey this Chang Lun. However, with a little modification, it is still enough. His palms are facing up. Yang, melting the heavens and the earth, into a green fluorescent tower, when the formation of the tower, he slowly sent it into the public incarnation, placed in the center of the internal organs.

"Predecessors, this rains and showers, you will not be a problem for ten years of life. If you can break through this decade, you will see yourself. The external force will help you."

In a short moment, the public lost his old eyes and horrified. When the tower entered the body, he felt like he was reborn. The five internal organs were strong, the impurities of Dantian were also dispelled, and the heart beat was powerful. He was shocked. To Qin Shi: "Small, little friends, are you, against the sky?"

Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders and handed the demarcated fruit trees to the public.

At this time, the old man’s face was distorted, and he looked at Qin Shi’s gaze no longer dare to despise.

"Oh, if this breakthrough is successful, this kid is my benefactor."

The public lost the enemy, when the two talents returned to the Tuoba Hall.

Waiting for a little in the Tuoba Hall, Tuobao has been dealing with the outside world, and many elders have rushed back to the hall.

At this time, less than half a day before and after, everyone present on the scene is a sudden change in Qin Shi's gaze, is a qualitative change, not as a younger generation, or even a higher existence than the peers, even the arrogance is no exception, After all, the mantra is a great place to go, and this is the entire peripheral sea palace.

"Little friends..."

Not waiting for the extension of the madness, Qin Shi smiled: "The palace owner can be assured, since I promised Xiaoli, said to help him set the position of this palace, naturally including these thousands of magic."

"This..." Tuoba sullenly stunned. At the beginning, Qin Shi said to help Tuoyu. When he shot and killed the soul, he still had some anger in his heart, but he did not expect it. As early as before, Qin Shi would have these Planned.

"Little friends can rest assured that the things of the sea beasts will be borne by my Tuoba Palace. I also know that there will be wear and tear in the refining and magic charms. I have already sent people to hunt for 3,000 sea beasts!"

"Three thousand?..." Qin Shiyi, revealing a helpless smile.

However, Tuobao did not know the charm of this smile, and quickly said: "No, not enough? If not enough, I will send people to hunt."

"No, three thousand, enough, so I need a place. After three days, the palace owner will come to pick up the devil."

"What, what? Three days?"

Everyone in the room is stunned, joking? Three days, a thousand magic characters? This is impossible. A thousand magic characters should be at least three months or more.

"This kid said three days, you will go to the three days, what nonsense!" The public lost his hatred at this time.

Tuoba’s mad heart was depressed, but he nodded his head: “Well, I will prepare a place for my friends.”

"Oh, yes to the palace owner."

At this time, Qin Shi suddenly shouted the top of the mad, and the rumored rumors quickly stopped.

Hesitating, Qin Shidao: "The burning soul is killed by me, it will certainly cause a lot of dissatisfaction with the Hai Palace. Xia Qi will leave this time, it is likely to unite these sea palaces ~ is not good for Tuoba Palace, you I will pass the news out. I will bear it alone. If there is a sea palace to look for, let them come to see me. It is how many devils that the burning soul refines them every year."

Takuya mad, he has forgotten this, his eyes look at Qin Shi, this little guy's mind is very meticulous.

"Well, let me arrange it."

Takuya nodded and left the hall.

Immediately, Tuoba mad used three days to prepare the place for Qin Shi. It is a very huge black iron tower. There are dozens of seals and enchantments outside the tower, which are used to suppress the nature of the sea animals. Qin Shi is also very difficult to be comfortable. During the period, 6 Peng asked him several times and asked him to help modify the martial arts. He is also very happy about this. After all, he himself has to cultivate the martial arts under the sea, just by using 6 Peng, he will expand Wu Xuetang of the palace has gone through it, and he has also selected a few martial arts that suit him. It is a pity that in Wu Xuetang, there is no reincarnation of martial arts, and the highest level is only the middle class.

"The level of creation is the level of creation, let's make use of it first." Qin Shi was disappointed.

I don't know that countless disciples of Tuoba Palace have learned that the martial arts in their eyes are just in the eyes of Qin Shi, and they will be in a mood.

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