Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1551: Beauty

The deafening palace master resounded around the beam, making the entire Tuoba Palace seem to be eclipsed by the glory of Qin Shi. Qin Shi looked at the benevolent people below, the disciples of the Yang Palace, the mouth of the mouth inadvertently exposed Sunshine smile, this kind of laugh is his age, but... It’s been a long time since I saw this boy’s mouth. It’s self-conscious and innocent smile. He still remembers the last time he was so happy. At the time, he was still in the ancient city when he founded Qin Zong.

In a blink of an eye, I went to work for ten years, and I became a **** in ten years.

Today's Qin Shi is finally faded away from the immature at that time. Once again becoming a hegemon, he is not thinking about the Qing Dynasty when he was in the position of Qin Zongzong.

Qin Shi was satisfied with the point. At this time, he turned and rushed to laugh and said: "Tuo Yu Gongzhu, can you sell a small face and a pass, bypassing their lives?"

Takuya screamed wildly, and even if he didn't forgive, what could he do with Qin Shi? What's more, the grievances between his Tuoba Palace and the Yang Palace are only for him and Yang Lun. These disciples are not guilty, but the roads are different and the forces are different. Now, Qin Shi takes over and there is no need to kill them. Of course, he understands that Qin Shi would use this to stand up and let these Yanggong disciples understand that their lives were rescued by Qin Shi. He nodded. "This is natural, even though these thieves have destroyed my Tuoba Palace very much. But if I really follow Qin Xiaoyou, I have no choice but to have been born."

"Thank you for the extension of the palace." Qin Shi smiled a little, then he hesitated a little, did not ask the nearly one million disciples, but the soul of the sun as the sun bathed, in every Yang Palace The disciple was gently swaying, and Qin Shi was also closed to the black scorpion, and he was half-sounding. Of course, no one knew that he was screening these disciples in the sea of ​​knowledge.

Half-sounding, Qin Shi’s black scorpion was slightly opened. During the period of clear light, he was determined to reuse those disciples and abandon those disciples.

Under his current soul power, like the image of the gods, no matter how deep you hide, as long as you pass through Qin Shi, you can determine whether your heart is good or bad.

"How old is the old predecessor?" Qin Shi suddenly fell and stopped in front of a worn-out old man. This old man always closed his eyes and raised his spirits. He had quite a bit of a half-scent of charm. When Qin Shi opened his mouth, he Without waves, the old eyes are opened, as if you have seen this red dust, laughing: "Old, Jurassic."

"阎罗? The king of the king of Luo Luo?" Qin Shi slightly glimpsed, this name has a bit of artistic conception.

Qin Shi nodded, but did not say much, but turned and walked to two young people who were similar to his age: "Two, what about you?"

"Back to the palace, small Sanfeng, small Xu Tao."

Qin Shi nodded, and the body returned to the sky again. He already had a few in his heart. It was a pity that among the nearly one million disciples, there were only three people who were seen by him. The rest were not unfamiliar, but the talent was not good. Let him have a hint of helplessness, he volleyed: "Sanfeng, Xu Tao, Jurassic predecessors, in the future, this is the three of you, the three of you first bring people back to the palace to rectify, treat me After migrating to the palace, it is subdivided."

The three of them are all slightly stunned. Even the old eyes of Jurassic, which are like stagnant water, are a bit different. The young disciples of Sanfeng are pleasantly surprised. Of course, some people like to be naturally worried. Those who were originally in Yanggong are quite high. The elders were not reused this time. Instead, they were replaced by the singularity they had despised. There was some dissatisfaction in their hearts. However, for the current monarch, they are more daring and afraid to speak.

The three men of the Jurassic led the army to go back to the Chaoyang Palace.

After the retreat of the million-strong army, Qin Shicai slowly fell down, and at this time, the tyrannical and many Haigonggong masters came forward and looked at Qin Shi again, but they could not help but smile, just a few moments, this teenager The identity of this is a huge change. Today, it is really equal to them. In this regard, Tuoba Palace took the lead in expressing congratulations and said: "Little friends, the Yang Palace is also extremely chaotic, 6 Peng this child is quite close to you, I don't want to leave him by your side, but also help you manage some in-house affairs?"

"6 Peng?" Qin Shi hesitated, no point of rejection, he is now lacking the kind of absolute trust available.

"Hey! I have to go!" At this time, Tuo Kun Kun Road.

Tuoba mad, can not help but turn to look at Qin Shi, solicit the meaning of Qin Shi.

Not only is Tuo Kun, Tuo Yuli and Tuo Qiangan are all jumping feet to follow Qin Shi.

Qin Shi smiled and shook his head: "If you are small, you will inherit this Tuogong Palace in the future. Stay in the palace and share it with your father. If you don't mind if you don't mind, I want to stay in the palace." By the side."

Takuya smirked and said: "Of course, there is no problem. These two disappointing children, you can also let them open their eyes, a little goal, not to be around me, I am spoiled."

Qin Shi nodded, then Chen Hao suddenly stepped forward, her slender waist stopped in front of Qin Shi, a jade hand gently stroked from the Qin stone chest, licked the scarlet lips, abnormal enchanting It’s tempting, even, even a few extremely powerful old men are now slightly moved.

Under the touch of Chen Yu, Qin Shi gave a slight glimpse. He looked at Chen Hao and the black stunned. He saw that Chen Hao was actually ragged in his eyes. Only a thin layer of pink skirt covered the white scorpion. The body is almost transparent because it is soaked by the sea. The proud saints on the chest, the slender waist like a water snake, the slender legs, everything is so clear in the eyes of Qin Shi, everything is like that. The show was delicious, so he couldn't help but reach out and touched Chen's waist and wanted to steam it on the spot.


But suddenly, Qin Shi’s mind was stinging, and he suddenly woke up, and suddenly his eyes changed suddenly. I saw that Chen Yuzheng was enjoying the biting red lips, and he looked up and looked up slightly. Still continually leaning towards Qin Shi, only... Chen Hao at this time, but wearing normal clothing, although still very exposed, but not just as crazy.

"Just, what is going on? Is it an illusion?"

Qin Shi thought of this and suddenly noticed that in the depths of Chen Yu’s jade eyes, it was actually a scene that was completely different from reality... In that picture, he was riding on Chen’s body, like a fierce beast. When I rushed to the ground, I madly tore out the clothes of Chen Yu, and the clothes were the yarns that could not be blocked by the pink occlusion. In the eyes of everyone, Chen smashed the scorn of slutty.

At this time, Qin Shi was so violently awakened, and immediately grabbed Chen Yu’s wrist. If it wasn’t for the magical use of Xuantian Guzheng, it would be the little girl’s way. Even if you want to get yourself, at least Also find a place where no one is? Really want to let myself go to her in this broad daylight? Qin Shi cold road: "Don't be a spring dream, wake up!"

Chen Hao was scared to wake up, and Yu Yu looked blushing at Qin Shi: "You, how can you..."

"In the future, don't use your Luosheng world to change my world." Qin Shibing said coldly.

Chen Yu began to raise his mouth: "Isn't people also unbearable? Isn't you a big man, can't you help others? How do you solve the loneliness of others? Every day is a bed of emptiness and coldness, oh... what day? I am really hungry and looking for other men. You regret that there is no place to regret it."

"Then I wish you." Qin Shi smiled.


Chen Hao screamed at the fragrant scent, and the beautiful anger glared at Qin Shi. He looked at the distance and screamed at the distance. He and the public lost his hate at this moment, and this was awakened. It turned out that it was always Chen Yu’s unrequited love. ......

At this time, Chen Hao slightly converged, her bite lips bite the cold: "Forget it, it is a man who does not understand human touch."

"Li Shu, come!"

Chen Yu picked up the green shirt that had faded to the shoulder, and immediately screamed at the distance. At this time, a 10-year-old boy ran forward and stopped in front of Chen Hao: "Sister, you call me?"

"Well, in the future, you will follow this brother, no, this brother-in-law." Chen Hao pointed to Qin Shidao.

"Let me follow him?" The boy named Lishu was slightly surprised.

Qin Shi then fell in front of the boy, and the black scorpion was also slightly surprised. This boy, seemingly unbelievable, only the domain is small, but from his body, it is Qin Shi who perceives an unusual The chill, the chill, it is like in the heart of this young man, there are thousands of military and horses in the face of the general, and all this, are actually played by the teenager in the palm of the hand?

"Don't look at the small book But he has read the military books since childhood, and knows how to make good use of them. It is the talent of the soldiers who have never met in the millennium. In these years, some of the big things in the palace, even my father will ask him, a few I saved my Luosheng Palace in the water fire, and he is very talented. He is ten years old and fifteen years old. He is now a small domain. You have just taken over the Yang Palace and there is no one at ease. I really can't let go of my heart. I have a librarian to help you, I am relieved." Chen Yudao.

This is to refuse, but the Lishu really attracts Qin Shi. This child is like a living Sun Bin. He can see countless actual combat from his eyes, and it is not the kind of nerd. Empty shelves, which allowed Qin Shi to open several times, and ultimately failed to refuse.

"You don't even think about refusing, unless you want to take the Rasho Palace, let me stay with you on the bed every day to accompany you, otherwise, Lishu must follow you."

Qin Shi smiled bitterly, I don’t know how to say this Chen Hao. After he came to the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, he really owed a lot to Chen Hao. He still remembers that when the three fierce dragons were like the streets, countless people In order to escape, even to use each other in order to survive with the sea palace, and this stupid girl, despite the tens of thousands of people blocking, from the place that has already left, crazy to recover, but only to ensure that he is safe to see Qin Shi .

"Oh, the most difficult thing to do is to be beautiful."

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