Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1577: Zhou Zixuan

The boss said, and carefully looked at Qin Shi, as if he was afraid of Qin Shi’s remorse. This piece of waste stone was a piece that he accidentally found when he went to the deep sea to mine the original stone. From the appearance, he can confirm this. The original stone can hardly be opened, and even if it can, it will not be a good color, so he simply abandoned it. Now he can exchange 100,000 sea spirit Dan, of course, cherish this opportunity.

Qin Shi also saw the boss's careful thoughts, simply he was too lazy to pay attention to the boss's nonsense, smiled: "Oh, nothing, just a picture, the boss opened it for me."

"Well!" The boss responded, and immediately the knife fell, a few pieces of mining the first piece, and it really shined out, and the color is not low: "Occasionally, is it a jade body jade?"

Jade body jade is a kind of jade that nourishes the woman's yin body. The appearance rate is extremely low. The value of each piece is not weaker than Wenling Stone. This makes the boss feel the pain in the mouth and can not help but feel the pain. If he knows that there are jade body jade in his hundreds of original stones, he would rather not sell one piece, and all of them will make a lot of money, but this is a gambling stone, everything is a gambling word, he is now I also had to admit my life. Suddenly, he looked at another deformed rough stone, and thought that he could be a hundred thousand sea spirits, and he could not help but feel better.

Qin Shi thought: "Oh, this is a painful meat? Then I guess I would like to commit suicide?"

When the boss started, he wanted to cut off the cracked stone. When he saw this scene, Qin Shi brows and grabs the boss's wrist: "Boss, you do this, not afraid to destroy the spiritual stone inside?" ”

"Oh, little brother, you don't know, like this kind of rough stone deformed place, it is impossible to have a spiritual stone." The boss was slightly unhappy because of Qin Shi's doubts.

"I don't think so." Qin Shi cold laughter, immediately he ignored the boss's eyes, a stone knife will be taken out, and then gently polished on the deformed rough stone, just a circle of stone shavings, originally dim The unfinished rough stone suddenly flashes the emerald green light, which is exactly the same as the original original stone size? The green light came out and directly alerted the entire gambling area.

"Who is a strong spirituality, who is the best stone?"

At this time, many disciples have been watching, and their eyes are filled with hot colors.

"That, that is, is that Lingshi? How, how could it be so huge?" After seeing the green stone in the deformed rough stone, the bosses and disciples of countless gambling stones were shocked, and they sneaked in the gambling stone. For many years in the industry, I have never seen such a huge spiritual stone. Many bosses are now shimmering and greedy.

The boss, at this time is even more dumb, Chen Yu is also full of heat in the jade.

A piece of such a large stone, even the lowest level of Lingshi, less say also worth tens of millions of sea spirit Dan?

Qin Shi did not pay attention to the strange gaze around him. He was very calm and polished. He had been scraping all the dim stone fragments, and the whole piece of cracked stone was exposed to everyone’s eyes. This cracked stone was half-high, and the whole body was green. It is very clear, shrinking like a Xianglong, with wings on the shoulders, shimmering red light, unusually dazzling.

"This, this is, the cracked stone? Only the cracked stone that appeared in the rumor?"

"God, it is said that a cracked stone can drag the space of the whole seven thousand sea palaces, and even tear the world. This one, I don’t know how many sea palaces, I am willing to use the whole sea palace. Change it? This is an invaluable treasure."

"Oh, is this a cracked stone?" Qin Shi licked his mouth and put the stone knife down, and immediately he wanted to put the cracked stone away.

Snapped! But suddenly, the boss’s eyes were red, and his lips and his teeth were dry. He seemed to have been occupied by his mind. He was killed by the cracked stone. This cracked stone is not just a jade girl. It is equivalent to a sea palace within three thousand.

"Kid, I don't sell it, I will give it back to you. Just the jade girl Lingyu is also yours. How do you see it?" The boss said dryly.

Qin Shi sneered: "Oh, boss, can you not comply with the rules? If I open it, is a bunch of useless stone chips, will you give me back?"

"What **** rules? I don't care, this cracked stone is mine, you give me away!" The boss immediately red-eyed, and rushed to grab the cracked stone.

Qin Shi was slightly frowning at this time, and many bosses around him were also shaking their heads. This is the taboo of their gambling stone area. However, it is really difficult to control the cracked stone. If it can take this cracked stone back, it is enough. If you give it to Sanqinghai Palace, you can even squeeze into the sea palace in the top 100.


At this moment, a figure suddenly came forward, kicking the boss to the ground with one foot, and slamming the boss with a cold face.

"Oh, it's really nothing!" After the appearance of the figure, a cold smile, and many people who saw the figure are talking about it.

At this time, Qin Shi looked up slightly and saw that the figure was black and cold. Chen Yu was shocked: "Zhou Zixuan?"

This figure is not an ordinary disciple. It is actually the grandson of Zhou Fangxuan of Zhoufang Temple: Zhou Xinxuan, Zhang Xin followed behind him, a small man’s face, and the hand of the soul is also the best of Lingshi laugh: "Oh, cracking stone? Is this really a baby?"

"Zhang Xin! Zhou Zixuan, what do you want to do?" Chen Yu blocked in front of Qin Shi.

Zhou Zixuan paused for a half second from Qin Shi, and his eyes were full of contempt, and immediately turned to fall on the cracked stone. He smiled and said: "Oh, Qin Shi, this time, my grandfather went out and told me, if I met you, give You are in trouble, but if you give me this cracked stone now and promise to be safe in the outer sea palace, I may let you go."

"Oh, yes, forget to say to you, this time the test of the deep sea source pool, the people of Sanqing Palace have made an appointment with us. I am determined to win in Zhongxuan District. Of course, if you say, Zhongxuan District will definitely not work, but I can finally I will give you a chance to cultivate in the North Mysterious District. Of course, the premise of all this is that you will give me this split stone."

"Sanqing Palace? These two boys are disciples of the surrounding Shifang Temple?"

At this time, many gambling stone district bosses have also shrunk their necks, and the position of the surrounding Shifang Temple is also extremely high in the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, which is stronger than the Sea Palace within three thousand and a thousand.

After all, they are in charge of the four thousand sea palaces.

Chen Yuwen said that the jade eyes are slightly sinking, but in the face of Zhou Zixuan and Zhang Xin, her Luosheng Palace is like an ant.

Feeling the trembling of the girl next to her body, Qin Shi smiled lightly, holding her shoulder and laughing: "What are you panic, this is for you."

Qin Shi personally put the jade body jade for Chen Yu, and immediately he picked up his eyebrows and looked directly at Zhou Zixuan: "Oh, you finished?"

"Well?" Zhou Zixuan stunned, and immediately he frowned and nodded.

"Oh, that's OK, it's awkward. Since it's finished, then I will leave." Qin Shiyan stopped, and took Chen Yu's jade hand and turned to walk outside the gambling stone area.

Seeing this scene, many of the bosses around the scene are big-eyed, small-eyed, and sluggish.

"This, this kid, isn't it crazy? I dare to talk to the few young masters of the Shifang Temple?"

"Ghosts know, but this kid's coming is not too small. That little girl, I know her, she is the incumbent palace owner of the outer Rasho Palace. It is said that the man who wants to get her in these years, the young master of the periphery, There are not tens of thousands, there are thousands, but in the end, no one has succeeded. She is now willing to be with this little boy. It is obvious that the identity of this kid is not simple, and he also alarmed the ten old people of the Shifang Temple."

Chen Hao was pulled by Qin Shi, and for a time he was at a loss. Qin Shidao: "Why, you want to stay?"

Chen Hao was the one who kept up with Qin Shi.

"Kid, you are looking for death!" Suddenly, Zhou Zixuan’s blink of an eye has changed dramatically, and a arrogant aura has turned from his sky to a huge wave.

"This breath is the boundary! Is the real world, this kid, is the boundary?"

Feel the madness of the gas field around Zhou Zixuan, when the onlookers around the scene were all stunned, like Zhou Zixuan, who reached the boundary, and the three thousand are extremely rare geniuses.

Zhang Xin was only next to Zhou Zixuan’s mouth and twitched: “Is this guy really breaking through the realm?”

However, when a cold current approached, Qin Shi's black scorpion was anxiously chilly, and his ray of light rushed to Zhou Zixuan, and the intertwined lines of dragons and phoenixes rose up between his arms.

"Oh, the realm! Just give it a try, how big is the gap between me and the realm." Qin Shi cold road.

boom! Suddenly a figure flashed, in the figure of the hands, it seems that there is a vague power of the gossip, seemingly very gentle palms are actually the power of the two powerful to dissipate, the dragon seal this time block In front of the two people, the corner of the mouth smiled and said: "Oh, two, here is not the place where you fight, if you are willing to fight, you will enter the deep sea source pool tomorrow, whatever you want to play, but here, don't blame me for canceling your quota."

Seeing the dragon seal, Qin Shi was a glimpse, and immediately retracted his hand.

In the face of the dragon seal, Zhou Zixuan's arrogance is also instantly extinguished, his cold eyes passed through the dragon seal and fell on Qin Shi.

"Kid, some things, you can't get it, we walked in the deep sea source pool!" Zhou Zixuan snorted, and then turned and left.

Looking at Liu Zixuan who left, Long Yin only smiled. At this time, he also noticed the cracked stone in the hands of Qin Shi. It was his identity. His eyes were also a bit shocked. He immediately smiled: "Qin Xiong This week, I will not let you go into the deep sea source pool. I think you should be more careful."

Qin Shi smiled and turned his head, and immediately his eyes icy to the extreme: "Even without this cracked stone, he will not make me better, I don't want to make people better, how can I make him better?"

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