Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1604: balance

Mo Xingyu turned a few people and immediately stepped back a few steps to give Lingzhu enough space to release three sea beasts.

At this time, Lingzhu waved her hand, and her gauze danced. Three blue crystal **** were taken out. I was very familiar with the crystal ball Qin Shi. When he and Mo Xingyu played against each other, they crushed the crystal ball. After a few observations, Qin Shi also understood the structure of the crystal ball. This crystal ball is made up of countless spaces of this colorless color. Once crushed, the layers of space are interlaced. It will form the space of the original, which seems to be divided into thousands of miles.

boom! boom! boom!

Three consecutive bursts of sound, Lingzhu will smash three crystal balls.

When the three crystal **** were broken, the three boundary sea animals were instantly exposed.

It’s just shocking that the three sea beasts are always in the same place. No, they say that they are moving, but they are only in the square. However, everyone who has entered the hollow sky knows that they are actually Struggling in the void, just moving a hundred meters in the void, the outside world is only a square inch, so that everyone mistakenly believe that these three sea beasts are staying.

After releasing the three sea animals, Ling Zhu turned to the body: "Qin Shi, it's your turn, these three sea beasts are still in my space array, and you will enter them one by one to see if you can turn them into magic charms. However, you don't have to be reluctant, and the boundaries are very difficult. Any one is a huge treasure worthy of a city. If it doesn't work, don't risk it. Remember, your life is the most important thing."

Qin Shi was warm and smiled and nodded.

As for the devil of the boundary, the truth is that Qin Shi’s heart is not sure. The magical symbols above the boundary are different from the ordinary magical symbols. The boundary is a magical symbol that crosses the realm. The magical symbols from the ancient world are very few. After all, A boundary magic symbol is that there is too much change in the foot. Even in a short half hour, a magical symbol of the boundary may cause an imbalance in the sea palace that would otherwise be equal to each other. Fallen, will kill one of the overlords, these are all possible, so once the boundaries of the magical symbols have appeared, they will be robbed by countless forces, even a boundary demon, there will be many Haigong willing to use reincarnation martial arts I want to change.

However, the refinement boundary is very difficult, especially for the curse domain.

And the real world of refining and deconstructing the magical symbols, the curse of the world... This is already a rare rarity between the heavens and the earth, a strongr than the stronger of the border, or whether it is still It is hard to say that there is a magician with this realm.

Soul power, it is very difficult to reach that height in this world.

Therefore, the demon teacher is always much rarer than the boundary monk.

"I try my best." Qin Shidao, immediately he walked slowly to the three-space array. Before the formation, he was not in a hurry to choose a certain formation. Instead, he took a moment to study alone before the formation. Since we choose refining, we must be sure that the realm, because of our own world, wants to refine into a demon, it is equivalent to enclosing an independent world into a spell, sealing a beast is easy, but How difficult is it to seal a world?

Qin Shi studied alone, during which he tempted and evolved in various ways, trying to clarify the final result.

Seeing the appearance of Qin Shi's self-forgetting, the rest of the people are full of fog. For those who are not the magician, they can't understand the purpose of Qin Shi's means.

"Ling Zhujie, you said this kid can do it?"

"Difficult, the boundary magic, even if the three old ones who are regarded as treasures by the various sea palaces are difficult to practice." Ling Zhu dignified.

Mo Xingyu grinned, said: "Oh, yes, that is the boundary magic, but even if it can't be done, it's fine. Anyway, we just reported a try attitude. Qin Shi is a good person, even if it's not a magic. Fu, I also decided to make friends with him, although if he can't refine the devil, with his strength, it will not affect us in this grave, maybe it will drag our hind legs, but I just got his hands on it and I will protect him."

Ling Zhu smiled and said: "Really, others are good, and don't underestimate him, his strength may be flat, but his background is not simple."

"Ah? Lingzhu sister, do you know which Qinhai is from the sea palace?" Mo Xingyu was curious.

Lingzhu hesitated and lowered his voice: "I don't know, but I suspect that he is a dragon family."

"Hey, hey, hey... dragon, dragon family? That, the supreme dragon family?" Mo Xingyu grew his mouth.

"You are a little sound." Ling Zhu squinted at Mo Xingyu and sneaked: "Well, what he used when he saved you is the power of the real dragon. In the seven thousand seas, the dragon vein has already been crushed, here. It has been a long time since the extinction of many dragons, let alone Longli, like the dragon power in the body of the swallowing sea otter, it is very rare, but in the seven thousand sea palace, there is an ancient family, they are the ancient dragons The descendants of the ancestors have always occupied this important position in the seven thousand sea palaces. They are now the dragon family. They really have the dragon power."

"Really they? Isn't it right, the dragon family shouldn't be sent to Zhongxuan District?"

"This is also the place where I am puzzled, but I can't say that I am on the sidelines of the Dragon family. Anyway, I hope that I guess there is nothing wrong. If he is really a dragon family, then if you encounter Sanqing Palace, we don't have to fear. In the face of the Dragon family, Sanqing Palace only obeyed the life." Ling Zhuchong Mo Xingyu, and Miao Jiangdao, of course, for this speculation, Ling Zhu is only told to the two people, after all, this matter matters, for The rest of the people, Ling Zhu is still not enough trust.

The refining and magic symbol is precisely the magical symbol of the refining and chemical environment. It is a matter of extremely consuming and time-consuming.

In a blink of an eye, Qin Shi always sat in the center of three triangular formations. On this day, Qin Shi did not shoot, but kept pushing and then overthrowing.

"Does this not work?" Qin Shi shook his head and erased all the pictures drawn on the dust on the ground.

"Hey, you said, can he not do it? If it doesn't work, I can see it. If you kill the three sea beasts, we can still get a lot of soul values. Why bother spending time with him here?" Xiahou At the end of the day, I am not bored.

"Also, now there are many people in the tomb. The time is money. Maybe this time, many disciples have found some treasures, but we are wasting time here, don't forget, but we are risking to open this grave. "." Rabbi said.

"You don't talk nonsense, if it is not Qin Shi, you have already become the food in the belly of the sky." Mo Xingyu cold road.

A few people grin, and they don't say much at this time.

Suddenly, Qin Shi stood up and shimmered a few minutes of light.

Seeing this scene, Lingzhu several people are happy to say: "Why, is there a way?"

Qin Shi bowed his head and looked at the picture he was pushing on the ground. The corner of his mouth showed an exhilarating smile. Although he still had no absolute grasp, he knew that this method was feasible. He said: "Well, Ling Zhujie. During this period of refining the demon, I don’t want anyone to be close to me within 100 meters. Remember, you must not, or you will lose it!"

Ling Zhu promised: "Reassure, unless I die, no one will enter you within 100 meters."

Qin Shi nodded, and he slowly closed the black scorpion. At this time, his **** appeared in the center of the sea and paused at the ancient heavenly circle where he knew the center of the sea.

"Old man, you have to use your strength to use it."

"Hey!" Xuantian Ancient Array turned lightly, and immediately spilled the glare from the Qin Shi's knowledge of the sea.

When the golden light came out, Qin Shi’s handprint changed rapidly. He still did not enter any space, but rushed three palms in three spaces. In each palm, there was a six-sided quirky Enchantment, when the three palms hit into the space array method, Qin Shi hit a palm at his own foot, suddenly, with his feet as the center, a purple six-angled spirits explode very quickly, and at this time The other three space arrays are also enchanted, and the three boundaries are intertwined and connected by the enchantments at the foot of Qin Shi.

When I saw this scene, Ling Zhu was frowning.

"What is he doing?"

"Continuously shot three sea beasts? Is it that he wants to refine these three sea beasts at the same time?" Miao Jiang was shocked.

Although a few people don't understand the refining magic, they are all clear. It is very difficult for the demon to refine the devil. A refining is still extremely powerful, otherwise it is easily swallowed by the wild nature of the beast. The wisdom of the gods, even in the refining magic, zombie self, blasting and dying, and Qin Shi, actually refining three?

Ling Zhu is a mage and has a good understanding of the enchantment of the law. However, she thinks that the six-angled spirits at the foot of Qin is full of fog, for this array of law, even her Can't see through, half-sound, she said: "If he is not a ghost, he must be a madman..."

"That hope is a ghost... Otherwise, he is a life-saving move." Mo Xingyu said.

When the four-seat formation method was formed, Qin Shi was satisfied with a smile. At this time, he looked around. At the beginning, when he did not create the array under his own feet, he obviously felt that when the six ribs were trapped in the three sea beasts, each A six-angled spirited array is subject to a strong collision. It seems to be rejected by the whole world. Qin Shi knows that it is his own world. Although the six-legged spirited array can trap the soul, it is not trapped. world.

The reason why Qin Shi unfolded a six-angled mental array at his feet, and connected the three-story method. When all the gradually calming areas, Qin Shi revealed a light smile: "Oh, I guess. Sure enough, my own world is very powerful. If it is a single six-angled spirit, it will be crushed by it. However, I built three six-legged sleepy arrays, and then locked my eyes at my own feet. In the six-angled spirits, in this way, all the powers of the three sea beasts will come here, but the power of the three own worlds is completely different, so their first choice is not to shatter my six-legged spirit. Array, but the tit-for-tat between each other, so that the three own worlds melt together, just to balance the six-legged spirits, thus trapping the souls of the three sea beasts."

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