Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 167: Cheng Wang defeat

Seeing the sword approaching, Qin Shi pulled up his legs and turned his body with the heel as the axis. He blocked the tiger body before and after the body, and pulled out the bloodthirsty sword. He was facing the direction of the sun and opened the blade. , to make resistance.


One hit and blast, the two swords fight together, Qin Shi only feels a wrist numb, strong as Taishan top, life will force him back a few steps, the foot force to step on the ground, enough to fall into half a meter, just barely stop: "Drink, good strength..."

Just stopped, I saw Yin Ge Guanghui, a broken blade, and the thorns in the old tree next to the three. "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

The trunk of this ancient tree is more than three meters thick. From the above-mentioned annual ring, it is at least a hundred years of survival. Under the inertia of the blade, it is still directly penetrated.

"Qin Shi! Stone brother!"

The two women stunned and worried about going forward.

"Oh... which animal is actually using the means of sneak attack?" Looking at the hole in the old tree, Qin Shichao put their hands on each other, indicating that they are not serious, but they are afraid.

I just started from the strength of the blade, at least in the medium term.

If it weren't for his extraordinary perception and his eyesight, I am afraid that one of the three people will die under the flying sword.

Thinking of this, Qin Shi’s eyes greeted the sun and picked it in the direction of the blade. The heart silently thought: “I should have no enemies near this Hongyun city. The only enemy is the ivy, now It has also been tragically killed in the hands of Ben, that is to say, this attack is from the sisters?"

"Who is it, so sad!"

At this time, Luo Xueyan squinted and raised the dagger, whispering: "I can't think of it, catch up with it so soon..."

Wensheng, Qin Shi's incomprehensible question: "Snow girl, who is Zhīdào who is attacking?"


Luo Xueyu can not help but point, said: "It is a blood wolf mercenary group!"

"Blood wolf mercenary group?" Qin Shi muttered to himself, thinking: "I just thought that the snow scorpion girl, I am a blood wolf mercenary group, it seems that the hatred of these two sides is not shallow. ”

Considering it, Qin Shi asks: "Snow girl, what is the origin of this blood wolf mercenary group? Is it so shameful, do you want to shoot two weak women?"

Luo Xueyu hesitated, slightly red lips: "The blood wolf mercenary group is one of the three major mercenary groups in Hongyun City. It is reasonable to say that we Luojia and they have not had hatred, but this time I don’t know why, suddenly My little girl and I have killed the killer..."

Beside, I took the words, and I was so excited that I was holding a powder punch, and I whispered my voice: "Hey, a group of stinky wolves, if they are shackled, they must be nice!"

Listening to the words of the two people, Qin Shi’s eyes turned around and pieced together. He said: “This blood wolf mercenary group is one of the three major mercenary groups in Hongyun City. Xiao Tingting said her father, can you? Let them look good? Xiao Tingting's childish rhetoric, should not lie, it seems that this Luo family in Hongyun City, I am afraid it is also a hegemon."

Realizing this, Qin Shi attached importance to this Luo family.

"Qin Gongzi, the little girl has something to do." At this time, Luo Xue slammed the dagger in his hand, and slightly stabbed his red lips, saying: "This blood wolf mercenary group, we must kill our sisters. I don't care, but Tingting is only seven years old and should not be affected... I hope that Qin Gongzi can help me send Tingting back to Luojia, Luojia will not treat you badly!"


Wen Sheng, Qin Shi said speechless.

Everything seems to follow the development of the plot, and a bitter drama begins.

However, who is Qin Shi? Will he follow the development of the script? He played the bloodthirsty sword in his hand and said, "What about you?"


After waiting for Luo Xueyan to finish, Qin Shi smiled and interrupted: "You are desperate with them? Give us time, right?"

Luo Xueyi said: "How do you Zhīdào?"

"Crap, bitterness is not the same?" Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders, very natural laughter: "Don't be nonsense, you and Tingting will not die, if you can't protect two weak women, later How do you say that you are a man when you go out?"

Luo Xueyu was shocked, and some anxious openings: "Qin Gongzi... No, the blood wolf mercenary group this time, but under the big hand, nearly 20 mercenaries, among them the deputy head of the team leader With the strength of the middle of the broken spirit, I am not his opponent, let alone you..."

Having said that, it did not continue.

However, Qin Shi is not stupid, and the meaning of Luo Xueyu is obvious. It is nothing more than that he is only in the early days of the broken territory, even if he stays, it is just awesome.

For this, Qin Shi is too lazy to explain that he is only cuddling and bragging: "Don't pull, let this little girl throw you down like a flower, and then run away with Tingting? It's better to let Ben is going to die!"


"But what, this is the dignity of a man!"

Qin Shi was impatient. After interrupting Luo Xueyu, she suddenly found a few strange purple flowers in the space ring: "Why, who told you, this is going to fight with them? Do you have never heard of it?" Is there a word called resourcefulness? It is a description of this rare!"

Qin Shi was not modestly finished. He buried several purple flowers under the roots of several ancient trees, and immediately took out a few pieces of flowers and handed them to Luo Xueyu: "eat it!"

"what is this?"

Luo Xueyi stunned and hesitated.

"The medicine does not die, you don't want to eat poison, you eat it, this is the mandala flower!" Grasping the arm of Luo Xueyan, Qin Shi put a few pieces of flowers into her hand, and immediately swallowed a strain.

At the end of the whole set of action, Luo Xueying was full of strange and doubtful words. She did not Zhīdào what mandala flower, but finally chose to believe Qin Shi and swallow the mandala flower.

"Luo Xueying, this time I see where you are going!" At this moment, a macro sound exploded in the jungle.

I saw that there were seventeen and eight figures, and he jumped to the front of the three.

On this group of people, one by one is wearing a black suit, embroidering a **** wolf head in the position of the cuff, the red blood drop in the mouth of the wolf.

"Blood Wolf Mercenary!"

Luo Xueyan held the dagger's jade hand, involuntarily tightened, his eyes fixed on the middle-aged man who led the crowd: "Ye mad, you do this, you are not afraid of being Luo Zhīdào!"

"Oh, Miss Luo, you can really laugh, do you think that my blood wolf mercenary group dare to do this, will you be afraid of your Luo family Zhīdào?"

The leading leaf mad, a big step out, eyes unscrupulously walked up in Luo Xue's body, and the cracked mouth showed a greedy color: "You might as well get me, maybe after my brother is cool, I will let you go." Sisters."

After the words, the rest of the blood wolf mercenary group followed the snoring sound.

Luo Xueyu was swayed by the people, and the smugness was shy and red, and the small powder punched the trousers.

However, she did not anger for this. Instead, she was worried about her eyes. She continued to walk in the upper reaches of Luo Ting Ting. A love lover’s heartfelt feelings revealed, suddenly dragging the injured body, and blocking it in front of Qin Shi and Luo Tingting. With a prayer, "Qin Gongzi, don't be reluctant, take Tingting away!"

"Go ahead!"

Qin Shi’s heartless voice: "I have come to this festival, how can you not understand the power?"

While thinking about it, he looked up and his eyes flashed in the crowd of the blood wolf mercenary group. The strength of one by one was in the middle of the middle, and the leader took the middle of the broken spirit, and even touched the peak in the vague. Hey, cold drink: "Oh, in order to deal with two weak women, your blood wolf mercenary group, it is really a bloody!"

"Bad boy, what do you say?"

The blood wolf mercenary group was irritated.

Qin Shi is happy, and raised his fingers one by one on them: "I said, you guys, really **** enough to shame, treat two female sluts, lose your good intentions? Not harmful what?"

"You... I can kill you myself!" One person was irritated and wanted to rush.

But at this time, Ye mad suddenly stopped, with a ridiculous laughter: "Oh, little brother, take back your radical method, the world's eternal truth is not a process, but the result!"

Qin Shi shrugged with disapproval: "Hey, I said the deputy head of Ye Fan, you said nothing wrong, but the king is defeated, but now this is awkward, it is estimated that you will do it!"

"In the early days of the broken spirit? Hey, it’s a good thing!"

Ye madly looked up and down Qin Shi, disdainful swinging a few hand sleeves, indicating the following brothers to start: "Brothers, don't talk nonsense with them, go up and kill this kid, pay attention not to hurt the two little sisters of Luo family, Open the brothers at night!"

Get the order, the blood wolf mercenary group of people, one picks up a fangs, excites howling in the mouth, like a hungry wolf, madly pounced on Qin Shi.

When the eye hole is condensed, Qin Shi smiles: "Oh, the height of the demon is one foot, the height of the road is one foot, and the leaf is mad, you Kěnéng misunderstood what I meant... I am not a radical, I am procrastinating!"


After finishing the speech, Qin Shi gently pointed a finger, a mercenary like a hungry wolf, suddenly stalemate in place, the newly emerged spiritual power instantly exhausted and became powerless.

"I... my spiritual power..."

"My spiritual power is gone? What happened?"

Everyone suddenly panicked, one by one showing a terrified At this time, Ye madness is also a glimpse, rushing to mobilize the power, but he found that his spiritual power seems to be trapped, only a small Some spiritual power is struggling: "Are you poisoned?"

Next to it, I saw the strangeness of the blood wolf mercenary group. Luo Xueyu was shocked first, and then immediately understood the little movement of Qin Shi.

"Hey, a little subtotal!" Qin Shi shrugged his shoulders and smiled and shook his head. "You will taste the taste of mandala."

"You... shameful!"

The spiritual power was imprisoned and the snoring began.

"Shameful? Is there? I feel that compared with your group of people, this is a rare gentleman!" Qin Shi reflected the sun, proudly raised his mouth.

Beside it, suddenly realized, Luo Xueyu strangely aimed at Qin Shi.

"Look at what? Is it fascinated by the ingenuity of the younger?" Qin Shi is full of sly laughter, pointing to Ye Man and others, saying: "Ink is smashing? There is revenge, resentment, complaints, hurry Let's go!"

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