Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1677: Half a year

Deep sea source pool, this time Qin Shi's alarm, really broke the routine, but also completely shocked the seven thousand sea palace.

Soon, the changes in the deep sea source pool were spread throughout the seven thousand sea palaces, and the most sudden and frightening words.

Sanqing regiment, the whole army was destroyed.

Because, in the high-altitude area of ​​the deep sea source pool, the three Qing group disciples with Wang Liewei were expelled from the deep sea source pool, and even if they were resurrected from the outside world, it would be particularly miserable, especially the king. The violent injury, his celestial plane, all cracks, 100,000 meters of his own world can not be condensed, this chilling serious injury, I would like to ask many of the seven thousand sea palace elders may not be able to make it.

All the disciples of the Seven Thousand Sea Palaces couldn’t help but jump on their feet and it was unbelievable.

You know, Sanqing Palace, that is the unintentional hegemon of the Seven Thousand Sea Palace. Wang Lie’s strength is more common sense. In the younger generation of the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, it is hard to find an enemy, and even compete with many palaces of the Hai Palace. The strength of the environment in the big Dacheng, coupled with that celestial opportunity, is enough to despise the crowd, so it is difficult for everyone to imagine, who is it, can win him.

At the beginning, it was also believed that it was Bai Ze. It was only in the deep sea source pool that with the disappearance of Zhong Xuan Ling’s breath, Bai Ze was obviously lost, and Wang Lie did not destroy it. It was clearly after Bai Ze, this logic, It doesn't make sense, and the more you look deeper, the more gradually the answer comes to the surface. It's just that the answer is not as everyone imagined, there is a savage beast, or something ancient, and some is a name that swept through the wind. In the seven thousand sea palace, such as the thunder.

Qin Shi!

When many of the three thousand Haigonggong masters heard the name, they were all awkward: "Which Qin Shi? Which sea palace is it? Is he alone, let the Sanqing regiment be destroyed?"

But when everyone learned that Qin Shi’s identity, he was shocked again.

Outside disciples...!

This time, everyone can't help but jump on their feet. The most powerful lineup of the Seven Thousand Seas Palace, Sanqing Group, was annihilated by a disciple of a peripheral sea palace. This news is really amazing, but it is no wonder. People believe that it is only the appearance of Wang Lie’s wolverines, and they have to choose to believe.


Suddenly, in the cloud, when Wang Lie was helped by the people of Sanqing Palace, a huge force like Tianzhu was suddenly blown up at this time, and the power was so powerful that half of it was The clouds are immediately scattered, and many people in the Hai Palace are now horrified to look at the power of the Lord. I saw that the old man of He Tongyan, his eyes looked like a tiger, when he saw Wang Lie’s misery, he The thick sound is full of sound.

"Who did it!"

"Back, return to the palace... is a peripheral sea palace!" Taiqing Palace, a small disciple trembled.

"External sea palace?" The old man suddenly changed his mind, and immediately he slammed his hand. The sea area was immediately transpiration. His eyes were very chilly and stared toward the deep sea source pool: "Oh, hehehe, Well, dare to hurt my grandson like this! My Zong Yuanzi is the blood-washing periphery, and I will definitely crush him!"

The same anger was burned, and there were two old men beside the old man.

"Blood wash the periphery, I am afraid that the family will not sit and watch it." At this time, in the Yuqing Palace behind Zong Yuanzi: Tianyuanzi cold road.

"Well, deep sea source pool, can do everything, this is a rule, if we intervene in the periphery, that power will certainly not be allowed." At this time, another old man, Daoyuanzi Road.

"Oh, no hurry, I really can't intervene in the periphery, but as long as I don't let him go back to the periphery, what should I do in the three thousand of them? No one can manage me." At this time, Zong Yuanzi sneered. Immediately, he stared at the ruin-like deep-sea source pool. Suddenly, he held up his hands and there was an invisible spiritual giant net. At this time, the deep-sea source pool was completely shrouded.

"Qin Shi! This name will not appear in the Seven Thousand Seas Palace in the future!" Zong Yuanzi was cold.

Tian Yuanzi, Dao Zizi, are blinking at this time, revealing the same fierce color.

Feel this scene, which makes many seven thousand sea palace people feel sad for this boy named Qin Shi.

Qin Shi, in their view, is already destined to die.


On the other side, in the periphery, the news of Qin Shi was also very fast. When the Shifang Temple learned that Qin Shi had killed the Sanqing Palace, the ten old people of the Shifang Temple were slightly horrified. At this time, they were ten old. Among them, it seems that the determination is also the same.

Qin Palace.

Lishu, 6 Peng and others left the deep sea source pool and returned to the Qin Palace.

"Oh, I have known for a long time that the old conference has avenged us. It seems that the big brother is safe and sound." 6 Peng was so bold and laughed.

"It's really deflated, that gang of bastards, this long lessons!" Tuoba brothers said.

However, Lishu was not so elated at this time. He was very thoughtful. At this moment, his eyes turned, and he said very quickly: "The arrangement is going on, so that all the disciples can enter the full-line state."

"What do you mean?" Tuoba brothers shouted.

Mu Xiaoyi said at this time: "Do you think that someone will start with Qin Palace?"

Lishu did not hide his head and said: "Well, this time, the palace master, although killing the Sanqinggong disciple, has a reputation, but it will also cause huge troubles, although there are regulations in the deep sea source pool that can do anything. However, the rule is dead, but the people are alive. The Sanqing Palace is the hegemon of the Seven Thousand Sea Palaces. They have never suffered a loss. This time, they will not be willing to give up."

"But if Sanqing Palace really shot us, our defense would be useless."

"This does not have to worry, the periphery and the inner three thousand, after all, is bound, is the balance specified by the family, even Sanqing Palace can dare to break easily, otherwise, once the family appeared, Sanqing Palace, will suffer I think, even if it is hands-on, they should only use their swords to kill people. Recently, they are staring at the movements of the ten-party temple... Other sea palaces are good to say, the Shifang Temple..."

Suddenly, the Lishu paused, because in the future, he did not dare to imagine, he was only a deep sigh.

"If it is, the Shifang Temple will be shot, then my Qin Palace will be destroyed!"

Suddenly, the atmosphere of the Qin Palace became very severe, and a few of the 6 Peng people were also slightly bowed.


However, in this chaotic outside world, the people in the deep sea source pool are not aware of it.

In the ruin-like Zhongxuan District, Qin Shi was wounded on the boulder for a knee injury. This blink of an eye was a long time in the past half a year.

In the first half of the year, when Qin Shi left Chiyan, the first time it took to heal it took so long. It can be seen how serious the injury of Qin Shi was, and it was really hurt. Chen Hao, Ling Zhu, Long Qi, Long Yi, Black Dragon, Mo Xingyu and Miao Xinjiang have been standing by Qin Shi.

The reincarnation of the stone like Qin Shi did not recover, which also led to the lack of spiritual power in the deep-sea source pool, and there is no cultivation and blessing effect. However, it is worth mentioning that the reincarnation stone image reached an extremely strong level during this period. Even Long Yi looked at the stone statue of the reincarnation. They couldn’t help but scream. Within ten meters of the round stone statue, it seems to blend all the spiritual power of the five major areas of the deep sea source pool. The spiritual power is sufficient. I wonder how terrible it is.

In addition, since half a year ago, Chen Hao took the initiative to find Longqi, once the relationship between the two has eased a few points, and even changed very subtle, Ryugas is not full of hostility to Chen Hao, and Chen Hao, will also do Long Qi as good Like the sisters, I just don’t know what happened to the two people or what consensus was reached. This made Long Yi feel helpless and shook his head.

He began to worry about it, and Ryusaki will be a temper.

Finally, the year-end deep-sea source pool is approaching, and the time to leave the deep-sea source pool is getting closer and closer, so that the big array of deep-sea source pools has finally opened.

The big bang opened, meaning that the disciples can leave here, and countless disciples seem to have been eager to rush out of the sky. For the deep sea source pool, they have no more nostalgia, but here, let them have a nightmare feeling, they I just want to hurry away from here.

However, Qin Shi has never been awake, which makes Chen Hao and others can not help but worry.

"If he doesn't wake up again, he can only force him away from the deep sea source pool. Otherwise, the deep sea source pool will open. If it can't leave within fifteen days, it will be sealed here, it will have to explode. The price of death." Long Yidao.

Chen Yu pinched his hand and looked at Qin Shi with a resentful look: "Real, not half a year, don't want me at all... Hey, that's just right and I said, I will be your woman in the future, then you are, let me Be your woman... Don’t let me leave you, don’t you let me wait for you to die... Qin Shi, wake up, wake up, let me be your woman... Qin Shi ......!"

Chen Hao, gently calling.

It seems that the call really works, and the **** that always closed is finally beating at this everyone’s heartstrings are instantly driven, bright with the thorough blackness .

"Qin Shi! Are you awake?" Several people are surprised by thousands.

Qin Shi painfully pinched his fist, and his body was exceptionally stiff for half a year. Then he looked at the deep sea source pool that was destroyed by him, and the faces of the familiar people gradually awake, gently I nodded: "Well... how long have I slept?"

"More than half a year, the big array of deep sea source pool has been opened. If we can't leave this in these days, we are all ready to carry you out!" Ling Zhu pointed to the big burst of laughter in the sky.

"Half a year...?" Qin was also slightly surprised. He smiled bitterly: "This time, it is really a little messy. It is no wonder that this old man has to complain with me."

"You, you should love and cherish your body, or you will strike soon if you are so bad. At that time, I will see what you do." Ling Zhudao immediately pushed Chen Xiaoxiao and said: "But I am not afraid, there is her, your body is estimated to be reluctant. In the past six months, Chen Hao’s sister and Ryugasaki girl have almost no eyes. The two are taking care of you.

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