Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1736: Almost coincident [Happy New Year]

Qin Shi woke up, during his retreat, Long Qi and Chen Yu exchanged for him to protect the law. ??

Feeling the fluctuation of Qin Shi, the two women pushed in at this moment, Chen Yu surprised: "Are you awake?"

Qin Shi did not hide his head, and immediately his palm gripped gently. The spiritual power within a hundred meters of the circle was slowly gathered like a quicksand. In the palm of the Qin Shi, like a huge container, the world was shaken. The spiritual power is like a gentle sheep at this time, and the most amazing thing is that in those spiritual powers, from the Dantian of Qinshi, there is a vague tumultuous explosion, like a stunned scorpion Split, and with the huge gap, countless spiritual powers poured in like rivers, gradually filling the gap.

Looking at this scene, Ryusaki frowned and squinted, and immediately smiled and said: "The ambiguity of the big world? You have to break through?"

Qin Shi bowed his head and looked at the gap that was about to fill up and nodded: "Well, there should be another three days, and we can successfully break through."

Ryusaki licks her mouth. She is a proud woman of the Dragon family. She has a very proud talent, but since she met Qin Shi, she has witnessed the pervasive breakthrough of Qin Shi. She can’t help but say: “Really a enchanting."

"What, don't you hope that your man is stronger than you?" Qin Shi smiled lightly.

Ronazaki's face was red and stunned, and he blinked at Qin Shi: "Who is your woman, I haven't admitted yet, when I can sleep you once when you are awake, I will admit it!"

Qin Shi couldn't help but be ashamed. At this time, Chen Hao's catching something, bad and laughed: "You, go to bed together?"

Qin Shi was shocked, and this reminded Chen Hao that he was standing beside him, and his face looked awkward and looked toward Chen Yu.

Chen Hao smiled at this moment, it did not seem to be annoyed by this, but instead made a very feminine movement, the little hand gently licked from the chest of Qin Shi, made Qin Shi heart is very hot, she smiled and said: "The Qin Shi When do we sleep together? I don't mind working with my sister."

"Together?" Qin Shi mouth twitching, these two women are more than one, but Qin Shi heart can not help but rise a few points full of spring.

"You are not angry?" But it was immediately extinguished by Qin Shi, and Qin Shi looked strangely at Chen Yu.

Chen Yuxiang shoulders, the hollow black robe makes it reveal a strange beauty: "Why are you angry? I have already said to you, I can do small, then, I have long agreed with my sister Long. Ok, I still want to take medicine to faint you, and then send it to the bed of Long Sister. I didn’t expect that someone would take me one step, it’s not bad! In this way, you are also angry with me.”

Qin Shi was sweating, but the bottom of my heart was full of emotions. Which girl at the end of the day is not licking pure white and only belongs to her own love? Chen Yu is also the same, but Chen Yu’s reason is that everything is because of him, because he loves him, Chen’s love is really selfless, it’s humble to the dust, and then, the flowers come out, Chen Hao This is the case, everything she did was for Qin Shi.

Just like she found the words of Ryugasaki and Ryugasaki.

Because he needs the dragon family!

Chen Hao, really can give up a lot for Qin Shi.

Qin Shi moved to hold Chen Xiao’s little hand. At this time, Long Qi was also grateful to look at Chen Hao. Although she still had some temper of Missy, she thought her man could only belong to her, but she now knows that Qin Stone chooses her, it is her pride, but Chen Yu is different, Chen Yu's love is Qin Shi's greatest happiness, that life is accompanied by death, such as amber wind, beautiful and beautiful love.

"What are you going to do next?" Ryusaki paused and said, "Is it stable? Or is it necessary to shoot three thousand?"

Qin Shi Han Kai opened and closed, a hustle and bustle rushed out, he intended to destroy the ten-party temple, in the remaining years to fully control the second body, and show the Qin Palace, this is his own power, until ten years At the end of his period, when he left, he returned to the world.

But now it seems that it is not possible to do so. For example, the grievances of him and the Sanqing Palace have been intensified. Qin Shi took a deep breath: "Long Qi, you helped me to confess to Lafayette, I will shoot Sanqing Palace after half a month. ”

"You want to shoot at Sanqing Palace?" Ryusaki frowned, apparently did not expect that Qin Shi will be going to Sanqing Palace at this time.

Although Qin Shi defeated the Shifang Temple, Sanqing Palace is not a ten-party temple.

"You are sure? The strength of the Sanqing Palace is strong, and even our Dragon family should be careful to deal with it." Longqi said seriously.

Qin Shi nodded, the power of Sanqing Palace, he would not know? At the beginning of the powerful strength of the Sanyuanzi, he was able to escape with the help of the evil spirits.

"Sanqing Palace, caught a person who is very important to me, I have to let them pay the price."

"Is it a jade face repair?" The jade face Shura, Longsaki is also heard.

"Well, that's right." Qin Shi knew that Ryusaki had his own network of relationships, so it would be natural for her to be like a flower.

Longzaki indulged in a half-sound, whispered: "You don't have to shoot, I rumored to Grandpa, let Grandpa put pressure on the Sanqing Palace, let them release the jade face Shura."

"No!" Qin Shigangyi interrupted Ryugasaki and said: "Now, it is not a matter of letting go, but Sanqing Palace touched my counter-scale. Anyone who dares to touch my Qin Shi people, I must Kill them with your own hands!"

Long Qia’s mouth was opened, and Ben wanted to persuade a few words, but he did not speak when he saw Qin Shi’s decision.

"Then what do you need to do with the dragon family?" Long Qichang sighed.

"I don't need a dragon family. I have a way to destroy Sanqing Palace, but I want Grandpa Long to be able to kill me in the end." Qin Shi faintly said, there was a thunder and flash between the eyes, like a dragon, with He seems to have made up his mind.

"Well, I will tell the grandfather." Ryugas promised.

"In the past two months, I have to continue to retreat and strive to break through to the realm of the environment." Qin Shi took a deep breath and said: "And Li Shu said, let them give words to Sanqing Palace, let Zong Yuanzi three old dogs wash Clean my neck, wait for me to take my life after half a month!"

Long Qi was lightly stunned, so he left with Chen Hao.

After the two women left, Qin Shi’s black cockroaches flashed, and his palm suddenly lifted up, and the power of a turbulent movement was lifted from his palm.

At this time, thousands of Raytheon beads were madly wrapped around his black robe.

"Sanqing Palace, I am going to make you flattened this time!"

Qin Shi black and white flashing the road to the unprecedented killing, blood transpiration.


On the next day, a morning light fell through the sea into the deep sea, and a white flower bloomed in the dim sea.

As the Qin Palace defeated the Shifang Temple and completely replaced the Shifang Temple, a message spread like a virus in the sea, and even the sea outside the seven thousand sea palaces has been passed. Naturally, I also received the news. In an instant, I was alarmed by 10,000 meters. No one can imagine that a young boy who did not turn around did not incite the ten-squared temple.

During this period, Lingzhu Palace also sent people to the periphery to congratulate.

Many people, in the days that followed, began to talk about the true identity of Qin Shi. It is no secret that Qin Shi is the daughter of the Dragon Family. However, the son-in-law of the Dragon Family will be an ordinary person. The Dragon Family, as the true supreme being of the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, will receive an ordinary teenager as a son-in-law? Obviously, this is impossible, and therefore, many people began to speculate that Qin Shi may be born in a home over the rest of the sea, or the other four worlds, the genius of a certain force.

However, regarding the true identity of Qin Shi, there is no one to inquire. After all, the sea area is separated from the human world by 10,000 meters.

On the other hand, when the Qin Palace achieved the peripheral hegemony, the inner three thousand and the Sanqing Palace could not sit still. Although there was a previous suppression of the dragon family, Sanqing Palace did not believe it. Qin Shi was able to subvert the ten parties by his own power. temple.

In the main hall of the Taiqing Palace in Sanqing Palace, Zong Yuanzi’s old face was sullen and extremely chilly. He was cold and cold: “Who can tell me, what is going on here? Is it the Dragon family to help?”

Zong Yuanzi still didn't believe it. In the beginning of his hand, only the teenager who fled like an ant, could beat the ten-party hall alone, so he first thought of it, there was a dragon family to help.

Wang Lie had no choice but to sigh at this moment: "Father, I found out that the Dragon family did not shoot...! Zhou Yu ten people, indeed Qin Shi, killed all of them."

"What? You say it again!" Zong Yuanzi violently thundered, and his big hand slammed hard, and the handle of the golden dragon chair immediately became powder.

You know, the dragon chair is made by Xuan Jing, and there are countless days to the extremely strong metal.

Wang Lie was frightened and bowed his head, but he was helplessly nodded: "Returning to his father, it is true! Long family, Longzaki went to the periphery, but did not shoot from the beginning to the end, only Qin Shi with the Shifang Temple One person, Zhou Wei, several people are all in the hands of Qin Shi."

boom! Zong Yuanzi’s thunderous wrath is like a fist, and a huge wave is to pull the ground out of a deep pit.

Zong Yuanzi’s point is almost a word that has been squeezed out of his teeth: “Is it clear? The true identity of the kid?”

"It should be from the human world. I sent people to contact us on the side of the human world a few days ago. A few years ago, there was also a person named Qin Shi who made great noise in the human world. Yes... subvert the whole human world, just... mentioning Qin Shi, I don’t know why, the human world seems to be very scared, no one wants to say, just said that Qin Shi is already dead, and the rest are closed. Words, it seems that I am afraid that the revenge of the great forces will be provoked."

"I am afraid of retaliation from the huge forces? Is it the eight places?" Zong Yuanzi blinked, cold: "Give me a quest to check the death time of Qinshi in the human And the cause of death, that kid, died in the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, if I guess it is correct, now this Qin Shi, should be the Qin Shi of that human world!"

"This is true. The death time of Qin Shi of the human world is only less than half a year after he appeared in the Seven Thousand Sea Palace! It almost coincides."


The third is more.

2o17, only the last few hours, thanks to the support of the shallow family in 16 years for Xiaoguang, the new year, I hope that readers will spend a better month, the wind is good, and we are willing to sail all the way. Open a new chapter.

2o17, I am willing to be with you, let us make progress together, at night, Xiaoxiao will be in the group of 3 big bags, at 8:00, 9:00, 1o, everyone can go in and grab, everyone is busy, Xiaoxiao also I will accompany you in the group to celebrate the New Year, thank you.

2o17, Xiaoshao will work harder. May we have been together for ten or twenty years, and we have always had our story to tell.

2o17, Xiaoguang thank you again, thank you, thank you for your 2o16!

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