Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1745: Killing yang

Many powerful people were shocked at this time. The fate of Xiangyang was actually given to him by Qin Shi?

All the strong, at this time, look at the monster like a monster, what is the preciousness of a destiny for the boundary?

At this time, Daozizi’s mouth was also twitching. He suddenly fell on the curse of Qin Shi’s hand: “Boy, what is in your hand?”

"Oh, what is it?" Qin Shi grinned, his smile was very strange, when his palm suddenly dragged upwards, the curse would be like a fierce and fierce light, slamming into the sun, such as Like a heart curse, fiercely piercing the heart of Fuyang, but the accident is that the curse does not have the life of Xiangyang, but an eccentric power to block the Dantian and Tiangong of Fuyang.

"Oh!" Fuyang suddenly distorted the five senses and gave a painful drink.

At this time, Fuyang’s mouth twitched, and he stunned to Qin Shi: “This, what is going on? My, my body, how is my body not controlled by myself?”

"Little bastard, what did you do to my grandson?" Daoyuan glared at him.

Qin Shi sneered and said: "There is nothing, but he took my things, I have to get it back now."

"You...! I want your life!" Daoyuanzi’s mouth is stunned. As a bearer, he knows very well that this kind of thing, once killed by an outsider, will be killed. He shows fierce teeth. When he couldn't stand it anymore, he angered his feet, his body was like a sword, and his palm was shot with a fierce battle toward Qin Shi.

Qin Shi black scorpion, his arms crossed in the chest, a gold-plated golden tower volleyed.


Qin Shihu’s body trembled fiercely, and Dao Yuanzi’s full blow, he was also very heavy now.

Qin Shiteng’s retreat was a few steps back, but then he jumped into the sky, and his hand was like a dragon claw against the sun’s belly.

"Ah!" Fuyang suddenly screamed in pain, and the pain of the heart made him almost incontinent. He looked at Qin Shi with fear.

Liyang did not believe that the fate that had been swallowed by him was actually rebelling against himself. Actually listening to the command of Qin Shi?

"Little bastard, you have maneuvered your hand from the very beginning?" Fuyang said fiercely.

Qin Shi couldn't make a smile. When Xiangyang wanted to win this opportunity, he would have murdered the machine. But he did not use the life of Lingzhu and others, so Qin Shi chose to make the next policy, but at the beginning, Qin Shi was letting The demon injects suffocation into the destiny, forming a curse, and now the curse is awakened, and the machine is now completely obeying the control of Qin Shi.

"I told you earlier that my Qin Shi thing is not what I want to take, I can take it, take my Qin Shi thing, I have to pay the price!" Qin Shi played with a smile, he said: "I I also said that even today they are three old dogs, can not save you, I want to kill you, anytime, as long as I think, you are going to die!"

At this time, the three sons of Zong Yuanzi, Tian Yuanzi, and Daoyuanzi were all gloomy.

Zong Yuanzi does not care about the life of Xiangyang, but now that he chooses to shoot, if Xiangyang is killed by Qin Shi, he is killed in front of his face, his old face will have nowhere to put.

"Kid, do you really want to do it?" Zong Yuanzi was now thick and heavy like a thunderous drink.

Qin Shi’s old eyes fell on Zong Yuanzi as ice: “When you catch a flower like a flower, you should know that we will never die!”

"Is it like a flower?" Zong Yuanzi was a glimpse, but for a moment it was a way of thinking. Qin Shi said that it was a jade face Shura.

"Damn! Is it because of her?" Zong Yuanzi began to wonder why Qin Shi suddenly started to go to Sanqing Palace. Now he finally understands the truth of the matter, and he can't help but raise remorse.

The outsiders only know that the Jade Face Shura fell into the hands of Sanqing Palace, but only the Sanyuanzi and the few Sanqing elders knew that the flowers were not in their hands. Instead, because the Jade Face Shura, Sanqing Palace still Paying extremely heavy losses.

"溟宫! This bastard! We are calculated by them!" Zong Yuanzi's old eyes flashed chill.

But now, obviously, what he said is useless, and the grievances between Qin Shi and San Qing Palace will not endless.

At this time, Xiangyang was tumbling in the body. He could clearly feel that the blood in his body was boiling and burning. In the middle of the world, the core of the world, the fate of the world was struggling at this time, and he could be taken at any time. The flesh penetrated a hole and left him, but once he lost his chance, Fuyang knew his consequences.

This kind of thing is not carried, and once it is carried, it cannot be lost.

At this time, Fuyang was a fear of life. He could clearly feel that he was bound to come. As long as Qin Shi’s palms were closed, he would really die. In this world, no one is afraid of death, because no one knows that after death. What it is, to the unknown, always full of fear, Fuyang finally swallowed and spit, he prayed with horror: "Qin, Qin Shi, don't kill me, don't kill me, beg you to put Pass me!"

Suddenly, the audience was shocked. The onlookers looked at the direction of Sanqing Palace.

Liyang, begging for mercy? Fuyang is actually asking for Qin Shi’s life?

Qin Shi was not surprised at this moment. He had already set up Xiangyang in the dead. He did not do this, in order to see such a scene.

"Do you want to live?" Qin Shi smiled.

"Think, think! As long as you are willing to let me go, you want me to do anything!" Liyang is greedy and afraid of death.

"Your Majesty!" Qin Shibing said coldly, he wants Xiangyang to pay for his unspeakable words.

Heyang heard the words, his face could not help but change, can be seen that he is very struggling, he is the highest disciple of the Sanqing Palace, today, the master of the Yuqing Palace, why have you been humiliated? All along, he has been humiliating others. He has always been a king like, but now, Qin Shi has to let him be in the face of three thousand powerful people inside?

At this time, Daozizi was angry and angry. Qin Shi was clearly playing Xiangyang.

"Your Majesty!" Qin Shi liked the Tao Yuanzi to repeat and repeat, then his hand slowly grasped, the curse printed fiercely.

"Ah!" Liyang suddenly felt the pain of smashing, and the pain of the mantra made him no longer care about the above and shame: "Hurry, stop! I am, I am!"

Daoyuanzi's old face is gloomy, and he violently turned back and glared at Xiangyang: "Yangyang! You dare! The man of Yuqing Palace, even if he died, can't give people a kneel!"

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Let me let go of it, grandchildren don't want to die! Grandchildren don't want to die!" Xiangyang had no shame, and the heart of Daozizi sank.

Qin Shi looks cold. If there is some bones in Fuyang, he doesn't mind being tortured under the sun. After all, Xiangyang touched his dragon's counter-scale, but now he sees Xiangyang, who is kneeling on the ground like a dead dog, and Qin Shi is indifferently shaken. Shaking his head: "This is what you are looking for."


Finally, Qin Shi’s palms were smashed into fists, and the countless smoky smoky seals burned at this time.

"Ah!" Liyang's tiger's body trembled fiercely. His chest blew directly at this moment, and a huge, shocking blood hole emerged. A fascinating light group jumped out at this moment, as if he saw the owner's puppy. In the same way, Daoqing’s celestial plane broke free from all the blood connected with Xiangyang and landed in the hands of Qin Shi.

The celestial plane was taken away, and the yang dying is undoubtedly dead. The dying of Xiangyang is a big eye, and I dare not look at Qin Shi: "Why, why?"

"I just let you kneel down, let you apologize for your own stupidity, you yell at me, maybe I won't kill you, but you humiliate the people around me, you must die, but you kneel, I will give you a Happy." Qin Shi cold and indifferent.

Indeed, from the beginning to the end, Qin Shi did not promise to let go of Fuyang.

Fuyang must die, at the moment he said insulting Chen Yu.

Fuyang is finally mad, falling like a dead dog in the ruins of the rock.

Many powerful people are now shrinking their eyes. They all saw frost freezing from the old face of Daoyuanzi. The stock was very heavy and strongly suppressed. However, the power of the thundering dragon made many strong people subconsciously retreat. Fast, the volley of the flashing to the kilometer, they all know that now Qin Shi will kill Xiangyang, Daoyuan will definitely not end with Qin Shi, then, this war will be completely heated.

"Kid! I want you to be frustrated!"

The Tao Yuanzi was finally a roaring roar, and then his violent leaping, like an old turtle, had no rules, no offensive toward the Qin Shi, in the hands of Daozizi, There is a cold fire burning, the cold fire changes into a sharp ice gun, the volley is directed at Qin Shi's eyebrows, the ice gun just shot, the air in front of Qin Shi's chest is frozen into snowflakes A huge space crack was directly shredded.

Qin Shi blinked, and this time it became serious. He had enough confidence to kill Xiangyang, but he was very careful in the face of the anger of the Sanyuanzi.

Sanyuanzi, any one of them, bears the fate of life. It is the strength of the perfection of the boundary. It is only that Qin Shi can only resist it. There are only two ways to kill it. One is to use the demon. The other is external force.

"Sword!" Qin Shi raised his hand, that is, the sacred light sword was sacrificed, and the eight gods gathered together into a sword.

boom! boom! boom! In succession, Tianzhu was powered by Flint, and Qin Shi held the sword in tandem with the ice gun in the hands of Daoyuanzi. Every bombing would inevitably cause the earth to split the gap. Soon, under the Sanqing Palace, if it was torn. Like a spider web, it is devastated.

"Kid, although I don't know what your identity is, but I want to turn the waves in the seven thousand sea palaces, you still have no capital."

At this time, Zong Yuanzi also jumped up, and in the palm of his hand, like the mountain that splits the heavens and the earth, in the volley of Daoyuanzi, the moment of Qin Shi’s retreat, the kilometer was separated, and the heart of Qin Shi’s heart was forced. The bombardment went on.

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