Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 12 Chapter 1747: Love is too humble

In an unfathomable sea area, when one side of the war is burning, the other side is not flat at this time.

At the same time that Qin Shi and Sanqing Palace had a three-pointed confrontation, there were two other areas in the Seven Thousand Sea Palace.

One side is the periphery, the Qin Palace of the original Shifang Temple, the outer and the inner three thousand have a natural barrier, and the periphery can not easily receive the inner three thousand battles. Many strong people in the Qin Palace are holding their breath at this time. The roots are staggered into a group. In the Qin Palace and many halls, thousands of disciples are gathered together. The discussion and discussion are the result of Qin Shi’s trip.

The success or failure of Qin Shi’s trip will directly affect the fate of the Qin Palace.

If you win, the Qin Palace will be the same as when the outside of the Shifang Temple was killed half a month ago. Once again, the Megatron 7,000 Sea Palace, or even completely dominate the Seven Thousand Sea Palace, become the internal and external hegemons that have never existed in the history of the Seven Thousand Seas. Of course, if The defeat, the result is obvious, there is no Qin Shi's Qin Palace, there is no need for Sanqing Palace to shoot, just outside the Haimen Palace will be swarming and swallowing.

The periphery will also be different again and fall into chaos again.

On the periphery, Lishu was sitting alone in the position of the military division of the main hall. His eyes were sharp, such as the eagle eye, Qin Shi was not there, and the Qin Palace’s affairs were all on his shoulders.

Chen Hao, Long Qi, the two are special, have been at the top of the Lishu, the rest of the disciples are under the Lishu, and the strong disciples of the Qin Palace almost all of them are gathered in the hall.

At this time, Li Shu’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and the violent gas surged from his fingertips.

"The old dogs, finally can't stand it?"

The laughter of the librarians, when the Qin Palace is covered with dark clouds, but when you look closely, it will not be a dark cloud, but a crowd of people, enough for hundreds of thousands, for the sake of the palaces of several sea palaces. Elders, they have already reached an agreement, and they started to attack each other. When Qin Shi went to the inner three, he attacked Qin Palace.

"Oh, this time, as long as we destroy the Qin Palace, the best resources in the future will belong to us."

"When we waited for that time, even if we wanted to enter the three thousand, it was a breeze."

"What do you do in the three thousand? In the periphery, why bother to go inside the three thousand to do the phoenix?"

"In the future, we are the only ones!"

At this time, the palaces of several sea palaces laughed wildly. The greed and temper of their eyes were full. In their opinion, as long as Qin Shi dared to step into the three thousand, it would have been gone without Qin Shi. The Qin Palace, in their view, is like a tiger with no teeth, no threat.

Several sea palaces, at this time will be surrounded by the Qin Palace, a few of the palace's main words if the ice beads: "Li Shu, I would like to advise you, now with the Qin Palace rolling out is the Shifang Temple, I will let the Qin Palace Surging in the periphery, otherwise, Qin Palace is destroyed, you, one will not stay, I will kill you blood into a river."

call out! Suddenly, a green mans tore the space, at this time, like an invincible sword, directly piercing the opening of the elder's throat, the blood poured out like a fountain, let him open his eyes, the next sentence, I can’t say it anymore. He’s dying, he’s been holding his throat, full of incredulity.

At this time, Ryusaki jumped lightly, like a fairy in the sky. A sabre with a blue dragon pattern lying in the small hand was left alone.

"The person who committed the Qin Palace, died!" Longqimei is as cold as cold.

When I saw Ryugasaki, several sea palaces were shocked at the bottom of my heart. I screamed like a ghost: "Dragon, dragon girl? You, are you leaving with Qin, Qin Palace Lord?"

"If I leave, how can I see the faces of these little people?" Longqi sneered, Qin Shi left, deliberately let Longqi accompany him to go, but arranged to quietly enter the three thousand Come back, for that, it is to bring out these old foxes.

Otherwise, knowing that Ryusaki is in the Qin Palace and lending them a few courage, they dare not invade.

"Several monarchs, it seems that this is only a few days, you seem to have forgotten the contract with our Qin Palace?" Lishu then smiled and took the hand.

"Li Li, Li Shu..."

"Oh, but it doesn't matter. There are always some chickens in the world to be a monkey. It doesn't matter, I don't bother you. We follow the contract." Lishu laughed naturally.

The palace heads of several sea palaces were gloomy and very ugly.

Because they clearly remembered the punishment of the contractual breach of contract.

One word, very short, dead!

"You want to kill us?" One of the palace owners looked pale at this moment, he said coldly: "Li Shu, you are too arrogant, even if there is a dragon girl, but there is no Qin Shi, you think, with your present Qin Palace, can stop us? Jokes, and may wish to tell you that Qin Shi’s kid is too arrogant. If he is at ease on the periphery, there will not be so many things, but whoever makes him greedy is not enough to swallow the elephant, he has to provoke three Qing Palace, this time, he is impossible to come back."


Long Qibai's white hand is a slap in the face, such as a crescent, a cold light, directly penetrates the eyebrow of the palace owner, into a little red flower.

Seeing the sizzling means of Ryugasaki, many of the palaces of the Hai Palace shrank their necks and touched their throats and foreheads.

It seems that I am afraid that Ryusaki has killed them, but they are too fast and they have not reflected themselves.

Lishu’s unhurried smile: “Killing you, we don’t need our palace owners, nor do we need dragon girls. Our Qin Palace is enough.”

Hey! Lishu immediately clap his hands.

"Come out!"

boom! Suddenly, in the outer circle of the densely populated people, suddenly there was a huge commotion, and a more fierce, more clouded crowd became a big circle at this time surrounded several sea palaces in all directions.

Looking around, there are a small million disciples, and nearly 2,000 sea palaces in the outer sea palace are actually here.

The encircled Haigong was panicked, and they were surrounded by how hard they were.

A young man named Sun Jiuli’s old eyes sank, and even the squatting waist was straight. He glared at him: “You, you...!”

In the group of sea palaces surrounded by, there are quite a few sea palaces with Sun Jiuli.

"The grandson of the grandson, the so-called, the person who knows the time is Junjie, the Qin Palace is the Chu king outside of me. I naturally want to support our king. Like you, the guy who betrayed the vest, we can only give you Come out."

"Bastard! You count me!" Sun Jiuli angered to Lishu.

"I don't want people to know, unless I can't do it!" Li Shu sneered, then his figure flashed back and gently clap his hands.

Rumble! Suddenly, thousands of martial arts, like a frenzy, were fiercely bombarded by several rebellious sea palaces such as Sun Jiuli.

The hundreds of thousands of disciples in the front of the sea palace, the tens of thousands of disciples were bombarded in an instant.

Until the destruction of several sea palaces, Li Shu was only cold in the moment: "Dare to rebel against the Qin Palace, only death!"

When several sea palaces were destroyed, nearly two thousand Haigonggong masters came together and began to offer their diligence to the Lishu.

Now on the periphery, all the sea palaces know that Lishu is the spokesperson of Qin Shi.

Although the status of these palace owners is not shallow, but now compared with Qin Shi is one day.

They want to marry Qin Shi, and naturally they must have a good relationship with Lishu.

"What you are doing today, my librarian once again replaced the Qin Palace. I will leave a message to you before the departure of my palace. You will not regret your choice today. When he returns, he will personally call on you, and will be grateful. Every sea palace, add another domain magic symbol."

"How nice this is... It’s these bets that violate the contract, and we are also for the heavens."

"Yeah, how can I make the Qin Palace Lord pay for it?"

Numerous Haigong are very airy, but the bottom of my heart is full of doubts. Can Qin Shi really come back? Their choice now is just that they don't want to be as embarrassed as Sun Jiuli, but they can't win the Sanqing Palace, but they don't have much confidence.

"He will come back, and the seven thousand sea palaces will all be light because of him." At this time, Ryusaki suddenly said that everyone heard the words of Ryugasaki, and all eyes flashed.

Yes, how to forget, Qin Shi and the identity of the dragon family, Sanqinggong is how powerful it is, and it is impossible to have a strong dragon. Qin Shi is the son-in-law of the Dragon family, and is the elder of the Dragon family. Qing Palace dares to kill Qin Shi, the Dragon family will not stand by.

Many peripheral sea palaces have a bit more conviction.

Another sensation in the periphery, several front sea palaces were destroyed by the Qin Palace, the Qin Palace word, also completely stabilized the peripheral overlord.

Many of the sea palaces that did not work were secretly glad that they did not die.

Qin Palace, this time also let everyone understand that Qin Palace other than Qin Shi is equally powerful.

After many sea palaces were scattered, when the Qin Palace returned to calm again, Lishu looked toward the distant horizon.

"Miyaz, you have explained, I have already completed The outside has completely removed the potential danger, now I am waiting for you to come back, you can not drop the chain... I can still By your side, look at the battle of the world." Li Shu's heart is dark.

On the other side, Chen Hao and Long Qi.

Two girls on the cliff behind the Qin Palace, two girls, a simple, wearing luxurious clothes, exquisite facial features, always rising red lips, she added a little confidence and pride, is Longqi, another One, wearing a bold, gaze with a bit of agility and delicate, Liu Yemei, Dan Fengyan, to the enchanting of a small fox, outside wearing a patch of black robes, is Chen Hao.

"Dragon sister, do you say that he will be fine?" Chen Yu smiled and asked.

Longsaki smiles: "You know why."

"No, I just know that if he has nothing, I have always been the Iraqi behind him. If anything happens to him, I will have blood on my hands. I will also be transformed into Shura and ruin the Sanqing Palace." Road.

Long Qi was moved again. She looked at Chen Hao and felt a bit distressed for Chen Hao.

This girl, love is too humble.

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