Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 177: Fighting


Suddenly the sound of the sound, scared Qin Shi.

Surprisingly, it was not only him, but the whole three-layered pharmacy was attracted by the old man in the black robes. He looked alert and stunned, and looked at the old man in black robes: "Who is this man? How come he got it?"

"Not Zhīdào, is it an enemy?"

"Crap it? Here is the Association of Refining Pharmacists. Unless anyone is crazy, who would dare?" The refining pharmacists present speculated on the identity of the old man in the black robe. w"fiction" novel chapter update fastest

"Don't be nervous, this is an old friend: Park Quan." He Yan looked around in a circle, and everyone was surprised. He quickly laughed and broke the heavy atmosphere.

The refining pharmacists heard a sigh of relief, one by one, no longer paying attention to the old man in the black robe, and kept his eyes on the three-story counter, those exquisite and precious spirits.

At this time, He Yan opened the white robe and stepped on the first two steps. Some unsatisfied photographed the shoulders of the old man in black robe: "I said Lao Pu, how can you change this way? Can you change it next time?" The member is scared!"

"Haha, I am not eager to love."

The black robe old man casually squats his sleeves, his head does not return to his voice, his eyes are staring at Qin Shi, and there are blazing flames between the scorpions, as if they want to swallow Qin Shi.

Being looked at by the fiery eyes, Qin Shi felt that the whole body was not comfortable. Some of his heart was creepy. The small step moved away from the counter and hid his body behind He Yan. He said: "This old ghost will not have any quirks. Right? Ben is a straight man..."

Do not give Qin Shi the opportunity, grab a collar of his hand, He Yan is the old ridiculous laughter: "Hey, I can't think of it, you are not afraid of the little guy, even when there is such a timid time?"

"Crap, I am afraid that he will ruin my innocence!" 捋 捋 捋 , , , , , , , , 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦 秦

"Oh, stinky boy, you really dare to think, you can talk about it, how can the deity ruin your innocence?" Park Quan laughed, revealing a pair of white teeth, and his dark appearance is extremely inconsistent.

Qin Shi licked his mouth and didn't mean to say it.

Seeing the appearance of Qin Shi, He Yan laughed: "Kid, you, you should thank Lao Pu, if not he noticed your spiritual strength, I really didn't expect to meet you in Hongyun City!" ”

"Mental strength?"

Qin Shi’s mouth was shocked, and suddenly he realized that it was just on the second floor. Why did He Yan suddenly come out and rushed to Pu Chun’s arch: “Thanks to Pu Chun’s predecessors for raising love.”

"Little guy, I ask you, who is your master?" Park Quan suddenly asked, still looking like a hot face to eat people, grabbed Qin Shi's wrist.

"Amount, Master?"

Being caught and uncomfortable, Qin Shi was confused: "I don't have a master."

"No Master?" Like a baby, Park Spring’s eyes lit up and he said: "It’s really helping me, stinking, squatting."

"Your Majesty? Why?"

The eccentric squint, Qin Shi hurriedly moved backwards, leaning on the counter of the phoenix impatiens, only stopped, and was shocked: "Where is this and what? This is not enough, how to touch Is it not reliable to be older than me?"

"Stupid boy, don't lie, Park Spring is going to accept you as an apprentice." Seeing the frightened Qin Shi, He Yan Lang's laughter: "You don't want to be a kid, he is a distinguished person."


For a moment, the audience was silent.

The third layer of pharmacy, there is no movement at all, so quiet that even the heartbeat of each other can be heard clearly.

Qin Shi was surprised by Zhang Dazui, Luo Haiqing was even more sturdy, and even several refining pharmacists who were sourcing next to him could not care for the herbs in the counter at the same time, and looked incredibly to Park Quan.


There is no one of the most distinguished occupations in the mainland.

Compared with the magician, the refining pharmacist can be seen as a sorcerer. The rareness of an entry-level magician is no less than a three-product refining pharmacist.

If, to describe the threshold of the refining pharmacist is the imperial city, the threshold of the magician is absolutely heaven...

Complete two concepts.

The Blazing Empire, every magician, received all royal treatments and was given a green light at any position in the Empire.

This news is really surprising. Luo Haiqing is a tribe, and his thoughts are like a shell bombing in his mind: "Hongyun City, there is a magician's existence? Such a big thing, we must quickly inform the owner. Row……"

Standing on the counter of the phoenix impatiens, Qin Shimei Yu twisted into the Sichuan word, looking at the unruly old man in front of him, his eyes could not help but admire a few more admiration, secretly said: "This person is actually a magician? People can not Look, is there a limit?"

Qin Shi and Fu Mo Shi, have a deep roots, originally mentioned in the mouth of the wild town, from the mouth of this profession, he is Zhīdào this profession is extraordinary.

Follow-up, two, saved him twice.

"How? Zhīdào deity is so powerful?" Park Quan wrapped in a black robe, a scene of arrogant arrogance climbed, smiled: "That is not hurry, the deity is not easy to accept the apprentice!"

Luo Haiqing, several refining pharmacists, have turned to the envy of Qin Shi.

Compared with the magician, what the refining pharmacist is, it is simply weak.

Become a magician, Qin Shi's future, it is absolutely immeasurable, full of brilliance.

"I do not want!"

But just as everyone was guilty, Qin Shi straightened the chest, touched the bridge of the nose, unfolded the folds of the clothes, and shook his head toward Puquan very seriously.

"What, why?"

The three layers of the pharmacy exploded, and the sound of surprise was bursting.

He Yan, Park Quan, two old men, old and chapped eyes, looking at the figure reflected on the counter of the teenager, it is not Zhīdào what to say.

Luo Haiqing was full of eyes, and the heart was anxious for Qin Shi, and pushed Qin Shi hard: "I said, Qin Gongzi, are you crazy, you will not be Zhīdào what is a magician?"

"This is not stupid!"

A glance at Luo Haiqing’s surprise, Qin Shi’s unpleasant snoring, and then turned his head seriously, facing the arch of Gong Quan’s respectful arch: “Pu Chuan’s predecessor, thank you for your love, but this is less the habit of apprentice. It seems that I can't do what you want."

The sound fell, and the three-tiered people all believed that Qin Shi was absolutely crazy, and the future ahead of him was infinite, and he was forced to change his future to no bright future...

"No, no habit? This is the reason why you refused me?" Park Quan waved his black robe, still can't believe that he was rejected, he is a distinguished demon...


Not humble, Qin Shi squatted his head and was stared at by a few horrified eyes. He groaned in his heart: "Hey, a group of nowhere to see the world, is not a magician, what is good? Surprised, this is a rare 'Fu Mo Tong Jian', self-study in the morning and evening, become a magician."

In fact, he had already made a wishful calculation in his heart. Moreover, since he started his cultivation, he never thought about apprenticeship. Even if he is a teacher, he will not be in the blazing empire.

He firmly believes that this is just his springboard.

One day in the morning and evening, he will be like the jade in the book, as he said, standing on the peak of the wilderness of the mainland, and pointing to the mountains and rivers, which belong to his country.

He is an eagle, and sooner or later he wants to spread his wings. Even if it is scarred, it will only hurt in the dark corner.

Of course, refused to refuse, such a strong backing, Qin Shi will certainly not let go, not to mention he seems to remember, what Park Spring just said, said to send him gouache?

"Predecessors, thank you for your love, the younger generation can not be your apprentice, indeed regret... But, you just said, do you want to give this gouache impatiens to me?" A smile, Qin Shi completely ignored And the strange look around, pointing to the gouache in the counter behind the body.

Park Spring's old face was solidified, but he was laughed out loudly: "Oh, your kid is interesting, just removed the deity's desk, and even the embarrassment and the deity to mention this gouache impatiens?"

"Cough, seniors, this is what you are wrong." Qin Shi Duanzheng, a look of the atmosphere: "The so-called public is private, private is private, public and private can not be confused, this is clearly two things."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Looking at Qin Shi's very reasonable appearance, Park Quan's interesting question.

Qin Shi coughed a few times and cleared his throat. He said, "Look, you just came, and told me to send me this gouache, and then I said that I would accept me as a disciple, right?"

"Well... that's right." Park Quan responded.

"Look, this is not right, then let's go back in step." Qin Shi made a very serious look, moved to the front of the counter and said: "Just, that's right, after finishing your predecessor, you are out of thin air." Come out and say, give me the phoenix impatiens?"

"Yes." Park Quan is somewhat puzzled. He wants to know what Qin Shi wants to do. He nods and promises.

"That's right, you first give me the phoenix phoenix, and then I will tell me to accept me as a disciple." Qin Shi turned around and opened two steps and let the counter open.

Park Quan’s eyes brightened, thinking that Qin Shi changed his mind and took out the gouache Fengxianshun counter. He first raised his dagger to He Yan: “Old wine fairy, this is recorded in my account book.” Immediately, he will hand gouache Give Qin Shi: "No, give it to you."

The hard-hitting spirits arrived, and Qin Shi’s heart was excited and quickly took over.

"Well, the meeting ceremony has also been sent, should I worship me now?" When Qin Shi took over the phoenix impatiens, Park Quan smashed his hand and couldn't wait.

Qin Shi stopped his body and took the gouache Fengxian down to take back the space ring. He immediately looked up at Park Spring and shook his head. He said very seriously: "Well, seniors, I don't agree!"

"You fool me?"

Feeling being played, Park Spring was furious.

But when he was about to go away, He Yan was stroking his beard next to him, laughing out and taking a picture of Park Quan: "Old, don't think about it, you are cheated by this stinky boy!"

"Older generations, let's say Hǎode, this is a gouache, and it is a different matter from the teacher. You are such a big Can't you breach the contract?" Qin Shizhen's innocent eyes, proudly raised The corner of the mouth.

Going back to the taste, Park Spring’s old face is horizontal, the roots are itching, and the squeaking voice: “Bad boy...”

Throughout the process, Luo Haiqing and the refining pharmacist next to him, like watching a monster, looked at Qin Shi with a stunned look.

"This Qin Gongzi is really a wizard..." Luo Haiqing sincerely admire, Imagine a group that can play the president of the Association of Chemical Refining Pharmacists and a distinguished demon teacher. I am afraid that there are not many people in the underground.

The gouache Fengxian arrived, Qin Shi could not delay, for fear that Park Spring and He Yan would change, and then he would go back.

That would be worth the loss, for this reason licking the phoenix impatiens, Qin Shi Xiang Heyan and Park Quan Dao Xiesheng, pull Luo Haiqing to fly out to the drug shop.

Looking at the two people who disappeared in the building, He Yan smiled and said: "This kid is a bit interesting."

"Oh, for decades, I have to meet a purely spiritual boy. I can't stop here. I have to let him worship me as a teacher!" Park Spring's eyes, the radiant glow, did not diminish.

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