Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 5 Chapter 183: Unexpected helper

"Mental strength?"

Pang Jianjing looked at it, slightly heavy.

Trying to calm down, he raised his lips: "Oh, no wonder, in the early days of the broken spirit, there was such a big tone. It turned out to be able to control the mental power."

Being named by the road, Qin Shi is also a glimpse. For a long time, apart from Park Spring, no one can recognize his spiritual strength. At this point, it can be seen that this Pang Jian is unusual.

In the back, Luo Xueyan's thoughts turned and he shouted in surprise: "I don't think that in a few days, can Qin Gongzi raise his mental strength to such a degree?" "Fiction" novel chapter updated fastest

When I first met Qin Shi, Qin Shi and Ye Ye fought, and used mental power.

However, the mental power at that time was much too young and tender compared with the terrible mental power that could cause hundreds of casualties in an instant.

"Oh, wild dog, since you know, then be prepared to be killed by this little!" Calm down, Qin Shi put away his mental strength, at this time, he and Pang Jian will be left on the field, all the shrimps and crabs will already Cleared.

In the future, it is a hard battle.

Pang Jian cracked his mouth and glanced at the **** wolf mercenary group brother who was on the ground. His eyes were slightly tight: "Boy, you think, have the spirit, you can beat me? You are too naive!"

"Less nonsense!"

Qin Shi is not ink, and the bow is lifted up and killed.


A blow, Pang Jian only raised his hand slightly, and a sly blue awning greeted him, and a strong collision with the bloodthirsty sword, producing a hot spark of Mars, such as a meteor.


Once in a fight, Qin Shi body shocked, the whole person took off ten steps back, holding the wrist of the bloodthirsty sword, there was a strong shock, some numb.

This made him breathe in the air, and he was shocked: "Hey... so strong? It seems that this is in the late stage of the soul, and it is not the same as the middle of the broken spirit..."

Since the beginning of cultivation, Qin Shi has not faced the late stage of the broken spirit, which has exceeded his ability.

In the middle of the broken spirit, even in the mid-peak of the spiritual world, Qin Shi at this time has the confidence to win a full victory, but it can be broken in the late period of the spiritual world, but it is two concepts.

"Oh, do you think that I am as vulnerable as this group of waste? Then you are very wrong!" Pang Jian showed a smile.


Qin Shi sorted down the hem, and the eyes flashed through the chills. He said: "Oh, you are really a big brother, use waste to describe your brother who was born and died?"

Pang Jian did not agree with the sneer, his wrist flipped over the waistband, his palms clenched the blue aura, and kneaded into a fist: "Oh, this is a weak meat, the world of the fittest, they have no living skills. , then it is destined to be a stepping stone for others. Isn't this a waste?"

"Hey, my Qin Shi, the most hated animal in my life! I really feel sorry for them, I actually followed this dog!" Qin Shi’s angry roar, the bloodthirsty sword on the red mans, a rush Go up.

"Bad boy, you are looking for death!"

Pang Jiandong's eyes, showing a trace of disdain, also bowed his waist and raised his fists, with a blue stream of light to meet.


Punch and fight against each other.

In the middle of the jungle, on the ground where the two men played against each other, they broke through a bottomless sky, spreading like a spider web to the surrounding, and everything was wrong.

Yu Wei’s spiritual power exploded, resulting in rolling smoke.

In the gap between the swords and swords, Pang Jian and Qin Shi looked at each other and looked calm: "Oh, little guy, you are too naive, don't crown your innocent innocence, in the cultivation world! Here, not Health, it is death!"


The strength of the boxing heart rose again, and Qin Shi was forced back a few steps.

"Qin Gongzi..." Luo Xueyu worried about the tight powder punch, but he felt powerless.

The wrist was sent to sting, the hilt shattered the tiger's mouth, and Qin Shi felt a tight heart.

"Innocent? Green? What is it? How is it? If you are in love with seven emotions, you will break the six desires, and you will still practice your mother and fight!! This is a sword, just to protect!"

However, when Qin Shi took the last few steps, he stepped into the mud and snarled the chest. "This is my belief!"

Pang Jianyi, this made him a little stalemate.

On the way to cultivation, this is against the sky. If you are on a thin ice, on this road, can you insist on not losing your heart? How many people can you have?

For a hundred years, the lifespan of the millennium is very common in the cultivation world. Under the ravages and tempering of time, often the feelings are not dare to strike.

In the back, Luo Xueyu looked at Qin Shi with a lost look: "Qin Gongzi..."

Pang Jian returned to God, revealing a smile of Senran. A raging force was once again sacrificed. The blue mang is great: "Oh, I don't know what I mean, I will let you understand that in this world, power is king!"



A crisp metal sound, Qin Shi blinked in vain, a mighty spiritual force hit the chest, so that the whole person flew out, when he stopped, looking at the bloodthirsty sword in his hand, dumb.

The bloodthirsty sword, now only the hilt, the blade is broken.

"The bloodthirsty sword..."

With a grin, Qin Shi was silent for a while, and the bloodthirsty sword followed him for a long time. He was very loyal to the bloodthirsty sword. This kind of feeling may not be understood by the world, but Qin Shi is like this.

Emotions come, saying hi is happy, saying that anger is angry, this is his emotional.

Some disregard in his eyes, he took a deep breath: "Bloodblood, rest, your hatred, I will report!"

"Oh, is your kid really stupid? Is it actually talking to a broken sword?" Pang Jian sneered and sneered: "I am curious, there is no weapon, what do you want to take revenge with me?"

Qin Shi put away the hilt of the bloodthirsty sword, and the dagger was slightly raised, revealing a silky cold smile: "Oh, think Zhīdào? Look good!!"

A black and sleek sword swells through the jungle, and the strong corrosiveness makes the trees in the forest devastating.

The Nether Sword was held by Qin Shi in his hand.

"The Emperor Horoscope?" Seeing the blade of Qin Shi's hand, Pang Jian's eyes are condensed: "Good boy, do you even have a Horcrux?"

"Hey, this is the use of Nether, tearing your beast into a crush, to revenge for bloodthirsty!" Qin Shi did not delay, leaping up, black sword light haunted in the jungle, arrogantly pounced on Pang Jian .

Nether sword, strong corrosive power, even spiritual power can corrode.

Pang Jian did not dare to meet in a hand, took out a big knife of the next class, and waved to Qin Shi.

"The Horcruxes, it really is the same!" Several times, the Pang Jian's big knife blade opened, but this did not make him fear, but made him more excited.

"As long as I get this emperor, even if it is Wang Lingjing, I have the confidence to fight, stinky boy, you are really my lucky star!" Pang Jiansen smiled, his body stepped back and took the machete away. Two fists together: "The Skyhawk is broken!"


A scream, Pang Jian's fist, tearing open the space around him, forming a vain emptiness, a vain eagle, a flying rushing to Qin Shi.

"Four-order martial arts?"

Qin Shi’s eyes were cold, and he rushed to the ground to make a roll.


The curse of burning and the collision of the eagle, the starry night sky is just a burst of shackles, and thousands of evil spirits are gone.

This eagle, turned to the end of the light, once again rushed to Qin Shi.

"Do not hide?" Qin Shiyi's eyes, secretly said: "This **** fourth-order martial arts, it is a bit tricky... I thought that at the beginning, this is a martial arts wizard, these two times have been repeatedly suppressed by martial arts? It’s not good to be fucking!”

"At the end of this time, I have to get a few fourth-order martial arts to practice cultivation."

Do not dare to care, Qin Shi made a roll on the grass: "It seems that we must defeat Pang Jian before we are hit by this..."


Qin Shi’s eyes condensed and released his mental power for the third time. This is the last time he exerted his mental power and pinned all his hopes on this attack.


Pang Jian was hit by mental strength, and his eyes were a few steps back.

"Become?" Qin Shi was overjoyed, but at this moment, his eyes glanced. After seeing Pang Jian back a few steps, he actually stood still and was not hurt by mental power: "Is it blocked?"

"Oh, is it amazing?"

Pang Jian sneered aloud: "Although I can't control my mental strength, my mental strength will improve with the improvement of cultivation. I can't hurt me with your current mental strength!"

"There is such a thing..."

Qin Shi is nervous, this kind of thing he only Zhīdào.

"Bad boy, it's time for you!" Pang Jian screamed, the eagle under his operation, has been less than 100 meters away from Qin Shi.

"Qin Gongzi!"

Luo Xue’s eyes wide open and worried shouts.

A hundred meters away, the blink of an eye, the eagle roared down.

bump! However, at this time, the eagle screamed in horror under the inexplicable wilting of the sky, and even the ground fell.

"Who dares to hurt me!"

A thick voice suddenly became deafening in the mountains. Immediately, I saw the raging spirit, such as the pouring tide, shrouded the jungle.

A black figure, like a ghost, fell in front of Qin Shi. The shadow, the whole body wrapped in black robe, a slightly pale hair, faintly visible under the black robe.

"Park Springs senior?"

Looking at the shadow, Qin Shi’s heart glimpsed.

Park Quan didn't take care of him. His eyes swept across hundreds of corpses. He slammed and screamed: "A good boy can break the spirit and use his mental power to this point... No, I have to collect it. He is an apprentice."

"You are... the friend of the president?" In the Association of Refining Pharmacists, Pang Jian knew Park Spring and was shocked.

Pu Quan’s old eyes, a glance at Pang Jian, directly exposed the killing machine: “Oh, your courage is really not small. This kid is an apprentice identified by Park Spring. How dare you hurt him? Look for death!”


A spiritual power poured out This spirit is terrible, and the forest seems to be still for a moment. In the next second, I saw Pang Jian’s eyes and eyes, and was shrouded in the gas field and flew straight out.

Pang Jian flew, his body twitched a few times, even when he returned to God, there was no time. He directly knew the sea and burst and died.

"Dead, dead?"

Things have developed too fast, and Qin Shi has not returned to God for a long time.

Just now, with Pang Jian, he can only resist hard, but in the hands of Park Quan, it is as easy as grinding an ant? Is this true?

"Oh, this old guy, the key moment, it does not play a small role." Keep a small life, Qin Shi patted the chest, put the emotions down, grateful for the eyes of Park Spring.

Park Quan turned and tightened the black robe, glaring at the dry veteran, like the laughter of the invitation: "Hey, little guy, I saved you, should you repay me?"

"Worry you as a teacher? No way!"

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