Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 13 Chapter 1845: Heaven and earth stun [eight hundred and fifty]

Inside and outside the strait, there is endless darkness. ???

The evil spirits lingered around the anger of the black, giving people a repression of the black dragon around the city, which was followed by a emptiness in front of the evil spirit.

The dragon must see this scene slightly moving. Under the color of despair, it seems that he saw a few hopes: "Eight eyes, swallowing the demon statue, actually recovered to the eight eyes. In this case, his strength should also be in the habitat, saying Uncertain, have a chance...!"


The soul of the heavens is degraded, and the dark void in front of the demon is also exploding with a false reality, but it gives people the power of infinite darkness.


The sudden collision of the two forces, the heavens and the earth are like extinction. All the disciples of Qin Palace are shocked and full of twilight. Is this really the level that human beings can achieve? This has reached the point of anti-sky.


The two forces fired a spark between the collisions, and finally melted. Then a space disappeared like a void. A huge black hole appeared in the sky. Heaven was actually penetrated under the power of two people.

Covering the sky, a slight wrinkling of the eyebrows, cold and cold: "It seems that the danger of the kid has stimulated you, but let you get through the eighth purpose of the pulse?"

"Sky, 30,000 years ago, I don't ask the world, I don't fight with you, but you dare to hurt him today, I will definitely smash you up!" The demon snarls.

"Swallowing the sky, I really didn't expect it. I haven't seen it for 30,000 years. You have only learned the most useless righteousness of mankind. Originally, when you approached this kid, you have the opportunity to bear the fate. As long as you win him, you are Lord of the life, if so, I am afraid that even now, I am not your opponent, you will be infinitely close to that realm, but unfortunately, 30,000 years, you have no progress."

The sky shook his head and shook his head: "But with you, you are not qualified to kill me."

"That will try!"

If the demons are violently exploding, if someone notices it at this time, the power of the demon will continue to rise. Even the demon totem on the left arm of Qin Shi is beginning to wriggle, like a snake, eventually changing into a mountain river map. Covered in the body of Qin Shi.

The demons totem directly covered the whole body of Qin Shi.

The power of the demon is like a general, extremely terrible burning. He slams his hands and slams, and a dark vortex slams into the sky.

"Do not be self-sufficient!" The cold snoring of the sky, the scream of a slap in the face, the slap in the air, the moment in front of him was distorted, and a soul light approached.

"Swallow the world!"

The flesh and blood of the demon's devil's body blasted, and there was a pair of shocking magic wings. After a while, the mountains and rivers roared, and the giant shadows of the demons, such as the mouth of the behemoth, seemed to be able to swallow the sky, and they were extremely repressed toward the sky. The cockroach runs through.

boom! boom! boom! At this time, the sky has become more serious. His different colors are condensed, and the fire is thundering. Even the space is constantly tearing. It seems that as long as it is the place where the sky is reached, the area will be It will be obscured by the sky and the sky.

A blood-red giant hand plunged out of the clouds, covering the sky and approaching the demon.

boom! The demon and the power of the sky are rolling in and out, and the demon's back is surging with a huge dark light array. The light array runs for a while, and an ancient magic pattern appears from it. For example, the meteorite is the fall of the volley.


The ancient magic lines blasted, and suddenly there was endless power spreading across the heavens and the earth, forming a world that no one knows.

"Swallow the demon pattern? Oh, swallow the sky, you know, your power, for the rest of the people, may be absolute suppression, but it does not have any use for me!"

"The sky is covered with magic!"

boom! When the big hand is turned over, it is summoned to be the same as the evil spirit, but it gives the opposite magical power.

Covering the sky, swallowing the sky, the strength of the two is different, and they melt away from each other. It seems that the power of the two is the enemy of fate.


Once again, like a comet-like collision, it was dark and dark.

boom! The whole river of the strait is shattered, and everything is a powder of nothingness.

The collision of the two magic lines is almost dying.

In the eyes of the disciples of the Qin Palace, the two demons were under control, but the dragons suddenly frowned after the collision of the magic lines.

The disciples of the Qin Palace could not see through. The dragons that were left in ancient times were very clear. The current situation has gradually become unfavorable to the demon.

"Eight eyes, isn't it enough?" The dragon mustache pinches.

The temple was sneer at this moment: "Oh, the swallowing of the sky reveals the disadvantages. His power is ultimately limited by the kid. Even if it is an eight-eye, it is not an opponent of the demon, and there should be no more than a hundred tricks. The devil can win."

"Swallow the sky, I said, as long as you are still in this kid's body for a day, you are not my opponent." The sky smiled lightly.

The demon smashed the fist, his illusion became extremely blurred, and the breath did not change.

"Sky, you are too mad!" The demon screamed, and the emptiness of the sky under his feet rose again.

boom! boom! boom! The demons shot fiercely, and the big hand rushed to the sky.

boom! A fierce collision, filled with ruthlessness and indifference, he shook his head faintly: "Useless! Void means!"


At this time, a hole in the sky was pierced, and suddenly a space was sunken, and a void appeared in the chest of the demon.


The huge body of the demon suddenly trembled, like a giant mountain, slamming on the earth.

All the strong men of the Qin Palace were shocked, and the dragon's old eyes could not help but reveal a sigh of relief.

call out!

However, when everyone was surprised, a virtual shadow suddenly emerged from a piece of dust, which appeared like a black lightning in the air.

"Kid! Go!"

The demon was actually changing the adult shape, grabbing Qin Shi’s shoulder.

In the uninhibited body, the blood hole in Qin Shi’s chest has been restored, so that he has been reluctant to act. When the demon suddenly appears beside him, he seems to have already prepared well, and his foot is fierce. As soon as he stepped, the bones behind him trembled hard and rushed toward the end of the sea.

"Catch the old dog! Today I will plant, sooner or later, one day, I will level your group!" The next moment, Qin Shi's figure has appeared in kilometers.

Seeing this scene, Long Shou’s old eyes showed a surprise: “It turned out that I wanted to take him away when I swallowed it.”

"Want to leave?"

The sky was also a slight frown. He didn't expect the demon to take a hit, but he also took Qin Shi away. His face gradually became cold and cold: "It's a pity, you are too naive!"

"Give me broken!"

boom! Suddenly, from the end of the sea, a damaging figure suddenly flew back like a cannonball.


Under the sea, a huge deep pit was pulled out. The convulsions of Qin Shi’s body were full of incredulity in the deep pit.

I saw that at the end of the sea, a thin phantom slowly emerged, giving people a taste of death.

That virtual shadow, Qin Shi is no stranger, actually appeared in the ancient tomb outside the ancient tomb, covering another sky?

The dragon's eyes are also turbid, and his old dragon's body keeps vibrating.

"The two sorrows of the sky, even at this time!"

"Kid, I said, you must die here today!"

Qin Shi was extremely painful in the deep pit, and at this time he could not see any hope at all.

After a glimpse of the sky, Qin Shi has been forced to a desperate situation. He can't think of it. Now, how can he be alive and leave again?

"Demon, if I burn the blood, how much do you have to escape from here?"

"Kid! It's over, everything you have, it's just a clown." The sky is full of indifference.

Suddenly, Qin Shi smiled weakly. He knew that this time, even the demon could not save him. He suddenly laughed at himself and felt his thin spiritual power in the sky: "It is really weak."

Suddenly, Qin Shi black smashed, rushing to this evil demon faint road: "Demon, if I burn the blood, how much do you have to escape from here?"


"You and I must have one person to survive." Qin Shi reluctantly said.

"That will let me burn the devil!" The demon is full of fierce words.

Qin Shi is powerless and shakes his head: "It is very clear that even if you burn the demon soul, you can only leave a sky at a glance. I can't escape. I burn the blood. With your skill, you should be able to live. Down, you and me, you have always been stronger than me, bloody, the conspiracy of the group, you are alive, there is still a chance to destroy, I have no you, can not escape the chase of the group."

"I am dead, but I can't see this world, Qin Palace, Qin Zong... ruined in the hands of the group."

The demon is silent, everything Qin Shi said, the evil spirits are clear, but the demon swears: "I don't care, it's right to cover the sky, I am the devil, the evil existence in your human eyes, in my eyes I only care about you. If you die, what heaven and earth, what Qin Qin Qinzong, I don't care."

"You just talk about it!" Qin Shi looked through the demon's shaking his head.

"Demon, this world, handed it to you!" Qin Shi took a deep breath ~ ~ from his body suddenly burst into a thick blood.

"No!!" The demon swears.

Seeing the shape, the dragon must, such as flowers, including the many disciples of the Qin Palace are frowning.

"This kid, want to enter that state?"

Seeing the situation, the sky is also slightly frowning, but the next moment he suddenly flashed, actually appeared in front of Qin Shi in front of the air.

"Kid, do you want to activate the blood in your body? You don't have this opportunity." The big hand slammed out of the sky, and the strength of the heavens and the earth was actually suppressing the blood flowing in the Qin stone in an instant. .

boom! The blood gas was actually destroyed by Nirvana, and Qin Shi was stagnant at this moment.

Qin Shi knew at this time how big the gap between him and the sky was.

In the face of the sky, he did not even have the chance to awaken the blood.

At this moment, the world is stunned.

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